2023-05-11 07:22
  • 李建平
  • 李建平 - 副研究员-暨南大学-光子技术研究院-个人资料








1. J. Zhang, F. Li, J. Li (通信作者), Y. Feng and Z. Li, “120 Gbit/s 2 × 2 vector modes division multiplexing DD-OFDM-32QAM free space transmission,” IEEE Photonics Journal, Vol. 8, No. 3, 7905207, 2016.
2. J. Luo, J. Li (通信作者), Q. Sui, Z. Li and C. Lu, “40Gb/s Mode-division Multiplexed DD-OFDM Transmission over Standard Multi-mode Fiber” IEEE Photonics Journal, Vol. 8, No. 3, 7905207, 2016.
3. X. Li, J. Li (通信作者) and Z. Li, “Performance analysis of the dual-parallel polarization modulator based optical single-sideband modulator/frequency shifter,” Optical Engineering, Vol. 55, No. 6, 066116, 2016.
4. J. Li, C. Yu, Z. Li, “Complementary frequency shifter based on polarization modulator used for generation of a high-quality frequency-locked multicarrier,” Optics Letters, Vol. 39, No. 16, pp. 1513-1516, Feb 30, 2014.
5. J. Li, X. Zhang, Z. Li, X. Zhang, G. Li, C. Lu, “Theoretical studies on the polarization-modulator-based single-side-band modulator used for generation of optical multicarrier,” Optics Express, Vol. 22, No. 12, pp. 14087-14095, June 17, 2014.
6. J. Li, Z. Li, “Frequency-locked multicarrier generator based on a complementary frequency shifter with double recirculating frequency-shifting loops,” Optics Letters, Vol. 38 No. 3, pp. 359-361, Feb 1, 2013.
7. J. Li, X. Zhang, Z. Li, “Optical frequency comb generation by utilizing the three-branch waveguide interferometer-based single-sideband modulator with recirculating frequency shifting loop,” Optical Engineering, Vol. 53, No. 12, pp. 122606, Special Section On Optical Frequency Combs, August 27, 2014.
8. J. Li, X. Zhang, L. Xi, “Generation of stable and high-quality frequency-locked carriers based on improved re-circulating frequency shifter,” Optics Communications, Vol. 285, No. 20, pp. 4072-4075, Sep 15, 2012
9. J. Li, X. Zhang, F. Tian, L. Xi, “Theoretical and experimental study on generation of stable and high-quality multi-carrier source based on re-circulating frequency shifter used for Tb/s optical transmission,” Optics Express, Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 848-860, Jan 17, 2011.
10. J. Li, X. Li, X. Zhang, F. Tian, L. Xi, “Analysis of the stability and optimizing operation of the single-side-band modulator based on re-circulating frequency shifter used for the T-bit/s optical communication transmission,” Optics Express, Vol. 18, No. 17, pp. 17597-17609, Aug 16, 2010.
11. Y. Feng, X. Lu, L. Song, X. Guo, Y. Wang, L. Zhu, Q. Sui, J Li, K. Shi and Z. Li, “Optical digital coherent detection technology enabled flexible and ultra-fast quantitative phase imaging,” Optics Express, Vol. 24, No. 15, pp. 17159-17167, Aug 16, 2016.
12. Y. Feng, J. Luo, Y. Li, J. Li, and Z. Li, “Mode Multiplexing and High Efficient Switching in Few-Mode Fiber Based on Modeled Blazed Grating,” IEEE Photonics Journal, Vol. 8, No. 3, 2016.
13. Y. Li, J. Deng, J. Li, and Z. Li, “Sensitive Orbital Angular Momentum (OAM) Monitoring by Using Gradually Changing-Period Phase Grating in OAM-Multiplexing Optical Communication Systems,” IEEE Photonics Journal, Vol. 8, No. 2, 2016.
14. Y. Bao, X. Yi, Z. Li, Q. Chen, J. Li, X. Fan and X. Zhang, “A digitally generated ultrafine optical frequency comb for spectral measurements with 0.01-pm resolution and 0.7-mu s response time,” Light: Science & Applications, Vol. 4, 2015.
15. C. Jin, N. Guo, Y. Feng, L. Wang, H. Liang, J. Li, Z. Li, C. Yu and C. Lu, “Scanning-free BOTDA based on ultra-fine digital optical frequency comb,” Optics Express, Vol. 23, No. 4, pp. 5277-5284, Feb 2, 2015.
16. X. Xu, E. Zhou, N. Liu, T. Zuo, Q. Zhong, L. Zhang, Y. Bao, X. Zhang, J. Li, Z. Li, “Advanced modulation formats for 400-Gbps short-reach optical inter-connection,” Optics Express, Vol. 23, No. 1, pp. 492-500, Jan 9, 2015 (Invited paper).
17. X. Zhang, J. Li, C. Li, M. Luo, H. Li, Z. He, Q. Yang, C. Lu, Z Li, “Pilot-based blind phase estimation for coherent optical OFDM system,” Optics Express, Vol. 22, No. 19, pp. 22888-22894, January 9, 2014
18. X. Zhang, Z. Li, J. Li, C. Yu, Alan P. Lau, C Lu, “Low-cost coherent receiver for long-reach optical access network using single-ended detection,” Optics Letters, Vol. 39, No. 18, pp. 5248-5250, September 15, 2014.
19. J. Lin, L. Xi, J. Li, J. Li, X. Tang, L. Sun, X. Zhang, “High-quality frequency-locked optical frequency comb source for terabits optical communication system,” Optical Engineering, Vol. 53, No. 12, pp. 122608, Special Section On Optical Frequency Combs, September 18, 2014.
20. Q. Chen, C. Jin, Y. Bao, Z. Li, J. Li, C. Lu, L. Yang, G. Li, “A distributed fiber vibration sensor utilizing dispersion induced walk-off effect in a unidirectional Mach-Zehnder interferometer,” Optics Express, Vol. 22, No. 3, pp. 2167-2173, February 10, 2014.

