Yuji Naya博士主要研究大脑的记忆系统。陈述性(关联性)记忆是指形成对知识、事件和关系的新的长期记忆的能力,这种基本的认知功能让我们记住过去,并基于过去的经验做出适当的选择。阿尔茨海默症病人通常患有陈述性记忆障碍。由于陈述性记忆对日常生活至关重要,Yuji Naya博士致力于阐明我们的大脑如何执行这项非凡功能。为了探究这个问题,他在非人类的灵长类动物上使用行为和神经生理学方法,描述了当被试执行记忆任务时位于多个脑区的单个神经元或神经元群传递的信号。他的研究旨在描述负责陈述性记忆的“信息流”是如何在中颞叶记忆系统以及相关新皮质脑区(如感觉联合区、前额叶和顶叶)进行表征的。近期论文
1. Naya Y*, He Chen, Cen Yang and Wendy A. Suzuki, Contributions of primate prefrontal cortex and medial temporal lobe to temporal-order memory, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 114:13555-13560, 2017.2. Naya Y*, Declarative association. In Neuroscience in the 21st century 2nd, DW Pfaff & N Volkow ed. 2651-2677, 2016.3. Suzuki WA*, and Naya Y*, The perirhinal cortex. Annual review of neuroscience 37:39-53, 2014.4. Naya Y*, and Suzuki WA, Integrating what and when across the primate medial temporal lobe, Science, 333, 773-776. 2011.5. Suzuki WA*, and Naya Y, Two Routes for remembering the Past, Cell, 147, 493-495, 2011.6. Takeda M, Naya Y, Fujimichi R, Takeuchi D, and Miyashita Y*. Active maintenance of associative mnemonic signal in monkey inferior temporal cortex. Neuron 48: 839-848. 2005.7. Naya Y*, Yoshida M, and Miyashita Y*, Forward processing of long-term associative memory in monkey inferotemporal cortex. J. Neurosci. 23, 2861-2871. 2003.8. Naya Y, Yoshida M and Miyashita Y*, Backward Spreading of Memory-Retrieval Signal in the Primate Temporal Cortex. Science 291:661-664. 2001.标签: