  • Dimitrov,NikolayG.
  • Dimitrov,NikolayG. - 教授-纽约州立大学宾汉姆顿分校-个人资料




B.S./M.S., Chemistry/Theoretical Chemistry, College of Chemistry, Sofia University


J. Xia, R.Rooney, S. Ambrozik, L. Bromberg, and N. Dimitrov, Enhanced Adhesion of Ultrathin Nanoporous Au Deposits by Electrochemical Oxidation of Glassy Carbon, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 2015, 162 (6), H1-H9.
H. Yang, E. Fey, B.D Trimm, N. Dimitrov, and M.S. Whittingham, Effects of Pulse Plating on lithium electrodeposition, morphology and cycling efficiency, Journal of Power Sources, 2014, 272, 900-908.
P. Ogutu, E. Fey, and N. Dimitrov, Superconformal Filling of Through Vias in Glass Interposers, ECS Electrochemistry Letters, 2014, 3 (8) D30-D32.
L. Bromberg, J. Xia, R.Rooney, and N. Dimitrov, Enhanced Adhesion of Continuous Nanoporous Au Layers by Thermochemical Oxidation of Glassy Carbon, Coatings, 2014, 4, 416-432. This paper is dedicated to the retirement of Prof. M. Foresti.
S. Ambrozik, B. Rawlings, N. Vasiljevic, and N. Dimitrov, Metal Deposition via Electroless Surface Limited Redox Replacement, Electrochemistry Communications, 2014, 44, 19-22.
L. Bromberg, J. Xia, M. Fayette, and N. Dimitrov, Synthesis of Ultrathin and Continuous Layers of Nanoporous Au on Glassy Carbon Substrates, Journal of the Electrochemical Society - This paper is part of the JES Focus Issue on Electrochemical Processing and Materials Tailoring for Advanced Energy Technology, 2014, 161 (7), D3001-D3010.
P. Ogutu, E. Fey, P. Borgesen, and N. Dimitrov, Hybryd Method for Metallization of Glass Interposers, Journal of the Electrochemical Society - This paper is part of Focus Issue on Electrochemical Processing for Interconnects , 2013, 160(12), D3228-D3236.
J. Nutariya, M. Fayette, N. Dimitrov, and N. Vasiljevic, Growth of Platinum by Surface Limited Redox Replacement of Underpotentially Deposited Hydrogen, Electrochimica Acta, 2013, 112, 813-823.
M. Fayette, J. Nutariya, N. Vasiljevic, and N. Dimitrov, A Study of Pt Dissolution during Formic Acid Oxidation, ACS Catalysis, 2013, 3, 1709-1718.
M. Kamundi, L. Bromberg, P. Ogutu, and N. Dimitrov, Seeding strategies for the deposition of high density network of nanoporous Au cluster catalyst on glassy carbon electrodes, Journal of Applied Electrochemistry, 2013, 43(9), 879-890
L. Bromberg, M. Fayette, B. Martens, Z. Luo, Y. Wang, D. Xu, J. Zhang, J. Fang, and N. Dimitrov, Catalytic Performance Comparison of Shape-Dependent Nanocrystals and Oriented Ultrathin Films of Pt4Cu Alloy in the Formic Acid Oxidation Process, Electrocatalysis, 2013, 4(1), 24-36
C. Mitchell, M. Fayette, and N. Dimitrov, Homo- and Hetero-Epitaxial Deposition of Au by Surface Limited Redox Replacement of Pb Underpotentially Deposited Layer in One-Cell Configuration, Electrochimica Acta, 2012, 85, 450-458
M. Kamundi, L. Bromberg, E. Fey, C. Mitchell, M. Fayette, and N. Dimitrov, Impact of Structure and Composition on the Dealloying of AuxAg(1-x) Alloys on the Nanoscale, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2012, 116 , 14123
F. Wafula, L. Yin, P. Borgesen, D. Andala, and N. Dimitrov, Influence of Poly(ethylene glycol) Degradation on Voiding Sporadically Occurring in Solder Joints with Electroplated Cu, Journal of Electronic Materials, 2012, 41(7), 1898
L. Yin, F. Wafula, N. Dimitrov, and P. Borgesen, Toward a Better Understanding of the Effect of Cu Electroplating Process Parameters on Cu3Sn Voiding, Journal of Electronic Materials, 2012, 41(2), 302.
D. A. McCurry, M.Kamundi, M. Fayette, F. Wafula, N. Dimitrov, All Electrochemical Fabrication of a Platinized Nanoporous Au Thin-Film Catalyst, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 2011, 3, 4459.
M. Fayette, Y. Liu, D. Bertrand, J. Nutariya, N. Vasiljevic, N. Dimitrov, From Au to Pt via Surface Limited Redox Replacement of Pb UPD in One-Cell Configuration, Langmuir, 2011, 27(9), 5650.
F. Wafula, Y. Liu, L. Yin, P. Borgesen, E.J. Cotts, and N. Dimitrov, Effect of the deposition parameters on the voiding propensity of solder joints with Cu electroplated in a Hull cell, Journal of Applied Electrochemistry, 2011, 41, 469.
Y. Liu, S. Bliznakov and N. Dimitrov, Factors Controlling the Less Noble Metal Retention in Nanoporous Structures Processed by Electrochemical Dealloying, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 2010, 157 (8), K168.
F. Wafula, Y. Liu, L. Yin, S. Bliznakov, P. Borgesen, E.J. Cotts, and N. Dimitrov, Impact of Key Deposition Parameters on the Voiding, Sporadically Occurring in Solder Joints with Electroplated Copper, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 2010, 157(2), 111.

