2023-05-06 10:34
  • 关伟
  • 关伟 - 教授-北京交通大学-交通运输学院-个人资料






主动服务式道路交通诱导装置,ZL 2011 1 0300495.6
交通诱导室外屏的网络化控制系统,ZL 2008 1 0224255.
纯电动公交车电池参数传输装置,ZL 2009 1 0236672.1

1. 国家高技术研究发展计划(“863”计划)主题项目课题“区域交通网络化智能诱导控制技术(编号:2011AA110303)”,2011年1月——2013年12月。
2. 国家高技术研究发展计划(“863”计划)课题“具有多匝道口的城市快速环路交通拥堵形成机理及疏导控制技术研究(编号:2006AA11Z212)”,2006年12月——2008年12月。
3. 国家科技支撑计划课题“奥运地面公交智能调度、运力资源优化配置与应急联动系统研究(编号:2006BAG01A01-2)”,2007年1月——2008年12月。
4. 国家自然科学基金重点项目子课题“区域综合交通网络承载力理论与结构优化方法(编号:71131001-2),2012年1月——2016年12月。
5. 国家重点基础研究发展计划(“973”计划)子课题”多方式公共交通运行的协同组织与调度理论和方法”


1. Guan, W, Shuyan He and Jihui Ma , “Review on Traffic Flow Phenomena and Theory”, Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology, Vol.12, No.3, pp 90-97, 2012.
2. Guan, W. and S. He, “Statistical Features of Traffic Flow on Urban Freeways.” Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, Vol. 387, No 4, Feb 1, p 944-954. 2008
3. Guan W., and S. He, “Phase Transition of Urban Freeway Traffic Flow”, Proceedings of 11th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Beijing,China, Oct. 12-15, pp868-874, 2008.
4. Guan, W, Shuyan He and Jihui Ma , “HMI: Pre-warning Index of Traffic Jam Formation on Urban Freeway”, Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology, Vol.8, No.5, pp 26-31, 2008.
5. Guan W., and Shuyan He, “A Pre-warning Index of Traffic Jam Formation”, Proceedings of 14th World Congress on Intelligent Transportation Systems (Paper No. 4195),Beijing,China, 2007.
6. Guan, W. and S. He, Statistical Features and Phases Identification of Traffic Flow on Urban Freeway. Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology, Vol.7, No.5: pp. 42-50. 2007.
7. Guan W., and H. Xie, “A Combination Forecasting Model of Urban Ring Road Traffic Flow”, Proceedings of 9th IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference, Toronto, Canada, pp671-676, 2006.
8. Guan W., and H. Hu, “Qualitative Analysis of Traffic Jam Formation in Urban Ring Road”, Proceedings of 8th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vienna, Austria, pp496-501, 2005.
9. Guan W., and X. L. Cai, “A Practical Model of Dynamic Forecasting of Urban Ring Road Traffic Flow”, Proceedings of 8th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vienna, Austria, pp1050-1055, 2005.
10. Guan W., X. L. Cai, and L. L. Fan, “Spatio-Temporal Causality Explanation of Non-homogeneous Traffic Flow”, Journal of Systems Science and Information, Vol. 3, No.1, pp31-39, 2005.
11. Guan W., “A Qualitative Model of Cross-Lane Inhomogeneities in Traffic Flow”, IEEE Trans. on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol.5, No.3, pp188-199, 2004.
12. Guan W. and A. L. Huang, “Qualitative Correlation Analysis Between HMI and SDI of a Traffic System”, Proceedings of 7th IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference, Washington,D.C.,U.S.A.pp76-81, 2004.
13. Guan W., “Modeling Traffic Flow Characteristics with Qualitative and Quantitative Knowledge”, Proceedings of 6th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems,Shanghai,China. pp151-155, 2003.
14. Guan W., and Guowu Zhang, et.al.,“Research on ITS Planning Methodology for Chinese Cities”, Journal of Systems Science and Information, Vol. 1, No.1, pp1-10, 2003.
15. Guan W. and Shen J.S et.al., “A Practical Qualitative + Quantitative Method – S-ANN”, Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, Vol.11, No.1, pp19-27, 2002.
16. Guan W. and Shen J.S. et.al. “Using S-ANN Method to Forecast the Ridership of Beijing Public Transportation”, Proceedings of Internal Conference on Traffic and Transportation Studies (ICTTS’2002), Guilin,China, pp877-882, 2002.
17. 关伟,“交通拥堵发生时车道非同态性变化的仿真分析”,系统仿真学报,Vol.18, No.5, pp1339-1342, 2006.
18. 关伟,“宏观交通流的定性建模方法”,土木工程学报,Vol. 36, No.7,pp66-71, 2003。
19. 关伟 申金升等,“公交优先的信号控制策略研究” 系统工程学报,Vol.16,No.3, pp176-180,2001。
20. 关伟,蔡晓蕾,“城市环路交通流实时滚动预测实用模型”,交通运输系统工程与信息,Vol.6,No.4。pp13-17,2006。

23. Guan W. and Bao Liu, “Qualitative Simulation of Non-linear SISO System,” Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, Vol.7, No.1, Mar. , 1998.
24. 关伟,刘豹,“从状态空间的角度对定性模拟中一些概念的讨论”,信息与控制,Vol.27, No.4, 1998。
25. 关伟,刘豹,“结合区域和时间信息的定性模拟方法”,系统工程学报,Vol.12, No.2, 1997。

32. Zhengbing HE, B.C. CHEN, N. Jia, Wei Guan, et. al., “Route Guidance Strategies Revised: Comparison and Evaluation in an Asymmetric Two-Route Traffic Network,” International Journal of Modern Physics C, Vol. 25, No. 4 (2014) 1450005. 2014.
33. Yang Q., Guan Wei, Zhang WY, Zang GZ., “Day-to-day pairwise departure-time swapping in commuting trips”, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol.448-453, pp 4128-4133. 2014.
34. Huang L.C., Guan Wei, Xiong J, “Routing design optimization of bus joint for passenger transfer centers”. Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 448-453, pp. 4140-4149. 2014.
35. Zang, Guang Zhi, Guan, Wei; Zhang, Wen Yi, “Day-to-day departure-time adjustment process for CTM-based morning commute problem by optimum pattern”, Advanced Materials Research, v 869-870, p 266-271, 2014, Sustainable Development of Industry and Economy.
36. Yin, Ting Ting; Guan, Wei, “Study on the assessment of the serving state of the critical equipment of urban transit station”, Advanced Materials Research, v 869-870, p 20-29, 2014, Sustainable Development of Industry and Economy.
37. 熊杰,关伟,黄爱玲,“社区公交接驳地铁路经优化研究”,交通运输系统工程与信息,Vol.14,No.。pp166-173,2014。
38. Wenyi Zhang, Wei Guan, Liying Song, Baohua Mao, Guangzhi Zang. “Modeling Traveler’s Day-to-Day Rerouting Behavior considering Multiday Experiences”. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2013, Volume 2013, Article ID 453140, 8 pages.
39. Zhengbing He , Wei Guan , Shoufeng Ma, “ A traffic-condition-based route guidance strategy for a single destination road network”, Transportation Research Part C, 32 (2013) pp89–102, 2013.
40. ZHANG Wen-yi, GUAN Wei, SONG Li-ying, SUN Hui-jun, ”Alpha-reliable combined mean traffic equilibrium model with stochastic travel times”, Journal of Central South University, Vol. 20 No. 12, pp3770−3778, December, 2013.
41. Xiong, Jie., Guan, Wei., Song, L., Huang, A., and Shao, C.. \

