  • Sadik,OmowunmiA.
  • Sadik,OmowunmiA. - 教授-纽约州立大学宾汉姆顿分校-个人资料




Ph.D., University of Wollongong, Australia


Idris Yazgan, Naumih M. Noah, Ousmane Toure, Siyi Zhang and Omowunmi A. Sadik, Biosensor for selective detection of E. coli in spinach using the strong affinity of derivatized mannose with fimbrial lectin, Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 61, 266-273, 2014
Sadik O. A., Du N., Kariuki V., Okello V., & Bushlyar V., Current and Emerging Technologies for the Characterization of Nanomaterials, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2014 (In Press) http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/sc500175v
H. Hess, T.W. Omowunmi A. Sadik, E.I. Iwuoha, P.G.L. Baker, Constitution of novel polyamic acid/polypyrrole composite films by in-situ electropolymerization, Electrochimica Acta 128, 439-447, 2014
Veronica A. Okello, Samuel Gass, Georgios Pyrgiotakis, Nian Du, Andrew Lake, Victor Kariuki, Philip Demokritou & Omowunmi A. Sadik, Capture, Isolation and Electrochemical Detection of Industrially-relevant Engineered Aerosol Nanoparticles using Poly (amic) acid, Phase-inverted, Nano-membranes, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2014 (accepted).
Idris Yazgan, Nian Du, Robert Congdon, Veronica Okello, Omowunmi A. Sadik , Biofunctionalized Poly (amic) Acid Membranes for Absolute Disinfection of Drinking Water, Journal of Membrane Science, 2014 (In Press).
Sadik, Omowunmi; Noah, Naumih, Catalytic reduction of hexavalent chromium using palladium nanoparticles: an undergraduate nanotechnology laboratory, Journal of Chemical Education, 91(2), 269-273, 2014
Robert Congdon Alexander Feldberg, Natalie Ben-Yakar, Dennis McGee, Omowunmi Sadik, Christopher Ober, Bahgat Sammakia, Early Detection of C. Albicans Biofilms at porous electrodes, Analytical Biochemistry, 433, 192-201, 2013
S. Tong, M. Tong, C. Twigg, Y. Chen, and O. Sadik,

