2023-05-06 12:13
  • 李智立
  • 李智立 - 教授 博士 博士生导师--李智立-个人资料






"" 研究方向:慢性疾病早期预警及其预后评估新技术新方法 \r
主要研究内容: \r
• 肿瘤个体化诊断及预后标志物筛选;\r
• 生物大分子复合物分析方法研究及其应用;\r
• 糖蛋白糖链结构分析方法研究及其应用;\r
• 代谢物分析方法研究及其应用.\r
质谱成像及其应用: \r
• 原位研究代谢物、蛋白质变化与疾病发生之间的关系;\r
• 原位研究单细胞代谢物、蛋白质变化与细胞表型之间的关系。\r
主要技术手段:质谱技术(9.4T FTICR MS和LTQ等)、新型色谱分离技术、凝胶分离技术等。\r
科研合作及技术服务:为了充分利用本课题组已建立的技术平台和方法,课题组在蛋白质鉴定、完整蛋白质分子量测定、二硫键分析、N-和C-端测序、糖基化修饰和代谢物鉴定等方面提供技术服务或合作研究。 \r
招募自愿者:经过多年对血液成分变化与慢性疾病发生或肿瘤预后之间关系的研究,本课题组发现一组与慢性疾病发生和恶性肿瘤复发相关的新型个体化标志物 (国际专利申请号: PCT/CN2012/071113和国家专利号:ZL201110037632.1)。经中国医学科学院基础医学研究所伦理委员会批准(项目编号:004-2013),本课题组长期开展大人群的“血液成分变化与健康状态关系研究”。 """"


1. Mo Zhang, Qing Wang, Yupin Xu, Lei Guo, Zhizhen Lai and Zhili Li*, Graphitic carbon nitride quantum dots as analytical probe for viewing sialic acid on the surface of cells and tissues, Analytica Chimica Acta, 2020, 1095,204-211.\r
2. Dan Zhang, Xiaoou Li, Xiaofeng Liu, Yanmin Wang, Mo Zhang, Qin Wang, Tianjing Chen, Zhili Li*, Disease-specific IgG Fc glycosylation ratios as personalized biomarkers to differentiate non-small cell lung Cancer from benign lung diseases, Proteomics Clinical Applications,2020, DOI:10.1002/prca.201900016\r
3. Na Li, Yuming Qiu, Yunpeng Wu, Mo Zhang, Zhizhen Lai, Qing Wang, Yuying Du, Lei Guo, Shuai Liu, Zhili Li*, Association of serum total fatty acids with type 2 diabetes, Clinica Chimica Acta, 2020, 500, 59-68.\r
4. Yunpeng Wu, Rui Zhou, Zhizhen Lai1, Wei Wang, Na Li, Yuying Du, Lei Guo, Yuming Qiu, Qing-Tao Wang*, and Zhili Li*,Monitoring novel modified hemoglobin using mass spectrometry contributes to accurate blood glucose management of the Han Chinese population, Clinica Chimica Acta, 2019, 489, 124-129.\r
5. Tianjing Chen, Chengyan He, Mo Zhang, Xiaoou Li, Xiaofeng Liu, Yujie Liu, Dan Zhang, and Zhili Li*, Disease-specific haptoglobin-βchain N-glycosylation as biomarker to differentiate non-small cell lung cancer from benign lung diseases, Journal of Cancer, 2019, 10, 5628-5637.\r
6. Y. H. Sun, J. Li, H. J. Shu, Z. L. Li, J. M. Qian, Serum immunoinflammation‑related protein complexes discriminate between inflammatory bowel disease and colorectal cancer, Clinical and Translational Oncology, 2019, 21, 1680-1686.\r
7. Shuai Guo, Yanmin Wang, Dan Zhou, Yupin Xu, Tianjing Chen, Zhili Li*, Association of alteration of nucleosides and nucleotides with gastric cancer microenvironment, International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 2018, 434, 37–42.\r
8. Yupin Xu, Mo Zhang, Qing Wang, Zhili Li*, In situ detecting changes in membrane lipid phenotypes of macrophages cultured in different cancer microenvironments using mass spectrometry, Analytica Chimica Acta, 2018, 1026, 101-108.\r
9. Yujie Liu, Yunpeng Wu, Yanmin Wang, Mo Zhang, and Zhili Li*,Increased Levels of Serum Protein Complexes Are Associated with Type 2 Diabetes,International Journal of Medical Sciences, 2018, 15(3), 210-216.\r
10. Mo Zhang, Yujie Liu, Dan Zhang, Tianjing Chen, Zhili Li*, Facile and Selective Enrichment of Intact Sialoglycopeptides Using Graphitic Carbon Nitride, Analytical Chemistry, 2017, 89(15) , 8064-8069.\r
