2023-05-06 10:47
  • 徐金安
  • 徐金安 - 教授-北京交通大学-计算机与信息技术学院-个人资料




1988年9月-1992年7月 北方交通大学 通信与控制工程系 交通信号与控制工程专业 工学硕士
2000年4月-2003年3月 日本北海道大学 大学院 工学研究科 语言媒介研究室 自然语言处理 工学硕士
2003年4月-2006年3月 日本北海道大学 大学院 工学研究科 语言媒介研究室 自然语言处理 工学博士
1992年7月-1999年3月 铁道部第四勘察设计院 工程师
2006年5月-2009年5月 NEC中央研究院 研究员
2009年8月-- 2018年12月 北京交通大学 计算机学院 副教授
2019年1月-- 北京交通大学 计算机学院 教授


1. Title: Machine translation evaluation device and method (PCT), Patents No. (China):ZL 2010 8 0069241.1, Inventor:JinAn Xu



1. Liu Bojia, Xu JinAn, CHEN Yufeng, ZHANG Yujie,Integrating of Grapheme-Based and Phoneme-Based Transliteration Unit Alignment Method,Journal of Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis. Vol.52, No.1, 2016, pp.75-80. (in Chinese)
2. Xu Huating, Zhang Yujie, Yang Xiaohui, Shan Hua, Xu JinAn, Chen Yufeng,Active Learning Based Domain Adaptation for Chinese Word Segmentation,Journal of Chinese Information Processing. 2015, Vol. 29 No.5, PP.55-63. (in Chinese)
3. Xu JinAn,Liu Jiangming, Zhang Yujie, Word Similarity Computing Based on Hybrid Hierarchical Structure by HowNet, Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol.31, No.6, 2015.11, pp.2089-2101.
4. Xu JinAn,Liu Jiangming, Araki Kenji, A Hybrid Topic Model for Multi-Document Summarization, IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems,Vol.E98-D, No.5, 2015.05 , pp.1089-1094.
5. WU Peihao,XU JinAn,ZHANG Yujie. Research on joint Chinese-Japanese word segmentation for phrase-based statistical machine translation. Journal of Computer Engineering and Application, 2015, Vol.51 No.5, pp.116-120.
6. Wu Peihao, Xu JinAn, Xie Jun, Zhang Yujie, Chunk-based Dependency-to-String Model Using Case Frame for Japanese-Chinese Statistical Machine Translation, Journal of Chinese Information Processing, Vol.28 No.5, 2014, PP.133-140. (in Chinese)
7. ZHAO Ziyu,XU Jin’an,ZHANG Yujie,LIU Jiangming. Japanese Time Expression Recognition and Translation. Journal of Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis, 2014, Vol.50 No.1, pp.180-186. (in Chinese)
8. Jinan Xu, Peihao Wu, Jun Xie, Yujie Zhang, Chunk-Based Dependency-to-String Model with Japanese Case Frame, Machine Translation, Vol.493 of the series Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer,2014, pp.80-92.
9. Liu Jiangming,XU JinAn,ZHANG Yujie. Summarization Based on Hidden Topic Markov Model with Multi-features. Journal of Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis, 2014, Vol.50 No.1, pp.187-193. (in Chinese)
10. Jinyuan Yue, Jinan Xu, Yujie Zhang, Chinese Word Segmentation for Patent Documents, Journal of Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis, Vol.49, No.1, Jan.,2013. pp.159-164.(in Chinese)
11. ZHAO Ziyu,XU Jin’an,ZHANG Yujie,LIU Jiangming, Japanese Time Expression Recognition by Combining Rules with Statistics, Journal of Chinese Information Processing, Vol.27 No.6, 2013, PP.192-201. (in Chinese)
12. Su Chen, Zhang Yujie1, Guo Zhen, Xu JinAn,Chinese word segmentation method for domain-special machine translation, Journal of Chinese Information Processing. 2013.9, Vol.27, No.5, pp.184-190. (in Chinese)
13. Kuang Ru, Jinan Xu, Yujie Zhang, Peihao Wu, A Method to Construct Chinese-Japanese Named Entity Translation Equivalents Using Monolingual Corpora, Natural Language Processing and Chinese Computing, Vol.400 of the series Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer, 2013, pp.164-175.
14. Chen Su, Yujie Zhang, Zhen Guo, Jinan Xu, Exploring Multiple Chinese Word Segmentation Results Based on Linear Model,Natural Language Processing and Chinese Computing, Vol.400 of the series Communications in Computer and Information Science,Springer,2013, pp.50-59.
15. Junjie Jiang, Jinan Xu, Youfang Lin, A Naïve Automatic MT Evaluation Method without Reference Translations, Knowledge Engineering and Management Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing Vol. 123, 2012, pp.499-508.
