2023-05-05 16:15
  • 李毅
  • 李毅 - 教师-北京大学-现代农学院-个人资料




教育经历: 1988—1992 西德联邦生物研究中心,生物化学和植物病毒学研究所从事博士论文研究,同年在中科院微生物研究所获得博士学位 1983—1986 获西北农林科技大学硕士学位 1979—1983 获西北农林科技大学学士学位 工作经历: 1997年10月—至今,教授,博士生导师,北京大学生命科学学院 2001年8月—2003年7月,访问学者,美国加州大学伯克利分校 2000年2月—2000年5 月,从事合作研究,美国Samuel Noble Foundation 1997年1月—1997年8 月,从事合作研究,德国联邦生物研究中心 1994年—1997年,副教授,北京大学生命科学学院 1992年—1994年,博士后,北京大学生命科学学院


病毒与植物宿主的相互作用以及病毒侵染对宿主发育的影响和致病机制; 植物宿主对病毒的防御机制与病毒的反防御机制; 病毒与传播介体昆虫宿主的相互作用以及介体传播病毒机制; 病毒对昆虫介体免疫系统的干扰和介体的抗病毒免疫机制。"研究领域:病毒与宿主的相互作用以及病毒对宿主发育的影响、宿主对病毒基因的沉默以及病毒对宿主基因沉默的抑制、抗呼肠孤病毒化合物的筛选及其抗病毒机制研究、参与宿主抗病反应的细胞因子的结构和功能研究。"


1. Zhao S#, Hong W#, Wu J, Wang Y, Ji S, Zhu S, Wei C, Zhang J, Li Y*. 2017. A viral protein promotes host SAMS1 activity and ethylene production for the benefit of virus infection. eLife, 6. e27529. 2. Zheng L, Zhang C, Shi C, Yang Z, Wang Y, Zhou T, Sun F, Wang H, Xie L*, Wu* J, Li Y*. 2017. Rice stripe virus NS3 protein regulates primary miRNA processing through association with the miRNA biogenesis factor OsDRB1 and facilitates virus infection in rice. PLoS Pathog, 13(10): e1006662.(共同通讯作者) 3. Jia D, Mao Q, Chen Y, Liu Y, Chen Q, Wu W, Zhang X, Chen H, Li Y*, Wei T*. 2017. Insect symbiotic bacteria harbours viral pathogens for transovarial transmission. Nature Microbiology. 2: 17025.(共同通讯作者) 4. Wu J#, Yang R#, Yang Z#, Yao S, Zhao S, Wang Y, Li P, SongX, Jin L, Zhou T, Lan Y, Xie L, Zhou X, Chu C, Qi Y, Cao X*, Li Y*. ROS accumulation and antiviral defence control by microRNA528 in rice. Nature Plants 3, 16203 (2017).(共同通讯作者) 5. Jin L, Qin Q, Wang Y, Liu L, Wen X, Ji S, Wu J, Wei C, Ding B, Li Y*. A Viral Protein Blocks Initiation of Auxin Signaling to Enhance Viral Pathogenesis. PLoS Pathogens, 2016, 12(9): e1005847. 6. Wei T and Li Y. Rice Reoviruses in Insect Vectors. Ann Rev Phytopathol 54, 99-120, 2016. 7. Wu J#, Yang Z#, Wang Y, Xie L, Cao X, Wu Z*, Qi Y*, Li Y*. Viral-Inducible Argonaute18 Confers Broad-Spectrum Virus Resistance in Rice by Sequestering A Host MicroRNA. eLife 2015;4e:05733. DOI: 10.7554/eLife.05733.(共同通讯作者) 8. Cao M#, Du P# Wang X, Li W, Gal-On A, Zhou CY , Li Y*, Ding SW*. Virus infection triggers widespread silencing of host genes by a distinct class of endogenous siRNAs in Arabidopsis. PNAS, USA,September 8, 2014, doi:10.1073/ pnas. 1407131111.(共同通讯作者) 9. Liu L#, Jin L#, Huang X, Geng Y, Li F, Qin Q, Wang R, Zheng L, Ji S, Zhao S, Xie Q, Wei C, Xie C, Ding B, and Li Y*. OsRFPH2-10, a rice RING-H2 finger type E3 ubiquitin ligase, plays an important role in rice antiviral defense in the early stages of Rice dwarf virus infection. Molecular Plant, 2014, 7, 1057-1060. 10. Seo J, Wu J , Li Y*, Jin H*. Contribution of small RNA pathway components in plant immunity. Mol Plant Microbe Interact. 2013 Jun;26(6):617-25. Review(共同通讯作者) 11. Du P#, Wu J#, Zhang J, Zhao S, Zheng H, Gao G, Wei L, Li Y. Viral Infection Induces Expression of Novel Phased MicroRNAs from Conserved Cellular MicroRNA Precursors, PLoS Pathogens, 2011, 7(8) e1002176. 12. Ren B, Guo YY, Gao F, Zhou P, Meng Z, Wu F, Wei CH, Li Y*. Multiple functions of Pns10 encoded by Rice dwarf virus Pns10 in suppressing systemic RNA silencing. Journal of Virology, 2010, 84:12914-12923. 13. Zhou F, Pu Y, Wei T, Liu H, Deng W, Wei C, Ding B, Omura T, Li Y*. The P2 capsid protein of the Nonenveloped Rice Dwarf Phytoreovirus induces membrane fusion in insect host cells. PNAS, USA,2007,104:19547-19552. 14. Cao X, Zhou P. Zhang X, Wei C, Li Y*. Identification of an RNA silencing suppressor from a plant double-stranded RNA virus. Journal of Virolog,2005, 79:13018-13027. Selected as article with significant interest in the Spotlight of issue. 15. Zhu S, Gao F, Cao X, Chen M. Li Y*. The Rice Dwarf Virus P2 protein interacts with ent-Kaurene Oxidases in vivo, leading to reduced biosynthesis of Gibberellins and rice dwarf symptoms. Plant Physiology, 2005,139:1935-1945.