11. Shuai Guo, Dan Zhou, Mo Zhang, Tiejun Li, Yujie Liu, Yupin Xu, Tianjing Chen, Zhili Li*, Monitoring changes of docosahexaenoic acid-containing lipids during the recovery process of traumatic brain injury in rat using mass spectrometry imaging, Scientific Reports, 2017, 7. e5054.\r
12. Yumei Guo, Junling Ren, Xiaoou Li, Xiaofeng Liu, Ning Liu, Yanmin Wang, Zhili Li*, Simultaneous Quantification of Serum Multi-Phospholipids as Potential Biomarkers for Differentiating Different Pathophysiological states of lung, stomach, intestine, and pancreas, Journal of Cancer, 2017, 8(12), 2191-2204.\r
13. Dan Zhou, Shuai Guo, Mo Zhang, Yujie Liu, Tianjing Chen, Zhili Li*, Mass spectrometry imaging of small molecules in biological tissues using graphene oxide as a matrix, Analytica Chimica Acta, 2017, 962, 52-59.\r
14. Xiaodong Wang, Yujie Liu, Fenjie Li, Zhili Li*, Poplar catkin: a natural biomaterial for highly specific and efficient enrichment of sialoglycopeptides, Chinese Chemical Letter, 2017, 28,1018-1026.\r
15. Chenchen Xu, Dan Zhou, Yixin Luo, Shuai Guo, Tao Wang, Jie Liu*, Yuehua Liu*, Zhili Li*, Tissue and serum lipidome shows altered lipid composition with diagnostic potential in mycosis fungoides, Oncotarget, 2017, 8,48041-48050.\r
16. Junling Ren, Dan Zhang, Yujie Liu, Ruiqing Zhang, Huiling Fang, Shuai Guo, Dan Zhou, Mo Zhang, Yupin Xu, Ling Qiu*, Zhili Li*, Simultaneous Quantification of Serum Nonesterified and Esterified Fatty Acids as Potential Biomarkers to Differentiate Benign Lung Diseases from Lung Cancer, Scientific Reports, 2016, 6, e34201.\r
17. Dan Zhang, Bingchao Chen, Yanmin Wang, Peng Xia, Chengyan He, Yujie Liu, Ruiqing Zhang, Mo Zhang, Zhili Li* Disease-specific IgG Fc N-glycosylation as personalized biomarkers to differentiate gastric cancer from benign gastric diseases, Scientific Reports, 2016, 6, e25957, DOI: 10.1038/srep25957.\r
18. Manwen He, Shuai Guo, Junling Ren, Zhili Li*, In Situ Characterizing Membrane Lipid Phenotype of Human Lung Cancer Cell Lines Using Mass Spectrometry Profiling, Journal of Cancer, 2016, 7(7), 810-816.\r
19. Yaping Zhang, Chengyan He, Ling Qiu, Yanmin Wang, Xuzhen Qin, Yujie Liu, Zhili Li*, Serum unsaturated free fatty acids: a potential biomarker panel for early-stage detection of colorectal cancer, Journal of Cancer, 2016, 7(4), 477-483.\r
20. Yujie Liu, Yuanjun Liu, Dan Zhang, Ruiqing Zhang, Zhili Li*, Kapok fiber: a natural biomaterial for highly specific and efficient enrichment of sialoglycopeptides, Analytical Chemistry, 2016, 88(2),1067-1072.\r
21. Yujie Liu, Dan Zhang, Yuhang Cheng*, Zhili Li*, Elevated serum immunoinflammation-related protein complexes are associated with psychosis, Psychiatry Research, 2015, 230, 96-101.\r
22. Yaping Zhang, Ling Qiu, Chengyan He, Yanmin Wang, Yujie liu, Dan Zhang, Zhili Li*, Serum unsaturated free fatty acids: a potential biomarker panel for differentiating benign thyroid diseases from thyroid cancer, Journal of Cancer, 2015, 6(12), 1276-1281.\r
23. Shuai Guo, Yanmin Wang, Dan Zhou, and Zhili Li*, Electric Field-Assisted Matrix Coating Method Enhances the Detection of Small Molecule Metabolites for Mass Spectrometry Imaging, Analytical Chemistry, 2015, 87(12), 5860-5865.\r
