教育背景\r1997年北京大学数学系毕业,获理学博士学位\r\r工作简历\r2013-2014, The University of Texas-Pan American, Department of Mathematics, 访问学者\r2006, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Department de Matematiques, 访问学者\r1997/07-至今,北京航空航天大学,数学与系统科学学院任教\r\r所获奖励\r1.北京市奖\r 2001 、 2011年 获“北京市数学建模及计算机应用竞赛优秀指导教师”称号\r2.校教学奖\r 2001 年获“西飞奖教金”一等奖\r 2008 年获“成飞奖教金”二等奖\r 2001、2002、2003、2005、2008、2009、2010、2011、2013、2014 年获校优秀教学成果二等奖、三等奖\r 2004、2005、2006、2007、2008、2009、2010 年度获“校学科竞赛优秀指导教师”称号研究领域
Yunfei Gao, Linping Peng, Changjian Liu, Bifurcation of limit cycles from a class of piecewise smooth systems with two vertical straight lines of singularity, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 27(2017): 1750157-1-13.\r\rLinping Peng, Bo Huang; Second-order bifurcation of limit cycles from a quadratic reversible center, Electron. J. Differential Equations, 2017 (2017): 1-17.\r\rLianghaolong Lu , Linping Peng, Zhaosheng Feng, Perturbed rigidly isochronous centers and their critical periods,Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Application, 453(2016): 366-382.\r\rLinping Peng, Zhaosheng Feng, Changjian Liu. Quadratic perturbations of a quadratic reversible Lotka-Volterra system with two centers, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 34(2014): 4807-4826.\r\rLinping Peng, You Li,On the limit cycles bifurcating from a quadratic reversible center of genus one,Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics, 11(2014): 373-392.\r\rYazhi Lei,Linping Peng, Bifurcation of limit cycles from a quadratic reversible center with the unbounded elliptic separatrix, Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society, 39(2013):1223-1248.\r\rLinping Peng, Yazhi Lei, The cyclicity of the period annulus of a quadratic reversible system with a hemicycle, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 30(2011): 873-890.\r\rLinping Peng, Quadratic perturbations of a quadratic reversible center of genus one, Frontiers of Mathematics in China, 6(2011): 911-930.\r\rYannan Sun, Linping Peng, The cyclicity of the period annulus of a quadratic reversible system with one center of genus one, Turkish Journal of Mathematics, 35(2011):1-19. 相关热点