工作经历2007.10- 北京大学工学院力学与空天技术系 特聘研究员2005-2007 加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚大学机械工程系 博士后 教育经历00.9-04.7 清华大学工程力学系固体力学专业 博士97.9-00.7 大连理工大学土木系港口、海岸及近海工程专业 硕士93.9-97.7 哈尔滨工程大学船舶与海洋工程专业 学士 实验室智能材料与振动声学实验室(Lab for Smart Materials, Sound and Vibration)本实验室招收硕士、博士研究生及博士后,欢迎相关学科的同学报考和咨询。 主要荣誉与获奖经历1.“电磁固体的变形与断裂”,国家自然科学二等奖(排名第4),20102. 清华大学优秀博士论文,20043. 清华大学优秀助教,20014. 山东省化学奥赛一等奖,全国高中数学联赛三等奖,1992 专利情况1. 李法新,付际,周锡龙,高鹏。基于局部刚度法的复合材料无损检测系统及其检测方法。发明专利,授权号 ZL201210234912.62. 高鹏,李法新。一种基于非线性声学的材料无损检测方法和装置。发明专利,授权号:ZL 201210192940.6;(授权公告日2013.11.27)3. 李法新,付际,李应卫,周锡龙,孙瑶。压电探测梁及浅表组织弹性成像系统。实用新型专利,授权号:ZL 201220604267.8(授权公告日2013.7.10)4. 李法新,付际,李应卫,周锡龙,孙瑶。一种基于压电悬臂梁接触振动的浅表组织弹性成像系统。发明专利申请号:201310155655.1;公开号:CN103263250A 主要学术成就 1)在铁电单晶畴变研究中取得突破性进展:i) 通过在铁电单晶中预制自锁的畴结构,首次实现了铁电材料无畴壁运动的本征90度电畴翻转(APL 2013 Cover Featured Article);首次在非弛豫性铁电单晶(BaTiO3)中通过可逆铁弹畴变实现了电控伪弹性(APL 2013c),该工作被2013年9月份的Science评述文章引用;在800V/mm电场下通过可逆90度畴变实现了0.93%的超大致动应变,创造了同电场下铁电材料电致应变的新纪录(APL 2013b); 2)提出弹性成像无损检测新方法:在国际上原创性提出基于压电悬臂梁接触共振、以局部接触刚度为识别参数的无损检测新方法和系统(Rev Sci Instrum 2012),只需改变压电悬臂梁的刚度就可以实现组织弹性成像,可为浅表器官的早期癌变提供诊断依据(Medical Physics 2013); 3)实现纳米力学表征新方法AFAM:在AFM平台上独立开发出定量测量纳米弹性性质的扫描探针声学显微术(AFAM),与纳米压痕相比有更高的分辨率和更低的相对误差,填补了该方法在国内的空白,对AFAM准确度和灵敏度进行了系统研究(JAP2013a, 2013b; Nanoscale 2013); 4)提出铁电多晶约束畴变理论:提出约束畴变的思想和基于数学优化的计算方法,建立了晶体结构相关的铁电多晶变形模型,计算效率高,可自动重现泰勒塑性原理(Acta Mater2007a, 2007b, 2010; APL2010a; JAP 2013),可方便扩展至其它智能材料。研究领域
主要研究方向1. 铁电陶瓷/晶体及薄膜的测试与表征2. 扫描探针声学显微术-Atomic Force Acoustic Microscopy (AFAM)3. 复合材料制备及无损检测4. 医学弹性成像近期论文
主要论文列表2013年47. Ji Fu, Faxin Li*. An elastography method based on the scanning contact resonance of a piezoelectric cantilever. Med Phys, 40: 123502, 201346. Yingwei Li, James Scott, Daining Fang, Faxin Li*. 90-degree polarization switching in BaTiO3 crystals without domain wall motion. Appl Phys Lett, 103, 232901, 2013 (Featured Article)45. F.X. Li*, Y. Sun, R.K.N.D. Rajapakse. Effect of electric boundary conditions on crack propagation in ferroelectric ceramics.Acta Mech Sinica 2013 (in press)44. X.L. Zhou, F.X. Li*. Simulations of nonlinear deformations in Ni-Ti shape memory alloys under tension/compression using an energy minimization model. Comp Mater Sci 2013 (in press)43. D.N. Fang*, F.X. Li, B. Liu, Y.H. Zhang, J.W. Hong, X.H. Guo. Advances in Developing Electromechanically Coupled Computational Methods for Piezoelectrics/Ferroelectrics at Multiscale. Applied Mechanics Review 2013 (in press)42. X.L. Zhou, J. Fu, Y.W. Li, F.X. Li*. Nanomechanical mapping of glass fiber reinforced polymer composites using atomic force acoustic microscopy. J Appl Polymer Sci 2013 (in press)41. X.L. Zhou, J. Fu, F.X. Li*. Contact resonance force microscopy for nanomechanical characterization: accuracy and sensitivity. J Appl Phys 114, 064301, 201340. X.L. Zhou, C.H. Miao, F.X. Li*. Nanoscale structural and functional mapping of nacre by scanning probe microscopy techniques. Nanoscale 5: 11885-11893, 201339. Y.W. Li, X.L. Zhou, H.C. Miao, H.R. Cai, F.X. Li*. Mechanism of crystal-symmetry dependent deformation in ferroelectric ceramics: Experiments versus model. J. Appl. Phys. 113, 214111, 201338. C.Y. Zhang, F.X. Li, B. Wang. Estimation of the elasto-plastic properties of metallic materials from micro-hardness measurements. J Mater Sci. 48 (12): 4446-4451, 201337. Y.W. Li, F.X. Li*. Ultrahigh actuation strains in BaTiO3 and Pb(Mn1/3Nb2/3)O3-PbTiO3 single crystals via