24. Manwen He, Shuai Guo, Zhili Li*, In situ characterizing membrane lipid phenotype of breast cancer cells using mass spectrometry profiling, Scientific Reports, 2015, 5, 11298.\r
25. Manwen He, Shuai Guo, Zhili Li*, Dynamically in situ monitoring lipid changes in DHA-treated breast cells by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry, Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom, 2015, 29(10), 987-990.\r
26. Gaoguang Song, Yujie Liu, Yanying Wang, Guanjun Ren, Shuai Guo, Junling Ren, Li Zhang*, Zhili Li*, Personalized biomarkers to monitor disease progression in advanced non-small-cell lung cancer patients treated with icotinib, Clinica Chimica Acta, 2015, 440, 44-48.\r
27. Yaping Zhang, Ling Qiu, Yanmin Wang, Chengyan He, Xuzhen Qin, Yujie liu, Zhili Li*, Unsaturated free fatty acids: a potential biomarker panel for early detection of gastric cancer, Biomarkers, 2014, 19(8),667-673.\r
28. Shuai Guo, Yanmin Wang, Dan Zhou, Zhili Li*, Significantly increased monounsaturated lipids relative to polyunsaturated lipids in six types of cancer microenvironment are observed by mass spectrometry imaging, Scientific Reports, 2014, 4, 5959.\r
29. Yaping Zhang, Chengyan He, Ling Qiu, Yanmin Wang, Li Zhang, Xuzhen Qin, Yujie Liu, Dan Zhang, Zhili Li*, Serum Unsaturated Free Fatty Acids: Potential Biomarkers for Early Detection and Disease Progression Monitoring of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer, Journal of Cancer, 2014, 5(8), 706-714.\r
30. Yaping Zhang, Lina Song, Ning Liu, Chengyan He*, Zhili Li*, Decreased serum levels of free fatty acids are associated with breast cancer, Clinica Chimica Acta, 2014, 437, 31-37.\r
31. Shuai Guo, Ling Qiu, Yanming Wang, Xuzhen Qin, Hui Liu, Manwen He, Yaping Zhang, Zhili Li* and Xiaohong Chen*, Tissue imaging and serum lipidomic profiling for screening potential biomarkers of thyroid tumors by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2014, 406, 4357-4370.\r
32. Yaping Zhang, Ling Qiu, Yanmin Wang, Xuzhen Qin, Zhili Li*, High-throughput and high-sensitivity quantitative analysis of serum unsaturated fatty acids by chip-based nanoelectrospray ionization-Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry: early stage diagnostic biomarkers of pancreatic cancer. Analyst, 2014, 139 (7), 1697-1706.\r
33. Yanying Wang, Gaoguang Song, Yanmin Wang, Ling Qiu, Xuzhen Qin, Hui Liu, Fang Li, Xiaodong Wang, Fenjie Li, Shuai Guo, Yaping Zhang, Zhili Li*, Elevated serum levels of circulating immunoinflammation-related protein complexes are associated with cancer. Journal of Proteome Research, 2014, 13 (2), 710–719.\r
34. Guoqiang Chen, Hexiang Li, Ling Qiu, Xuzhen Qin, Hui Liu, Zhili Li*, Change in fucosylated IgG2 Fc-glycoforms in pancreatitis and pancreatic adenocarcinoma: A promising disease classification model. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2014, 406, 267-273.\r
35. Yaping Zhang, Yanmin Wang, Shuai Guo, Yumei Guo, Hui Liu, Zhili Li*, Ammonia-treated N-(1-naphthyl) ethylenediamine dihydrochloride as a novel matrix for rapid quantitative and qualitative determination of serum free fatty acids by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry, Analytica Chimica Acta, 2013, 974, 82-89.\r
