教学工作 本科生必修课程:《火箭燃气动力学II》48学时教育经历 2012.09-2016.12,法国国立应用科学工程师学院/法国科研中心CNRS-UMR6614/CORIA,动力与推进,工学博士 2010.09-2012.09,法国巴黎第六大学,能源与动力工程,硕士 2006.09-2010.07,北京理工大学,热能与动力工程,工学学士工作经历 2018.07-至今,北京理工大学,宇航学院,特别副研究员/预聘助理教授(硕导) 2017.01-2018.07,中国科学院力学研究所,高温气体动力学国家重点实验室,助理研究员研究领域
固液混合火箭发动机,固体火箭发动机, 航空煤油层流火焰,高温高压燃烧,燃烧激光诊断近期论文
近年来主要发表论文 1. Y Wu*, Z. Zhang, F. Liang, Q. Wang, N. Wang,” Combustion characterization of a CH4/O2 rapid mixed swirl torch igniter for hybrid rocket motor”, Aerospace Science and Technology, Under Review, 2019 2. Y. Wu, X. Yu∗, X. Lin , S. Li, X. Wei, C. Zhu , L. Wu “Experimental investigation of fuel composition and mix-enhancer effects on the performance of paraffin-based hybrid rocket motors”, Aerospace Science and Technology 82–83 (2018) 620–627, 2018 3. Y. Wu*, V. Modica, X. Yu and F. Grisch, ‘’Experimental investigation of laminar flame speed measurement for kerosene fuels: Jet A-1, Surrogate fuel and its pure components ‘’ Energy & Fuel, 2018, 32 (2), pp 2332–2343. 4. Y. Wu*, V. Modica, B. Rossow, X. Yu, L. WU and F. Grisch, ‘’Laminar flame speed of lignocellulosic biomass-derived oxygenates and blends of gasoline/oxygenates’’ Fuel, vol. 202, pp. 572-582, 2017 5. Y. Wu*, V. Modica, X. Yu, F. Li. and F. Grisch ‘’Effects of optical diagnostic techniques on the accuracy of laminar flame speeds measured from Bunsen flames: OH* chemiluminescence, OH-PLIF and acetone/kerosene-PLIF’’ Measurement Science and Technology, vol. 29, No.1, 2017 6. Y. Wu*, V. Modica, B. Rossow and F. Grisch, ‘’Effects of pressure and preheating temperature on the laminar flame speed of methane/air and acetone/air mixtures’’ Fuel, vol. 185, pp. 577-588, 2016. 7. K. Wang, F. Li*, Y. Wu and X. Yu, ‘’Quantitative measurements of chemiluminescence in a laminar methane-air premixed flame and comparison with numerical methods’’, Energy & Fuels 32, 4, 5536-5543, 2018 8. Y. Wu*, V. Modica, B. Rossow, F. Grisch “Elevated pressure and temperature effect to laminar flame speed of acetone/air mixture’’ 25th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reaction System, Leeds, 2015 (会议Proceeding) 9. Y. Wu*, V. Modica, F. Grisch “Laminar flame speed measurement of multicomponent Jet A-1 and LUCHE kerosene surrogate fuels in elevated pressure and temperature conditions’’ 7th European combustion meeting, Budapest, 2015 (会议Proceeding) 10. Y. Wu*, V. Modica, B. Rossow, F. Grisch “Mesure de la vitesse de la flamme laminaire pour des combustible multi composants’’ 14th congrès francophone sur les techniques lasers pour la mécanique des fluides, Marseille, 2014 (会议Proceeding)受邀担任以下期刊审稿人: Energy & Fuels Energy Conversation and Management International Journal of Hydrogen Acta Astronautica SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants 相关热点