reversible electromechanical domain switching. Appl Phys Lett, 102, 152905, 201336. Y.W. Li, Y. Sun, F.X. Li*. Domain texture dependent fracture behavior in mechanically poled/depoled ferroelectric ceramics. Ceram Int. 39: 8605-8614, 201335. L.Z. Lin, Y.W. Li, A.K. Soh, F.X. Li*. A pencil-like magnetoelectric sensor exhibiting ultrahigh coupling properties. J Appl Phys, 113, 134101, 201334. Y.W. Li, X.B. Ren, F.X. Li*, H.S. Luo, D.N. Fang*. Large and electric field tunable superelasticity in BaTiO3 crystals predicted by an incremental domain switching criterion. Appl Phys Lett, 102, 092905, 201333. Xilong Zhou, Faxin Li*, Huarong Zeng. Mapping nanoscale domain patterns in ferroelectric ceramics by atomic force acoustic microscopy and piezoresponse force microscopy. J. Appl. Phys. 113, 187214, 2013 2012年32. J. Fu, L.Z. Lin, X.L. Zhou, Y.W. Li, F.X. Li*. A macroscopic non-destructive testing system based on the cantilever-sample contact resonance. Review of Scientific Instruments. 83: 123707, 201231. L.Z. Lin, Y.P. Wan, F.X. Li*. An analytical nonlinear model for laminate multiferroic composites reproducing the dc-magnetic-bias dependent magnetoelectric properties. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics & Frequency Control. 59(7): 1568-1574, 201230. Y.W. Li, F.X. Li*. In situ observation of electric field induced crack propagation in BaTiO3 crystals along the field direction.Scripta Materialia 67: 601-604, 20122011年29. X.L. Zhou, F.X. Li*. Simulations of domain evolution in morphotropic ferroelectric ceramics under electromechanical loading using an optimization-based model. J Appl Phys, 109, 084107, 201128. F.X. Li*, X. L. Zhou. Simulations of gradual domain-switching in polycrystalline ferroelectrics using an optimization-based, multidomain-grain model. Computers and Structures, 89: 1142-1147, 2011 2010年27. Y.W. Li, F.X. Li*. Two-dimensional domain switching induced tensile fracture in a crack-free PZT ceramics under orthogonal electromechanical loading. Appl Phys Lett 97, 102903, 201026. Y.W. Li, X.L. Zhou, F.X. Li*. Temperature dependent mechanical depolarization of ferroelectric ceramics. J Phys D-Appl Phys 43, 175501, 201025. F.X. Li*, X.L. Zhou, A.K. Soh. An optimization-based “phase field” model for polycrystalline ferroelectrics. Appl Phys Lett96:152905, 201024. F.X. LI*, A.K. Soh. An optimization-based computational model for domain evolution in polycrystalline ferroelastics. Acta Mater 58:2207-2215,201023. Y.W. LI, F.X. LI*. Large anisotropy of fracture toughness in mechanically poled/depoled ferroelectric ceramics. Scripta Mater 62 : 313-316, 20102008-2009年22. F.X. LI*, Y.W. LI. Modeling on domain switching in ferroelectric ceramics near the morphotropic phase boundary.J Appl Phys 105: 124105, 200921. Y.M. Pei, D.N. Fang, F.X. LI. Giant forced volume magnetostriction in polycrystalline Tb0.3Dy0.7Fe1.95 alloys under magnetomechanical loading. J Mag Mag Mater 321: 2783-2787, 200920. F.X. Li. An inverse-pole-figure method for analysis of domain switching in polycrystalline ferroelectrics/ferroelastics. Scripta Mater, 59: 677-680, 200819. M. Senousy, F.X. Li, D. Mumford, M. Gadala, R.K.N.D. Rajapakse. Thermo-Electro-Mechanical Performance of Piezoelectric Stack Actuators for Fuel Injector Applications. J. Intell. Mater. Syst. Struct. 