2023-05-06 12:13
  • 刘德培
  • 刘德培 - 研究员 博士生导师--刘德培-个人资料








1. Liu Y, Wang TT, Zhang R, Fu WY, Wang X, Wang F, Gao P, Ding YN, Xie Y, Hao DL, Chen HZ, Liu DP. Calorie restriction protects against experimental abdominal aortic aneurysms in mice. J Exp Med 2016;213:2473-2488.\r
2. Chen HZ, Wang F, Gao P, Pei JF, Liu Y, Xu TT, Tang X, Fu WY, Lu J, Yan YF, Wang XM, Han L, Zhang ZQ, Zhang R, Zou MH, Liu DP. Age-Associated Sirtuin 1 Reduction in Vascular Smooth Muscle Links Vascular Senescence and Inflammation to Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm. Circ Res 2016;119:1076-1088.\r
3. Zhang R, Chen HZ, Liu DP. The Four Layers of Aging. Cell Syst 2015;1:180-186.\r
4. Luo YX, Tang X, An XZ, Xie XM, Chen XF, Zhao X, Hao DL, Chen HZ, Liu DP. Sirt4 accelerates Ang II-induced pathological cardiac hypertrophy by inhibiting manganese superoxide dismutase activity. Eur Heart J 2016.\r
5. Zhang ZQ, Ren SC, Tan Y, Li ZZ, Tang X, Wang TT, Hao DL, Zhao X, Chen HZ, Liu DP. Epigenetic regulation of NKG2D ligands is involved in exacerbated atherosclerosis development in Sirt6 heterozygous mice. Sci Rep 2016;6:23912.\r
6. Xu P, Tong Y, Liu XZ, Wang TT, Cheng L, Wang BY, Lv X, Huang Y, Liu DP. Both TALENs and CRISPR/Cas9 directly target the HBB IVS2-654 (C > T) mutation in beta-thalassemia-derived iPSCs. Sci Rep 2015;5:12065.\r
7. Mu WL, Wang YJ, Xu P, Hao DL, Liu XZ, Wang TT, Chen F, Chen HZ, Lv X, Liu DP. Sox2 Deacetylation by Sirt1 Is Involved in Mouse Somatic Reprogramming. Stem Cells 2015;33:2135-2147.\r
8. Zhang SM, Zhu LH, Chen HZ, Zhang R, Zhang P, Jiang DS, Gao L, Tian S, Wang L, Zhang Y, Wang PX, Zhang XF, Zhang XD, Liu DP, Li H. Interferon regulatory factor 9 is critical for neointima formation following vascular injury. Nat Commun 2014;5:5160.\r
9. Chen HZ, Guo S, Li ZZ, Lu Y, Jiang DS, Zhang R, Lei H, Gao L, Zhang X, Zhang Y, Wang L, Zhu LH, Xiang M, Zhou Y, Wan Q, Dong H, Liu DP, Li H. A critical role for interferon regulatory factor 9 in cerebral ischemic stroke. J Neurosci 2014;34:11897-11912.\r
10. Wang PX, Zhang R, Huang L, Zhu LH, Jiang DS, Chen HZ, Zhang Y, Tian S, Zhang XF, Zhang XD, Liu DP, Li H. Interferon regulatory factor 9 is a key mediator of hepatic ischemia/reperfusion injury. J Hepatol 2015;62:111-120.\r
11. Wan YZ, Gao P, Zhou S, Zhang ZQ, Hao DL, Lian LS, Li YJ, Chen HZ, Liu DP. SIRT1-mediated epigenetic downregulation of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 prevents vascular endothelial replicative senescence. Aging Cell 2014;13:890-899.\r
12. Wu J, Zhou LQ, Yu W, Zhao ZG, Xie XM, Wang WT, Xiong J, Li M, Xue Z, Wang X, Zhang P, Mao BB, Hao DL, Lv X, Liu DP. PML4 facilitates erythroid differentiation by enhancing the transcriptional activity of GATA-1. Blood 2014;123:261-270.\r
13. Chen HZ, Wan YZ, Liu DP. Cross-talk between SIRT1 and p66Shc in vascular diseases. Trends Cardiovasc Med 2013;23:237-241.\r