16. Meng Fandong, Xu JinAn, Jiang Wenbin, Liu Qun, A Method of Merging Corpora in Different Annotation Standards: An Application on Statistics Chinese Lexical Analysis, Journal of Chinese Information Processing,Vol.26, No.2, Mar., 2012. pp.3-7.(in Chinese).
17. Jinan Xu, Rationalism and Empiricism on the Combination in Machine Translation,Journal of Computer Science,Vol.38, No.6, 2011. pp.223-229. (in Chinese)
18. Zhen Guo, Yujie Zhang, Chen Su, Jinan Xu, Exploration of N-gram Features for the Domain Adaptation of Chinese Word Segmentation, Natural Language Processing and Chinese Computing, Communications in Computer and Information Science Volume 333, Springer, 2012, pp.121-131.
19. Jinan Xu, and Kenji Araki, A Naive Statistics Method for Electronic Program Guide Recommendation System. LNAI, Vol.3801, pp.434-441,2005.
20. Jinan Xu, and Kenji Araki, A Personalized Recommendation System for Electronic Program Guide. LNAI, Vol.3809, pp.1146-1149, 2005.
21. Jinan Xu, Toshihiko Itoh and Kenji Araki, Action Prediction Method Using Recursive Different and Common Parts Extraction Method with N-gram. Journal of Human Interface Society. Vol.7,No.1, Japan, 2005, PP.55-68.(in Japnaese)
22. Xiang Li, Jinan Xu, Wenbin Jiang, Yajuan Lv, Qun Liu. A Fixed Point Decoding Approach for Statistical Machine Translation on Mobile Terminals, Journal of Chinese Information Processing,Vol.25, No.2,2011.pp.61-65.(in Chinese)
1. JinAn Xu, Jiangming Liu, Yufeng Chen, Yujie Zhang, Ming Fang, Shaotong Li, Integrating Case Frame into Japanese to Chinese Hierarchical Phrase-based Translation Model, Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Semantics-Driven Statistical Machine Translation, ACL 2015, pages 23–29.
2. Dandan Wang, Xiaohui Yang, Jinan Xu, Yufeng Chen, Nan Wang, Bojia Liu, Jian Yang, Yujie Zhang, A Hybrid Transliteration Model for Chinese/English Named Entities-BJTU-NLP Report for the 5th Named Entities Workshop,Proceedings of the Fifth Named Entity Workshop, joint with 53rd ACL and the 7th IJCNLP, pages 67–71, Beijing, China, July 26-31, 2015.
3. Fang Ming, Jin’an Xu, Yufeng Chen, Yujie Zhang, Shaotong Li, Xiaokang Zheng,Nan Wang, BJTU-NLP LAB Technical Report for the 2015 China Workshop on Machine Translation, CWMT2015, pp.169-174.
4. Jun Xie, Jinan Xu, and Qun Liu. 2014. Augment dependency-to-string translation with fixed and floating structures. In Proceedings of COLING 2014, the 25th International Conference on Computational Linguistics: Technical Papers, pages 2217–2226, Dublin, Ireland, August. Dublin City University and Association for Computational Linguistics.
5. Jingsheng Cai Yujie Zhang Hua Shan Jinan Xu,System Description: Dependency-based Pre-ordering for Japanese-Chinese Machine Translation, Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Asian Translation (WAT2014), pages 39‒43,Tokyo, Japan, 4th October 2014.
6. Jiangming LIU,Xu jianXu, WU peihao, ZHANG yujie, Automatic Acquisition of Lexical Semantic Relationship based on Web Resource, NLP&CC 2012, Beijing, China. (In Chinese)
7. Chen Liang,Xu JinAn,Zhang Yujie, A hybrid model for word alignment with bilingual corpus, Computer Science and Automation Engineering (CSAE), 2012 IEEE International Conference. May 2012, pp.99-103.
8. Meng Fandong, Xu JinAn, Jiang Wenbin, Liu Qun,The Influence of the Level and Oblique Tones Information on Chinese Lexical Analysis. Advances in Machine Translation—The Seventh National Machine Translation Symposium,CWMT2011. (In Chinese)
9. Meng Fandong, Xu JinAn, Jiang Wenbin, Liu Qun, A Method of Merging Corpora in Different Annotation Standards: An Application on Statistics Chinese Lexical Analysis. CNCCL-2011,LuoYang, China. PP.3-8. (In Chinese)
10. JinAn Xu, Junjie Jiang,A N-gram based Automatic MT Evaluation Method without Reference Translations, CWMT2011, pp 229-236. (In Chinese)
11. JinAn Xu,A Hybrid Approach of Automatic Post-Editing for Machine Translation, Energy Proc (2011).
12. Junjie Jiang, JinAn Xu, Yujie Zhang, BJTU Technical Report for CWMR 2011 Evaluation. CWMT2011.pp. 130-135. (In Chinese)
13. Junjie Jiang, JinAn Xu, Youfang Lin, A Navie Automatic MT Evaluation Method without Reference Translations, ISKE2011,2011,15-17,Dec. Shanghai.pp.499-508.
