2023-05-06 11:25
  • 臧鸿雁
  • 臧鸿雁 - 副教授-北京科技大学-数理学院-个人资料




1991.7-1995.6 齐齐哈尔师范学院基础数学专业 本科
1995.9-1998.4 哈尔滨理工大学应用数学专业 硕士研究生
1998.4-至今 北京科技大学数力系 任教
2003.9-2008.1 北京科技大学信息工程学院 博士

1998年—至今 北京科技大学数理学院任教


非线性系统统同步理论 混沌密码学"科研业绩:
1) 几类复杂网络的若干广义同步理论及部分应用研究(No.61074192


[1] Hongyan Zang, Lequan Min, Geng Zhao, Generalized Chaos Synchronization Theorem for Bidirectional Array Differential and Discrete Systems with Applications, presentation and abstract in the 5th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International Conference} (CHAOS 2012, http://www.cmsim.org ), 12-15 June, 2012 Athens,Greece.
[2] Hongyan Zang, Lequan Min, Kwok-Wo Wong, Algorithm Reasearch of generating S-box based on chaotic system, in Proceeding of the 2010 3rd International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Industrial Applications (PACIIA, Dec. 4-5, 2010, Wuhan, China), Vol. VII, 320-323. EI 刊源.
[3] Hongyan Zang, Lequan Min, Li Cao, An Image Encryption and Digital Signature Scheme Based on Generalized Synchronization Theorem, in the Proceedin of The 2009 International Workshop on Computational Intelligence and Security (December 11-14, 2009, Beijing, China), 504-610, EI收录:
[4] 臧鸿雁 闵乐泉 吴春雪 赵耿 基于离散混沌系统广义同步定理的数字图像加密方案,北京科技大学学报(2007)29(1):96-101 EI收录
[5] Hongyan Zang ,Lequan Min and Gengzhao, A generalized synchronization theorem for discrete-time chaos system with application in data encryption scheme, 2007 International Conference on Communications, Circuit and Systems( July 2007 ) Vol. II:1325-1329 EI收录
[6] Hongyan Zang and Lequan Min, A Image encryption scheme based on generalized synchronization theorem for discrete array systems, 2008 International Conference on Communications, Circuit and Systems(2008.5) .Vol. II: 1110-1114.EI收录
[7] Hongyan Zang and Lequan Min, Generalized synchronization theorem for akindo fNeural Network with application in data encryption, 3rd IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA 2008). EI收录
[8] Hongyan Zang and Lequan Min,A generalized chaos synchronization theorem for discrete array systems with application . The Fourth Asia-Pacific Workshop on Chaos Control and Sunchronization (2007.8):235-242

