2023-05-06 11:43
  • 吴艳青
  • 吴艳青 - 教授-北京理工大学-机电学院-个人资料




1. 本科生《高压气体动力学》、《流体力学》、
3. 研究生《爆炸力学》
1992.09-1996.07,西安交通大学 机械工程系 学士
1996.09-1999.04,西安交通大学 机械工程系材料成型与控制专业 硕士
2000.09-2003.11,西北工业大学 固体力学专业 博士
2012.07–现 在,北京理工大学,机电学院力学工程系,教授




1. Wu YQ*, Guo HF, Huang FL, Bao XW. Effects of large-sized granules on ignition and burning of powdery explosives under drop-weight impacts. Combustion Science and Technology. 2018. DOI: 10.1080/00102202. 2018. 1448801
2. Wu YQ*, Huang FL, Huang Ming. Modeling of ignition in a single layer of impacted energetic crystals. Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics. 38(2): 214-223, 2013.
3. Wu YQ*, Huang FL. Experimental investigations on a layer of HMX explosive crystals in response to drop-weight impact. Combustion Science and Technology, 185(2): 269-292, 2013
4. Wu YQ* , Chaudhri M M. Coefficients of sliding friction of single crystals of high explosives under different rubbing conditions. Journal of Physics. D: Applied Physics, 46, 035303-1~10, 2013.
5. Wu YQ*, Huang FL. Thermal Mechanical Anisotropic Constitutive Model and Numerical Simulations for Shocked β-HMX Single Crystals. European Journal Mechanics A/Solids, 36(11-12), 66-82, 2012
6. Wu YQ*, Huang FL, Zhang ZY. Experiments and modeling of HMX granular explosives subjected to drop-weight impact. Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), Advances, 2, 4152-4163, 2012.
7. Wu YQ*, Huang FL. Orientation-dependent Constitutive Model with Nonlinear Elasticity for Shocked β-HMX Single Crystal. Int J Nonlin Sci Num Sim, 13(1),13-24, 2012 .
8. Wu YQ*, Huang FL. A Microscopic model of the hot-spot ignition of granular energetic crystals in response to drop-weight impact. Mechanics of Materials. 43(12), 835-852, 2011
9. Wu YQ*, Huang FL. A Micromechanical Model for Predicting Combined Damage of Particles and Interface Debonding in PBX Explosives, Mechanics of Materials, 41(1), 27-47, 2009.
10. Yang K, Wu YQ*, Huang FL, Numerical simulations of microcrack-related damage and ignition behavior of mild-impacted polymer bonded explosives. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2018
11. Yang K, Wu YQ*, Huang FL, et al. Numerical simulations of mechanical and ignition-deflagration responses for PBXs under low-to-medium-level velocity impact loading. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 337, 148-162, 2017
12. Wang XJ , Wu YQ*, Huang FL. Thermal-mechanical-chemical responses of polymer-bonded explosives using a mesoscopic reactive model under impact loading. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 321, 256-267, 2017
13. Wang XJ , Wu YQ*, Huang FL. Numerical Mesoscopic Investigations of Dynamic Damage and Failure Mechanisms of Polymer Bonded Explosives. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 129, 28-39, 2017
14. Wang XJ, Wu YQ*, Huang FL, et al. Mesoscale thermal-mechanical analysis of impacted granular and polymer-bonded explosives. Mechanics of Materials, 99, 68-78, 2016
• 为《Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 》、《Materials Science Engineering A》、《Journal of Applied Physics》、《Measurement science and technology》《高压物理学报》、《兵工学报》审稿专家

