2023-05-06 11:53
  • 赵江波
  • 赵江波 - 副教授-北京理工大学-自动化学院-个人资料




1996.9-2000.7 北京理工大学自动控制系 流体传动与控制专业 学士
2000.9-2005.7 北京理工大学自动控制系 系统工程专业 博士
2005.8-2009.7 北京理工大学自动化学院 检测技术与自动化装置研究所 讲师
2009.7-今 北京理工大学自动化学院 检测技术与自动化装置研究所 副研究员
2015.8-2016.8 美国新泽西州立罗格斯大学 访问学者


[1]赵江波,周兆峰,王军政等,一种基于电机驱动电流的电动缸输出力检测方法,2019, 中国,201910421029.X.


1.Jiangbo Zhao, Shuo Qin, Junzheng Wang. Variation problem containing PSI-RL fractional derivatives of complex-order[J]. Asian Journal of Control, 2020(Accepted).
2.Zhao Jiangbo, Jing Weican, Wang Junzheng. An improved hydraulic valve and its trajectory control of valve spool based on fractional order PI controller[J]. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2018, 32(6): 2755-2764.
3.Zhao Jiangbo, Jing Weican, Wang Junzheng. An indirect optimization scheme for tuning a fractional order PI controller using extremum seeking[J]. Mechatronics, 2018, 56: 146-156.
4.Zhao jiangbo, Wang Junzheng. The fractional order PI control for an energy saving electro-hydraulic system[J]. Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, 2017 39(4) : 509-519.
5.Zhao Jiangbo, Sun Xiaodong, Zhao Liang, Wang Junzheng. Robust backstepping control of double-rod cylinder for motion synchronization of mold oscillator[J]. Proceedings of the Institute of Mechanical engineers Part1-Journal of Systems and Control Engineering, 2016, 230(2): 197-207.
6.Zhao, Jiangbo, Feng, Wei, Wang, Junzheng. Control of the 2-degree-of-freedom servo system with iterative feedback tuning[J]. Proceedings of the Institute of Mechanical engineers Part1-Journal of Systems and Control Engineering, 2016, 230(2): 197-207.
7.Jiangbo Zhao, Junzheng Wang, Shounkun Wang. Controller design of a steel billet mould oscillation system with iterative feedback[J]. Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, 2015, 37(10):1161-1170.
8.Zhao Jiangbo, Wang Junzheng, Wang Shoukun. Fractional order control to the electro-hydraulic system in insulator fatigue test device[J]. Mechatronics, 2013 23: 828-839.
9.任广通, 赵江波*, 王军政, 刘建军. 基于虚拟样机的电动六自由度并联机器人结构参数设计,北京科技大学学报[J]. 2012.34(1):65-70.
10.Chunqing Zhang, Jiangbo Zhao*, Junzheng Wang. Research on Electric Servo Loading System Based on Disturbance Observer[J]. Advanced Materials Research, 2013. 645:357-362.
11.赵江波, 贾冬, 王军政. 一种新结构自抗扰控制器在电液伺服系统中的应用[J]. 北京理工大学学报[J], 2012. 34(4):402-405.
12.Qin Shuo, Zhao Jiangbo, Wang Junzheng. Force Based Fractional Impedance Control[C]. Chinese Automation Congress (CAC), Hangzhou, 2019.11.22-24.
13.Chen Yinghui, Zhao Jiangbo*, Wang Junzheng. Fractional-Order Impedance Control for a Wheel-Legged Robot[C]. 29th Chinese Control and Decision Conference (CCDC), Chongqing, 2017.5.28-30.
14.Xue Ta, Zhao Jiangbo*, Wang Junzheng. Motion Control for Variable Stiffness SLIP Model of Legged Robot Single Leg[C]. Chinese Automation Congress (CAC), Jinan, 2017.10.20-22.
15.Zhao Jiangbo, Wang Shuanglei. Dynamic Analysis of the Walking Process of Parallel Foot - Wheeled Robot based on Kane Method[C]. 4th International Conference on Sensors, Mechatronics and Automation, Zhuhai, 2016.11.12-13.
Mechatronics,Journal of Systems and Control Engineering等期刊审稿人