14. Junjie Jiang, JinAn Xu, Youfang Lin and Yujie Zhang, System Description of BJTU-NLP SMT for NTCIR-9 PatentMT,NTCIR-9,pp638-640,2011.12. Tokyo.
15. JinAn Xu, Prospects in Machine Translation, In Proceedings of 2010 Cross-Strait Conference on Information Science and Technology, Scientific Research Publishing, USA, 2010.7.09-13, pp.368-372.
16. JinAn Xu, Rationalism and Empiricism in Machine Translation, Prospects in Machine Translation, In Proceedings of 2010 Cross-Strait Conference on Information Science and Technology, Scientific Research Publishing, USA, 2010.7.09-13,pp441-446.)(In Chinese)
17. Xiang Li, JinAn Xu, Wenbin Jiang, Qun Liu, Yajuan Lv, A Fixed-Point Decoding Approach for Statistical Machine Translation on Mobile Terminals. In Proceedings of the 4th International Universal Communication Symposium (IUCS 2010), IEEE Computer Society , Beijing, October 18-19, 2010 (In Chinese)
18. JinAn Xu,A hybrid Approach of Automatic Post-Editing for Machine Translation.In Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Information Security and Artifical Intelligence (ISAI 2010), IEEE Xplore.
18. Xiang Li, JinAn Xu, Yajuan Lv, Qun Liu, Wenbin Jiang,A Fixed point Decoding Approach for Mobile Machine Translation Terminals. YWCL 2010, Wuhan, China. (In Chinese)
20.JinAn Xu and Kenji Araki, A SVM-based Personal Recommendation System for TV Programs. Proc. of IEEE Press, The 12th International MultiMedia Modelling Conference (MMM2006), pp.401-404, Beijing, China, Jan. 4-6, 2006.
21.JinAn Xu, Seiya Osada, Kiyoshi Yamabana, Research on Japanese Modal Verbs of Japanese Chinese Machine Translation, 14th Annual Meeting of the Association for Natural Language Processing of Japan. 2008.3.(in Japanese)
22. Seiya Osada,JinAn Xu, Kiyoshi Yamaban, Development of Japanese - Chinese Machine Translation System based on Travel Corpus. 14th Annual Meeting of the Association for Natural Language Processing of Japan. 2008.3.(in Japanese)
23.JinAn Xu, Toshihiko Itoh, Kenji Araki and Koji Tochinai,A Point-Pass-Based Action Prediction Method. International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies 2004, pp103-108, Sapporo, Japan, October 26-29, 2004.
24.JinAn Xu, Toshihiko Itoh, Kenji Araki and Koji Tochinai,Evaluation of Action Prediction Method Using Inductive Learning with N-gram. Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Signal Processing, pp.1605-1609, Beijing China, Aug. 31-Sept.4, 2004.
25. JinAn Xu, Kenji Araki and Koji Tochinai, Effectiveness of Action Prediction Method for a User Using Inductive Learning with N-gram. Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference, Artificial and Computational Intelligence, pp.179-184, September, 2002, Tokyo, Japan.
26. JinAn Xu, Kenji Araki, Adaptive Automatic TV Recommendation System Using SVM. Proceedings of the Joint Conference of Electrical and Related Engineers Hokkaido Branch,2005-10.(in Japanese)
27.Jin'an Xu, Toshihiko Itoh and Kenji Araki,A Human-like Action Prediction Method. Proceedings of the Joint Conference of Electrical and Related Engineers Hokkaido Branch,2004-10. pp.286-287,Hakodate Mirai University.(in Japanese)
28.JinAn Xu, Kenji Araki and Koji Tochinai, Action Prediction for a User Using Inductive Learning with N-gram (HIP 2002-54~62) [Human information],pp.41-48.(in Japanese)
29.JinAn Xu, Kenji Araki and Koji Tochinai,A Robust Method for Automatic and Dynamic Action Prediction of a User Using Inductive Learning with N-gram. Proceedings of the Joint Conference of Electrical and Related Engineers Hokkaido Branch,2002-10. (in Japanese).
30 . JinAn Xu, Kenji Araki and Koji Tochinai, Perfomance Evaluation of Action Prediction Method of a User by Inductive Learning Using N-gram , Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference 2002.information and systems(1), PP.109, 2002.3. (in Japanese).
《自然语言处理初步》 徐金安(译) 荒木健治 (著) 清华大学出版社/北京交通大学出版社 2013年3月第一次印刷
日本IEICE-Trans 编委; 计算机学会中文信息处理专委会委员;中文信息处理学会会员,ACM会员、ACL会员等。