36. Fenjie Li, Xiaodong Wang, Yujie Liu, Hui Liu, Zhili Li* Dephosphorylation of Intact Glycoprotein to Greatly Improve Digestion Efficiency Coupled with Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization- Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometric Analysis. Analytica Chimica Acta, 2013, 787, 140-147. .\r
37. Guoqiang Chen, Yanmin Wang, Xuzhen Qin, Hexiang Li, Yumei Guo, Yanying Wang, Hui Liu, Xiaodong Wang, Gaoguang Song, Fang Li, Fenjie Li, Shuai Guo, Ling Qiu, Zhili Li* Change in IgG1 Fc N-linked glycosylation in human lung cancer: Age and sex-related diagnostic potential. Electrophoresis 2013, 34 (16),2407-2416.DOI: 10.1002/elps.201200455.\r
38. Guoqiang Chen, Li Zhang, Yanying Wang, Yumei Guo, Hui Liu, Zhili Li*. Probing gender-specific change in IgG1 Fc-galactosylation in non-small cell lung cancer patients treated with epidermal growth factor receptor inhibitor, icotinib hydrochloride, using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry, Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom 2013, 27(10), 1168-1172.\r
39. Fang Li, Xuzhen Qin, Haiquan Chen, Ling Qiu, Yumei Guo, Hui Liu, Guoqiang Chen Gaoguang Song, Xiaodong Wang, Fenjie Li, Shuai Guo, Baohua Wang and Zhili Li*, Lipid profiling for early diagnosis and progression of colorectal cancer using direct-infusion electrospray ionization Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry, Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 2013, 27(1), 24-34.\r
40. Yumei Guo, Xianmin Wang, Ling Qiu, Xuzhen Qin, Hui Liu, Yanying Wang, Fang Li, Xiaodong Wang, Guoqiang Chen, Gaoguang Song, Fenjie Li, Shuai Guo, Zhili Li*, Probing gender-specific lipid metabolites and diagnostic biomarkers for lung cancer using Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry, Clinica Chimica Acta, 2012, 414, 135-141.\r
41. Xiaodong Wang, Fenjie Li, Gaoguang Song, Shuai Guo, Hui Liu, Guoqiang Chen, Zhili Li*, Broad-spectrum four-dimensional orthogonal electrophoresis: a novel comprehensively feasible system for protein complexomics investigation, Molecular & Cellular proteomics, 2012, 11(9), 786-799.\r
42. Guoqiang Chen, Yanmin Wang, Ling Qiu, Xuzhen Qin, Hui Liu, Xiaodong Wang, Yanying Wang, Gaoguang Song, Fang Li, Yumei Guo, Fenjie Li, Shuai Guo, Zhili Li*, Human IgG Fc-glycosylation profiling reveals association with age, sex, female sex hormones and thyroid cancers, Journal of Proteomics, 2012, 75(10), 2824-2834.\r
1. 一组监测癌症疾病进展和或耐药性产生的免疫球蛋白G糖基化修饰标志物,申请号:201710655611.3\r
2. 确定或辅助监测癌症进展的个体化标志物,专利号:201610369521.3.\r
3. 一种富集分离唾液酸化糖肽的新材料及其应用, 申请号:201610506699.8\r
4. 基于脂质代谢谱的个体化肿瘤进展监测标志物及其应用, 申请号:201510827734.1\r
5. 一种富集唾液酸化糖肽的材料及其应用,申请号:201510651116.6\r
6. 一种原位质谱分析的常压离子源装置,专利号:ZL201520119228.2\r
7. 一种用于质谱成像的基质喷涂装置,专利号:ZL201420766737.x\r
8. 一种富集唾液酸化糖肽、唾液酸化聚糖或唾液酸化糖苷的方法, 专利号:201410035250.9 。\r
9. 蛋白质复合物及其谱以及其在疾病诊断、进展评估和药效评估中的应用, 申请号:PCT/CN2012/071113\r
10. 蛋白质复合物及其在肿瘤诊断和/或预后评估中的应用,专利号:ZL201110037632.1。\r
11. 一种多发性骨髓瘤特异性蛋白及其专用检测试剂盒,专利号:ZL201010238794.7。\r
12. 一种糖肽富集分离材料及其应用,申请号:ZL2010101195689.x。\r
13. 一种蛋白质复合物或复合体的三维凝胶电泳分离方法,申请号:200910076496.x。