20: 387-399, 200918. F.X. Li, R.K.N.D. Rajapakse. Nonlinear finite element modeling of polycrystalline ferroelectrics based on constrained domain switching. Comp Mater Sci, 44(2): 322-329, 200817. F.X. Li, R.K.N.D. Rajapakse, D. Mumford, M. Gadala, Quasi-static thermo-electromechanical behavior of piezoelectric stack actuators. Smart Mater Struct 17, 015049, 20082007年16. F.X. Li, R.K.N.D. Rajapakse, A constrained domain switching model for polycrystalline ferroelectric ceramics. Part I: model formulation and application to tetragonal materials. Acta Mater, 55: 6472-6480, 200715. F.X. Li, R.K.N.D. Rajapakse, A constrained domain switching model for polycrystalline ferroelectric ceramics. Part II: combined switching and application to rhombohedral materials. Acta Mater, 55: 6481-6488, 200714. F.X. Li, R.K.N.D. Rajapakse, Analytical saturated domain orientation texture and electromechanical properties of ferroelectric ceramics due to electric/mechanical poling J. Appl Phys 101, 054110, 200713. F.X. Li, X.X. Yi, Z.Q. Cong and D.N. Fang, PZT nano-composites reinforced by small amount of MgO. Modern Phys Lett B, 21(24): 1605-1610, 200712. Yuanming Liu, Faxin Li and Daining Fang, Anisotropy of domain switching in pre-poled lead titanate zirconate ceramics under multi-axial electric loading, Appl Phys Lett. 90, 032905, 200711. Y.J. Jiang, D.N. Fang and F.X. Li, In-situ observation of electric field induced domain switching near a crack tip in poled PMNT62/38 single crystals. Appl Phys Lett 90, 222907 20072006年以前10. Faxin Li, Daining Fang and Yuanming Liu, Domain switching anisotropy in poled PZT ceramics under orthogonal electromechanical loading. J. Appl. Phys. 100, 084101, 20069. Faxin Li, Daining Fang and Ai-Kah Soh, Theoretical saturated domain orientation states in ferroelectric ceramics, Scripta Mater. , 54(7): 1241-1246, 20068. Faxin Li, Daining Fang, J.J. Lee and K.H. Cheol, Effects of compressive stress on the nonlinear electromechanical behavior of ferroelectric ceramics, Science in China E, 49 (1): 29-37, 20067. Faxin Li, Shang Li and Daining Fang, Domain switching in Ferroelectric single crystal/ceramics under electromechanical loading, Mater. Sci. Engng B, 120(1-3): 119-124, 20056. Faxin Li and Daining Fang, Effects of electrical boundary conditions and poling approaches on the mechanical depolarization behavior of PZT ceramics. Acta Mater., 53: 2665-2673, 20055. Faxin Li and Daining Fang, Effects of lateral stress on the electromechanical response of ferroelectric ceramics: Experiments versus Model, J. Intell. Mater. Syst. Struct., 16(7-8): 583-588, 20054. Daining Fang, Faxin Li, Ai Kah Soh and Tieqi Liu, Analysis of the electromechnical behavior of ferroelectric ceramics based on a nonlinear finite element model. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 21(3): 294-304, 20053. Faxin Li and Daining Fang, Simulations of domain switching in ferroelectrics by a three-dimensional finite element model,Mech Mater, 36(10): 959-973, 20042. Faxin Li, Daining Fang and Ai-Kah Soh, An analytical axisymmetric model for the poling-history dependent behavior of ferroelectric ceramics, Smart Mater. Struct. 13: 668-675, 20041. Li Faxin, Fang Daining and Feng Xue, Effect of lateral pressure on the nonlinear behavior of PZT ceramics, Chinese Physics Letters, 20 (12): 2250-2251, 2003学术兼职Reviewer for J Appl Phys, J Phys: Condens Matter, J Phys D: Appl Phys, Smart Mater Struct., J. Mater. Sci., Mater Lett., J Alloy Comp., etc 相关热点