Francesco–Alessio Ursini
2023-05-11 04:31
  • Francesco–Alessio Ursini
  • Francesco–Alessio Ursini - -华中师范大学-文学院-个人资料




Research Professor in Linguistics
School of Chinese Language and Literature
Central China Normal University
Postdoctoral Fellow, Budapest Institute of Linguistics, 2011-2012.
2012 Ph.D., Cognitive Science (Major: Linguistics), Macquarie University, Australia (April)
2006 M. Phil., Linguistics (Major: Semantics, Language Acquisition), University of Utrecht, The Netherlands
2004 BA, Foreign Languages (Major: English, Spanish, Linguistics, Philosophy), L’Aquila, Italy (April)
2020 Excellence (Annual Assessment, Research Fellow)
2019 Excellence (Annual Assessment, Research Fellow)
2018 Excellence (Annual Assessment, Research Fellow)
2006 With Distinction, Semantics.
2004 Highest Honour (First Place), Linguistics and Philosophy.
Selected Publication List
Research Funding & Grants
2019-2022 Research Project: Epistemic Discourse Markers in Chinese
(PI: Professor Long Haiping, Project Funding: RMB 90,000)
2018-2020 Research Project: Study on the Meaning of Words in Chinese Children.
(PI: Professor Huang Aijun, Project Funding: RMB 200,000)
2014-2016 Research Project: Synth and Semantics of Chinese Wh-Pronouns.
(PI: Professor Huang Aijun, Project Funding: RMB 200,000)
2015: NetWordS travelling grant University of Dublin Visit, Ursini, F.-A. (SEK 7,000)
2014: Vetenskapradet Conference grant The Future of Comics (SEK 50,000)
2014 NetWordS Summer School Research Fellowship, Ursini, F.-A. (SEK 5,000)
2013 Wallenberg Jubilaumfund, Stockholm University, Ursini, F. -A. (SEK 3,600)
2013 Wallenberg Jubilaumfund, Stockholm University, Ursini, F.-A. (SEK 4,000)
2013 National Research Council of Sweden, workshop fund. Ursini, F.-A. (SEK 20,000)
2012 Wallenberg Jubilaeumfund, Stockholm University, Ursini, F.-A. (SEK 4,600)
2012 Wallenberg Jubilaeumfund, Stockholm University, Ursini, F.-A. (SEK 5,200)
2011 Research Grant, Macquarie Postgraduate Fund, Macquarie University, Ursini, F.A. (A$10,000)
Memberships and Other Duties
2019 –Current International Association for Syntactic Cartography Science (IASCS)
2015–Current The International Society for Cognitive Linguistics (ICLA)
2015 - Current Networds Partners, European Vocabulary Structure Research Network
2014–Current External Partner, Research Project on Speech and Agreement (University of
Toronto Missisauga Campus)
2014- Current Italian Association of Analytical Philosophy (SIFA)
2014-Current International Society for Cognitive Semiotics (IACS)
2014 European Science Foundation Research Network Project (NETWORDS) Morphology
Summer School (Trondham, August)
Teaching experience
2020–Current Professor, Semantics, Central China Normal University
2017– Current Lecturer, linguistics, Sun Yat-sen University
2016–2017 Lecturer, Linguistics and Literature, Jönköping University.
2016 Lecturer, Linguistics, Gothenburg University
2012–2015 Lecturer, Semantics and Morphology, Stockholm University
2008–2011 Teaching Assistant/Guest Lecturer, Macquarie University
Research Experience
2019– Current International Association for the Study of Legal Map Science (IASCS)
2015– Current Present member, European Science Foundation Research Network Project (NETWORDS)
European Morphology and Words. Information processing research network.
2013–2015 Member, Comics Research FAFF Interdisciplinary Research Group, English Department;
Tasks: Content manager, sponsor, subject research consultant;
2012–2014 Tool consultant, cross-departmental research group Sketch Engine as a second language
vocabulary learner, Stockholm University; Task: trial tester, vocabulary test consultant and
designer, deputy project manager of english department, vocabulary network consultant;
2011-2012 Postdoctoral Researcher, Library Analysis and Database Construction.
