2023-05-06 11:38
  • 李雪
  • 李雪 - 讲师-北京理工大学-机械与车辆学院-个人资料




1. 中华人民共和国科学技术部,国家重点研发计划,2016YFE0102700,固体聚合物电解技术风电制氢储存系统的研究及示范,2016-12至2019-12,395.60万元,参加;
2. 中华人民共和国科学技术部,国家重点研发计划-新能源汽车专项,2017YFB0103001,“车用快速响应燃料电池发动机研发”中的课题“开展大功率输出快速响应型燃料电池电堆关键技术研发”,2017-07至2021-06,1838万元,参加;
3. 中华人民共和国科学技术部,国家重点研发计划-新能源汽车专项,2017YFB0103004,“车用快速响应燃料电池发动机研发”中的课题“研究高紧凑、低成本发动机及关键零部件检测及评价技术”, 2017-07至2021-06,420万元,参加;
4. 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,51573083,新型降冰片烯基阴离子交换膜的构筑与性能研究,2016-01至2019-12,76.8万元,参加。"


Li Xue, Zhao Yang, Feng Zhiming, et al. Ring-opening metathesis polymerization for the preparation of polynorbornene-based proton exchange membranes with high proton conductivity[J]. Journal of Membrane Science. 2017, 528:55-63. (SCI收录, IF=6.578, 检索号: 000395956400006.)
Li Xue, Zhao Yang, Li Weiwei, et al. Molecular dynamics simulation of radiation grafted FEP films as proton exchange membranes: Effects of the side chain length[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2017, 42(50):29977-29987. (SCI收录, IF=4.229, 检索号: 000419417600038.)
Li Xue, Zhao Yang, Wang Shubo, et al. Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study of a Polynorbornene-Based Polymer: A Prediction of Proton Exchange Membrane Design and Performance[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2016, 41:16254-16263. (SCI收录, IF=3.582, 检索号: 000384775700040.)
李雪, 赵阳, 高金津, 等. 苯乙烯磺酰氯的理论模拟及用于辐照接枝法制备质子交换膜. 化工学报, 2016 , 67(S1):390-395.(EI收录, 检索号: 20164402973579.)
Li Xue, Zhao Yang, Pan Jianxin, et al. Electrochemical study and quantum chemical calculation of norborene-based quinone in acetonitrile[J]. Chemistry Letters, 2015, 44(10):1443-1445.(SCI收录, IF=1.55, 检索号: 000362622700056.)
Zhao Yang, Li Xue, Wang Shubo, et al. The activity of benzyl and allyl alpha-H sites in p-cresol grafted fluorinated poly(aryl ether oxadiazole) towards the bromination reaction[J]. Chemistry Letters, 2014, 43(12):1943-1945. (共同一作,SCI收录,IF=1.55, 检索号: 000345951500043.)
李雪, 谢晓峰. Li2MnO3·LiMO2(M=Co, Ni)的电子结构与性能. 化工学报, 2013 , 64(S1):188-193.(EI收录, 检索号: 20141017420503.)
Zhao Yang, Li Xue, Li Weiwei, et al. A high-performance membrane electrode assembly for polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell with poly(arylene ether sulfone) nanofiers as effective membrane reinforcements[J]. Journal of power sources, 2019, 444, 227250.(SCI收录, IF=7.467)
Zhao Yang, Li Xue, Wang Zhongyang, et al. Preparation of Graft Poly(Arylene Ether Sulfone)s-Based Copolymer with Enhanced Phase-Separated Morphology as Proton Exchange Membranes via Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization[J]. Polymers, 2019,11,1297.(SCI收录, IF=3.164, 检索号: 000484552900067.)
Shi Kun, Li Xue, Zhao Yang, et al. Corrosion Behavior and Conductivity of TiNb and TiNbN Coated Steel for Metallic Bipolar Plates[J]. Applied sciences, 2019, 9, 2568.(SCI收录, IF=2.217, 检索号: 000473754800177.)
Pan Jianxin, Huang Mianyan, Li Xue, et al. The performance of all vanadium redox flow batteries at below-ambient temperatures[J]. Energy, 2016, 107:784-790. (SCI收录, IF=4.52, 检索号: 000378660500067.)
高金津, 李雪, 赵玉彬, 等. 基于PVDF薄膜辐照接枝制备质子交换膜[J]. 化工学报, 2016, 67(S1):384-389.(EI收录, 检索号:20164402973578.)

