2023-05-06 11:53
  • 赵瑞
  • 赵瑞 - 副教授-北京理工大学-宇航学院-个人资料




  本科生课程《人机环境工程》《气动弹性基础》《空气动力学》《Computational fluid dynamics》;
  2004年9月--2008年7月, 北京航空航天大学航空学院获得飞行器设计与工程专业学士学位
  2008年9月--2013年6月, 北京航空航天大学航空学院获得国家计算流体力学实验室博士学位


1. 高超声速边界层转捩与抑制
  2. 高超声速湍流模型评估与研制
  3. 高超声速复杂气动问题数值模拟方法
  4. 大型计算流体力学(CFD)软件开发
  5. 高超声速气动加热及烧蚀问题
  6. 基于超表面的高超声速热防护系统研制"专利:  
  1. 赵瑞;荣吉利;谌相宇; 一种预测火箭整流罩外壁面脉动压力环境的半经验方法,中国,申请号:201518002192.5


  1. 赵瑞,等《湍流与转捩数值模拟方法》,ISBN:978-7-5640-7626-9,2019.2
  2. 赵瑞,《飞行器动态气动特性与仿真技术》,ISBN:978-7-5682-6947-6,2019.
  [1] R. Zhao, C. Y. Wen, T. H. Long, X. D. Tian, L. Zhou, and Y. Wu. Spatial Direct Numerical Simulation of the Hypersonic Boundary-Layer Stabilization using Porous Coatings [J], AIAA Journal, 57(11), 5061-5065, 2019.
  [2] R. Zhao, X. X. Zhang and C. Y. Wen, Theoretical Modeling of Porous Coatings with Simple Microstructures for Hypersonic Boundary-Layer Stabilization [J], AIAA Journal, 58(2), 981–986, 2020.
  [3] X. Tian, R. Zhao*, T. Long and C. Y. Wen, Reverse Design of Ultrasonic Absorptive Coating for the Stabilization of Mack Modes [J], AIAA Journal, 57(6),2264-2269,2019.
  [4] Zhao, R., Liu, T., Wen, C., Zhu, J., and Cheng, L., Impedance-Near-Zero Acoustic Metasurface for Hypersonic Boundary-Layer Flow Stabilization [J], Physical Review Applied, 11, 044015, 2019. (SCI)
  [5] L. Zhou, R. Zhao*, C. Yan, R. Li, Application of improved k-ω-γ transition model to hypersonic complex configurations [J], AIAA Journal , 57(5),2214-2221,2019.
  [6] R. Zhao, T. Liu, C. Y. Wen*, J. Zhu, and L. Cheng. Theoretical Modeling and Optimization of Porous Coating for Hypersonic-laminar-flow Control [J], AIAA Journal,56(8),2942-2946,2018
  [7] R. Zhao, L. Zhou, J. Ma, CFD design of ventilation system for large underground bus terminal in Macau Barrier Gate [J], Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics, 179, 1-13, 2018
  [8] L. Zhou, R. Zhao*, W. Yuan, An investigation of interface conditions inherent in detached-eddy simulation methods [J], Aerospace Science and Technology. 74,46-55,2018.
  [9] L. Zhou, R. Zhao*, R. Li, A combined criteria-based method for hypersonic three-dimensional boundary layer transition prediction [J], Aerospace Science and Technology. 73, 105–117, 2018.
  [10] Zhao R., Wen C.Y., Tian X.D, Long T H and Yuan W. Numerical simulation of local wall heating and cooling effect on the stability of a hypersonic boundary layer [J]. International Journal of heat and mass transfer 121, 986-998, 2018.
  [11] L. Zhou, R. Zhao*, X. Shi, An entropy-assisted shielding function in DDES formulation for the SST turbulence model [J], Entropy. 19, 93, 2017.