Professional Services




1. Ursini, F.-A. & H. Long. (2021). Polysemy and Semantic Relations in Aquilan Prepositions. Onomazaéin, (zz), xx-yy.
2. Ursini, F.-A. & K. Tse. (Accepted, 21-9-2020). On Region prepositions in French.Canadian Journal of Linguistics.
3. Ursini, F.-A. & G. Samo. (Accepted, 09-10-2020). The Interpretation of Urbanonyms in Discourse: Reconciling theoretical accounts with experimental results. Poznań Journal of Contemporary Linguistics.
4. Huang, A. L. Meroni & F.-A. Ursini (corresponding author) (Accepted, 2020-10-30). Quantification and individuation in Mandarin non-interrogative wh-pronominal phrases: Experimental evidence from child Mandarin. Frontiers in Psychology: Language Sciences
5. Long, H., Heine, B. & F.-A. Ursini (corresponding author). (2020). Formation of Modern Chinese parenthetical CTMP ni xiang ‘you think’: A Conjoining Pathway account. Australian Journal of Linguistics. (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lingua.2019.102745)
6. Ursini, F.-A. & A. Huang. (2020). The anaphoric properties of spatial nouns and prepositions in Mandarin: A formal account. Lingua.(https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lingua.2020.102961)
7. Ursini, F.-A. (2020). General location across languages: On the division of labour between functional and
lexical items in spatial categories. The Linguistics Review. (https://doi.org/10.1515/tlr-2020-2053)
8. Long, H. F. Wu., F.-A. Ursini (corresponding author) & Z. Qin. (2020). Formation of Modern Chinese a
conjecturing clause-taking huaiyi predicate: A parenthetical perspective and a conjoining account. Functions of Language (SSCI, A&HCI) (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lingua.2019.102745)
9. Ursini & H. Long. (2020). Urbanonyms in Italian: Morpho-Semantic Properties and Distribution. Names: A journal of onomastics 55(1), 1–15.(https://doi.org/10.1080/00277738.2020.1811049)
10. Ursini, F.-A. (2020). Prolegomena to a theory of Chorophorics. Studies in Language 38(1), 1–53. (doi.org/10.1075/sl.19072.urs)
11. Ursini, F.-A., H. Long & Y. Zhang. (2020). (Un)bounded Categories in Mandarin. Romanian Review of Linguistics/Revue Roumaine de Linguistique 65(2), 119–133 (https://www.lingv.ro/images/RRL%202%202020_03-Francesco.pdf).
12. Ursini, F.-A. & H. Long. (2020). Chorophorics in the Aquilan Dialect. Studia Linguistica 73 (2), 471–505. https://doi.org/10.1111/stul.12132
13. Long, H., X. Xu, M. Wu & F–A. Ursini (corresponding author). (2019). Formation of the Modern Chinese clause-taking imperative ni kan ‘you see’: a Conjoining pathway account. Lingua 232, 1–24 (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lingua.2019.102745)
14. Ursini, F.-A. (Main author, corresponding author), & P. Acquaviva. (2019). Nouns for visual objects: A hypothesis of the Vision-Language Interface. Language Sciences 72 (1), 50–70. (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.langsci.2019.01.001)
15. Ursini, F.-A. & H. Long (2018). Spatial Categories in Aquilan. Dialectologia.& Geolinguistica (Dig) 26, 1–29. (https://doi.org/10.1515/dialect-2018-0002)
16. Ursini, F.-A. (2016). Review of Saddock, Jerrold M. 2012. The Modular Architecture of Grammar. Canadian Journal of Linguistics 61 (2), 225-228. (10.1353/cjl.2016.0013)
17. Ursini, F.-A. (2015). On the Syntax and Semantics of Italian Spatial Ps. Acta Linguistica Hungarica 63 (1), 63–110. (10.1556/ALing.62.2015.1.3
18. Ursini, F.-A. (2014). Review article of \
Journal of Cognitive Science, Language Sciences, Borealis, Lingue e Linguaggio, Nordic Journal of English Studies, Language Variation (Language Variation), Lingua, Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics, Spatial Cognition and Computation, and occasionally other reviews.

