2023-05-10 20:08
  • 蒋晶晶
  • 蒋晶晶 - 博士 副教授-哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)-经济管理学院-个人资料




毕业于北京大学,获得环境经济学博士学位,曾主持或主要参与20余项国际、国家、省部级、市级纵向科研课题,曾在SCI/SSCI及中文核心期刊发表40余篇学术文章,为Environmental Economics & Management, Environmental Geochemistry & Health 编委会成员。
2010/09-2015/06 北京大学,环境经济学,博士
2006/09-2010/06 大连海事大学,公共管理,学士
2017/12-至今 哈尔滨工业大学(深圳),经济管理学院,副教授,博导。
2015/09-2017/11 南方科技大学,金融系,博士后
2020/05-2023/05 深圳市自然科学基金面上项目,粤港澳大湾区温室气体和大气污染物排放的耦合机理与协同减排研究, 主持
2020/01-2020/12 中美能源基金会项目, 推动深圳绿色低碳可持续发展系列研究, 子课题负责人,主持
2017/01-2019/12 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,中国省区碳排放配额分配的不确定性和多目标优化研究,主持
2017/03-2017/12 中国博士后科学基金特别资助项目,中国煤炭系统碳排放流图和减排策略研究,主持
2016/03-2017/11 中国博士后科学基金面上一等资助项目,不确定性条件下中国省际碳排放配额分配研究, 主持
2018/05-2019/08 中美能源基金会项目,深圳市碳排放达峰、空气质量达标、经济高质量增长协同“三达”研究,主要参与
2017/05-2020/12 深圳市重点学科建设项目,应对气候变化与低碳经济学科建设,主要参与
2017/05-2019/12 深圳市节能减排与循环经济资金学科建设项目,深圳市低碳城市大数据工程实验室,主要参与
2013/05-2015/05 世界银行项目,深圳市碳排放达峰路径研究,主要参与
2012/12-2014/12 中国清洁发展机制基金项目,深圳市碳排放权交易机制能力建设项目,主要参与
2012/10 -2014/06 深圳市碳排放权交易机制能力建设项目,深圳市电力部门和制造业减排成本研究,主要参与
2012/05-2014/05 深圳市环境科研项目,碳交易对深圳经济、能源、环境影响的研究, 主要参与




Jiang J, Ye B*, Liu J. Peak of CO2 emissions in various sectors and provinces of China: Recent progress and avenues for further research, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Review, 2019.
Jiang J, Ye B*, Liu J. Research on the peak of CO2 emissions in the developing world: Current progress and future prospect, Applied Energy, 2019, 235:186-203.
Jiang J, Ye B*, Zhou N, Zhang X. Decoupling analysis and environmental Kuznets curve modelling of provincial-level CO2 emissions and economic growth in China: A case study, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 212:1242-1255.
Jiang J, Ye B, Zhou Y*, Wang P. A comparative analysis of Chinese regional climate regulation policy: ETS as an example. Environmental Geochemistry & Health, 2019.
Zhou Y, Jiang J, Ye B* The green spillovers of outward foreign direct investment on home countries: Evidence from China’s province-level data, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019.
Ye B, Jiang J*, Zhou Y, Liu JG, Wang K. Cost analysis of amine-based carbon capture and sequestration at coal-fired power plants, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019.
Wang S, Jiang J, Zhou Y*, Li J, Zhao D, Lin S. Climate-change information, health-risk perception and residents’ environmental complaint behavior: an empirical study in China. Environ Geochem Health, 2018.
Ye B*, Jiang J, Cang Y, Technical and economic feasibility analysis of an energy and fresh water coupling model for an isolated island, Energy Procedia, 2018.
Jiang J, Ye B*, Xie DJ, Li J, Miao L. Sector decomposition of China’s national economic carbon emissions and its policy implication to national ETS development, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2017. 75: 855-867.
Jiang J, Ye B*, Xie D, Tang J. Provincial-level carbon emissions drivers and emissions reduction strategies in China: combining multi-layer LMDI decomposition with hierarchical clustering. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017, 169: 178-190.
Ye B, Jiang J*, Li C., Miao L., Tang J. Quantification and driving force analysis of provincial-level carbon emissions in China, Applied Energy, 2017, 198:223-238.
Ye B, Zhang K, Jiang J*, Miao L, Li J. Toward a 90% renewable energy future: A case study of an island in the South China Sea, Energy Conversion and Management, 2017, 142: 28-41.
Ye B, Yang P, Jiang J*, Miao L. Feasibility and economic analysis of a renewable energy powered special town in China. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 2017, 121:40-50.
Wang X, Zha J*, Xie DJ*, Jiang J. The impact of monetary policy on option-implied stock market expectations. China Finance Review International, 2017.
Wang X, Xie D*, Jiang J, Wu X, He J. Value-at-Risk estimation with stochastic interest rate models for option-bond portfolios. Finance Research Letters, 2017.
Jiang J, Xie DJ, Ye B*, Shen B, Chen ZM. Research on China’s cap-and-trade carbon emission trading scheme: Overview and outlook. Applied Energy, 2016,178, 902–917.
Ye B, Jiang J*, Miao L, et al. Interprovincial allocation of China's national carbon emission allowance: an uncertainty analysis based on Monte-Carlo simulation. Climate Policy, 2016, 1-22.
Jiang J, Ye B*, Ma X, Miao L. Controlling GHG emissions from the transportation sector through an ETS: institutional arrangements in Shenzhen, China. Climate Policy, 2015, 16(3): 1-19.
Ye B#, Jiang J#, Miao LX*, Yang P, Li J, Shen B. Feasibility study of a solar-powered electric vehicle charging station model. Energies 2015, 8(11): 13265-13283.
Ye B, Jiang J*, Miao LX, Li J, Yang P. Innovative carbon allowance allocation policy for the Shenzhen emission trading scheme in China. Sustainability, 2015, 8(1): 3.
Ye B, Jiang J*, Miao LX*, Yang P. Sustainable energy options for a low carbon demonstration city project in Shenzhen, China. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, 2015, 23117-23122.
Jiang J*, Ye B, Ma XM. The construction of Shenzhen’s carbon emission trading scheme. Energy Policy, 2014, 75: 17-21.
Qin H*, Jiang J, Fu G, Zheng Y. Optimal water quality management considering spatial and temporal variations in a tidal river. Water Resources Management, 2013, 27: 843-858.
蒋晶晶,叶斌*,马晓明*,基于 GARCH-EVT-VaR 模型的碳市场风险计量实证研究,北京大学学报(自然科学版),第 51 卷,第 3 期,2015.

The 11th International Conference on Applied Energy (ICAE2019), V?ster?s, Sweden, 2019
Supervision system of China’s cap-and-trade carbon emissions trading: A comparative analysis of seven regional pilots, Environmental Governance in Asia, College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences, City University of Hong Kong, 2018.
Workshop on China’s cap-and-trade emission trading Scheme, Stanford University, Institute for Economic Policy Research, 2017.
Editorial Board Member of Environmental Economics & Management;
Guest Editor of Journal of Environmental Geochemistry & Health
Reviewer of Energy Economics, Energy Policy, Climate Policy, Journal of Cleaner Production, Applied Energy, etc.