  [12] Zhao Rui, Rong Jili, Li Haixu, Zhao Peng-Cheng. Entropy-based detached-eddy simulation of the airwake over a simple frigate shape [J], Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 7(11), 1-13, 2015
  [13] Zhao Rui, Rong Jili, Li Xinliang. Entropy and its application in turbulence modeling [J], Science Bulletin, 59(31),4137-4141, 2014
  [14] Zhao Rui, Yan Chao, Li Xinliang, et al. Towards an entropy-based detached eddy simulation [J], SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 56(10),1970-1980,2013
  [15] Zhao Rui, Yan Chao. A new kind Baldwin-Lomax turbulence model under the limit of entropy [J], Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 26(3),529-534,2013
  [16] Zhao Rui, Xu Jinglei, Yan Chao. Scale-Adaptive Simulation of flow over wavy cylinders at a subcritical Reynolds number [J], Acta Mechanica Sinica, 27(5), 660-667, 2011
  [17] Luo, Dahai, Yan, Chao, Liu, Hongkang, and Zhao, Rui. Comparative assessment of PANS and DES for simulation of flow past a circular cylinder [J]. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 134, 65-77, 2014
  [18] 荣吉利, 王超, 赵瑞, 等. 不同舰船机库外形下艉流场特征数值模拟研究[J]. 船舶力学.23 (05):512-522,2019
  [19] 赵瑞, 张新昕, 温志湧, 等. 声学超表面抑制Mack第2模态机理与优化设计[J]. 气体物理. 3(06):35-40, 2018
  [20] 石小潘;赵瑞*;荣吉利;袁武,火星进入器壁面脉动压力环境数值模拟研究[J],宇航学报,39(5),482-490,2018
  [21] 石小潘,赵瑞*,荣吉利,袁武,李齐.火星进入器作强迫震荡运动壁面脉动压力数值模拟[J].宇航学报,40(02):148-155,2019.
  [22] 赵瑞*,王超,李海波,李跃军.一种新型的动态RANS/LES混合方法[J],推进技术[J], 38(9),1950-1955,2017
  [23] 赵瑞, 王超, 李海旭, 等. 舰船舰面空气流场特性研究进展[J]. 船舶力学. 22(11):1431-1444, 2018
  [24] 赵瑞*,荣吉利,李跃军,李海波. 整流罩母线形状对脉动压力环境的影响研究[J],兵工学报,38(5),1020-1026,2017
  [25] 赵瑞*,荣吉利,任方,李跃军,袁武.一种改进的跨声速旋成体壁面脉动压力经验预测公式[J],宇航学报,37(10),1179-1184,2016.
  [26] Zhao Rui*, Rong Jili, Li Haibo, Ren Fang. Definition of turbulent boundary-layer with entropy concept [J]. MATEC Web of Conferences, 77: 02005, 2016.
  [27] 赵瑞*,荣吉利,任方,李海波,袁武. 火箭整流罩外气动噪声环境的大涡模拟研究 [J], 宇航学报,36(9),988-994,2015.
  [28] 赵瑞*,阎超,李新亮.比熵增概念及其在湍流模型中的应用[J],空气动力学报,31(3),381-387,2013
  [29] Zhao Rui*, Yan Chao. Detailed investigation of detached-eddy simulation for the flow past a circular cylinder at Re=\
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  2. 北京市科技委员会专家库成员
  3. 中国导航与控制研究所某型号弹气动专家组成员
  4. 中国空间技术研究院“探月三期再入返回任务”(气动)专家组成员
  5. 中国空间技术研究院“火星探测任务着陆巡视器研制”(气动)专家组成员
  6. 中国船舶工业系统工程研究院“舰面流场环境”专家组成员
  7. 《International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer》(中科院SCI期刊分区TOP期刊)审稿人
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  10. 《AIAA Journal》(学校认定TOP期刊)审稿人
  11.《Computers & Fluids》(中科院SCI期刊分区3区)审稿人
  12.《Applied Mathematics and Mechanics》(中科院SCI期刊分区4区)审稿人
  13.《Advances in Mechanical Engineering》(中科院SCI期刊分区4区)审稿人