14. Xue Z, Lv X, Song W, Wang X, Zhao GN, Wang WT, Xiong J, Mao BB, Yu W, Yang B, Wu J, Zhou LQ, Hao DL, Dong WJ, Liu DP, Liang CC. SIRT1 deacetylates SATB1 to facilitate MAR HS2-MAR epsilon interaction and promote epsilon-globin expression. Nucleic Acids Res 2012;40:4804-4815.\r
15. Zhou S, Chen HZ, Wan YZ, Zhang QJ, Wei YS, Huang S, Liu JJ, Lu YB, Zhang ZQ, Yang RF, Zhang R, Cai H, Liu DP, Liang CC. Repression of P66Shc expression by SIRT1 contributes to the prevention of hyperglycemia-induced endothelial dysfunction. Circ Res 2011;109:639-648.\r
16. Lu L, Li L, Lv X, Wu XS, Liu DP, Liang CC. Modulations of hMOF autoacetylation by SIRT1 regulate hMOF recruitment and activities on the chromatin. Cell Res 2011;21:1182-1195.\r
17. Li L, Zhang HN, Chen HZ, Gao P, Zhu LH, Li HL, Lv X, Zhang QJ, Zhang R, Wang Z, She ZG, Wei YS, Du GH, Liu DP, Liang CC. SIRT1 acts as a modulator of neointima formation following vascular injury in mice. Circ Res 2011;108:1180-1189.\r
18. Li ZY, Xi Y, Zhu WN, Zeng C, Zhang ZQ, Guo ZC, Hao DL, Liu G, Feng L, Chen HZ, Chen F, Lv X, Liu DP, Liang CC. Positive regulation of hepatic miR-122 expression by HNF4alpha. J Hepatol 2011;55:602-611.\r
19. Zhuo ML, Huang Y, Chen JZ, Sun LH, Yang RF, Chen HZ, Lv X, Li HL, Wei YS, Liu G, Zhang R, Ma TM, Cai H, Hui RT, Liu DP, Liang CC. Endothelium-specific overexpression of human IC53 downregulates endothelial nitric oxide synthase activity and elevates systolic blood pressure in mice. Cardiovasc Res 2009;84:292-299.\r
20. She ZG, Zheng W, Wei YS, Chen HZ, Wang AB, Li HL, Liu G, Zhang R, Liu JJ, Stallcup WB, Zhou Z, Liu DP, Liang CC. Human paraoxonase gene cluster transgenic overexpression represses atherogenesis and promotes atherosclerotic plaque stability in ApoE-null mice. Circ Res 2009;104:1160-1168.\r
21. Zhang QJ, Wang Z, Chen HZ, Zhou S, Zheng W, Liu G, Wei YS, Cai H, Liu DP, Liang CC. Endothelium-specific overexpression of class III deacetylase SIRT1 decreases atherosclerosis in apolipoprotein E-deficient mice. Cardiovasc Res 2008;80:191-199.\r
22. Li HL, Zhuo ML, Wang D, Wang AB, Cai H, Sun LH, Yang Q, Huang Y, Wei YS, Liu PP, Liu DP, Liang CC. Targeted cardiac overexpression of A20 improves left ventricular performance and reduces compensatory hypertrophy after myocardial infarction. Circulation 2007;115:1885-1894.\r
23. Wei GH, Liu DP, Liang CC. Chromatin domain boundaries: insulators and beyond. Cell Res 2005;15:292-300.\r
24. Wu XS, Xin L, Yin WX, Shang XY, Lu L, Watt RM, Cheah KS, Huang JD, Liu DP, Liang CC. Increased efficiency of oligonucleotide-mediated gene repair through slowing replication fork progression. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2005;102:2508-2513.\r
25. Ke XS, Liu CM, Liu DP, Liang CC. MicroRNAs: key participants in gene regulatory networks. Curr Opin Chem Biol 2003;7:516-523.\r
26. Xin L, Liu DP, Ling CC. A hypothesis for chromatin domain opening. Bioessays 2003;25:507-514.


