2023-05-06 09:55
  • 陈娟
  • 陈娟 - 副教授-北京航空航天大学-机械工程及自动化学院-个人资料




1992年9月 - 1996年7月 东 北 大 学 工业自动化 学士\r
1996年9月 - 1999年7月 中国矿业大学(北京) 控制理论与控制工程 硕士\r
1999年9月 - 2003年6月 北京航空航天大学 机械电子工程 博士\r
2003年6月 – 2005年6月,北京航空航天大学,自动化科学与电气工程学院,博士后\r
2003年9月 – 2004年12月,日本SMC株式会社,筑波技术研究中心,访问学者/博士后\r
2005年7月 – 2009年9月,北京航空航天大学,自动化科学与电气工程学院,讲师,硕士生导师\r
2009年9月 – 2009年12月,德国凯姆尼兹科技大学(TU Chemnitz),材料科学与材料工程学院,访问学者\r
2009年12月 –2017年8月,北京航空航天大学,机械工程及自动化学院,讲师,硕士生导师\r
2017年8月 - 2018年8月,巴黎中央理工大学,访问学者\r




Juan Chen*, Shilu Xie, et al. Launch Vehicle Fault Injection and Fault Diagnosis based on Mil-std-1553b Data Bus, 30th European Safety and Reliability Conference and 15th Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conference. Nov.1-5 2020\r
Chen Juan, Enrico ZIO, et al. Accelerated Life Test for Reliability Evaluation of Pneumatic Cylinders, IEEE Access. Dec.2018 (SCI)\r
王德义,陈娟*. 双应力交叉步降加速寿命试验研究与应用,质量与可靠性,2019年8月\r
陈娟*,赵君伟等. 基于多软件协同仿真的六自由度平台虚拟试验系统,机床与液压,2017年9月\r
陈娟*,赵君伟等. 受油机运动模拟系统设计与建模仿真分析, 机床与液压,2017年9月\r
陈娟*,张建,胡贵明. 基于LabWindows/CVI的导弹舵机测控系统设计,计算机测量与控制,2017年6月\r
Juan Chen*, Jiming Ma,et al. Performance optimization of grooved slippers for aero hydraulic pumps, Chinese Journal of AeronauticsJune 2016. (SCI)\r
Chen Juan*, Zhang Jian, et al. Research on load spectrum of Aero Hydraulic Pump based on Accelerated Degradation Testing,ICAS 2016\r
陈娟*,李元,李万国. 基于B/S模式的嵌入式系统测试方法与实现,电子技术应用,2016年2月\r
Jiming Ma, Juan Chen*, et al.Wear analysis of swash plate/slipper pair of axis piston hydraulic pump.Tribology International, October 2015. (SCI)\r
马纪明 陈娟等. 航空液压泵加速寿命试验现状及方法研究(连载3) 航空液压泵加速寿命试验载荷谱的确定方法. 液压与气动,2015年8月\r
马纪明 陈娟等 航空液压泵加速寿命试验现状及方法研究(连载2) 航空液压泵典型失效模式及加速方法 液压与气动,2015年7月\r
马纪明 陈娟等. 航空液压泵加速寿命试验现状 ,液压与气动,2015年6月\r
马纪明 陈娟等. 轴向柱塞泵/滑靴副润滑磨损的影响因素分析,北京航空航天大学学报,2014年10月\r
郭彦青,陈娟等. 电液负载模拟器摩擦参数辨识及补偿 , 北京航空航天大学学报,2014年9月\r
Chen Juan*, Li Jia, et al. Double crossed step-down-stress accelerated life testing for pneumatic cylinder based on cumulative damage model, 2013 International Conference on Applied Mechanics, Fluid and Solid Mechanics, November 15-16, 2013, Singapore.\r
陈娟*,张建,赵君伟. 基于ADT的航空液压泵编谱方法研究[J]. 北航学术论坛.\r
陈娟*,赵君伟,张建. 石油钻井用新型扭力冲击器的研究 [J]. 北航学术论坛.\r
陈娟*,李元等. 分布式自主测试技术研究[C]. 2015 International Seminar on Information and Automation\r
Chen Juan*, Song Chunwen, Qi Xiaoye, Wu Wei. Path Classification and Estimation Model Based Prognosis of Pneumatic Cylinder Lifetime. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering,25(2): 392-397,2012.(SCIE)\r
安高成*, 陈娟, 付永领, 祁晓野. 双独立闭环复合液压伺服控制体系的分析,北京航空航天大学学报,第37 卷,第9 期,1076-1080 页, 2011(EI)\r
何涛*, 祁晓野, 陈娟. 气缸加速寿命试验中参数估计方法的研究,液压与气动,第4 卷,7-10页,2010\r
王德义, 陈娟, 孙德辉. 基于ATMEGA128 的电动云台控制器设计, 电力自动化设备,第6 期,140-142,2010\r
付永领, 韩国惠*, 陈娟, 马俊功. 基于气动系统的复杂系统加速寿命试验方法的研究,机械强度,第31 卷,第4 期,578-583 页,2009\r
付永领, 韩国惠*,王占林,陈娟. 气缸双应力恒加试验的优化设计,机械工程学报,第45 卷,第11 期,288-294 页,2009\r
付永领, 韩国惠*,王占林,陈娟. CQ2 系列气缸加速寿命试验优化方法研究,兵工学报,第30卷,第11 期,1493-1498 页,2009\r
付永领, 韩国惠*, 陈娟. 气缸加速寿命试验CAE 辅助设计研究,液压与气动,第7 卷,67-71页,2009\r
Chen Juan*, Li Jia, Wang Deyi, Fan Dianliang, Qi Xiaoye. Double crossed step-down-stress accelerated life testing for pneumatic cylinder based on cumulative damage model, 2013 International Conference on Applied Mechanics, Fluid and Solid Mechanics, November 15-16, Singapore,2013(EI).\r
Li Wanguo*,Fu YongLing, Qi, XiaoYe,Chen Juan,Ma, JunGong. Variable-pressure secondary-control with power recovery for loading hydraulic driving head of rotary drilling rig. Advanced Materials Research, v765-767, p 1881-1888, 2013, Advanced Information and Computer Technology in Engineering and Manufacturing, Environmental Engineering(EI)\r
Liu Jun*, Fu Yongling, Wang Zhanlin,Chen Juan. Development of brake-by-wire hardware-in-loop simulation bench, Proceedings - 2012 International Conference on Computer Distributed Control and Intelligent Environmental Monitoring, CDCIEM 2012, p 236-240, 2012 (EI)\r
Chen Juan*, Wang Deyi, Fu Yongling, Qi Xiaoye. Double-crossed step-stress accelerated life testing for pneumatic cylinder, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol 121-126:1274-1278, Clausthal-Zellerfeld,2011(EI)\r
Chen Juan*, Qi Xiaoye, Liu Bohong, Wang Deyi. Analysis of failure mechanism and stress influence on cylinder, Proceedings of 2011 International Conference on Electronic and Mechanical Engineering and Information Technology, Vol 7:3543-3546, Ha Erbin, China, 2011.08.12-14 (EI)\r
Chen Juan*, Wu Wei, Song Chunwen, Liu Bohong, Qi Xiaoye. Validation and verification of life prediction technology for electromechanical products, Information Technology for Manufacturing Systems II, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol 58-60:1690-1695, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, 2011 (EI)\r
Chen Juan*, Song Chunwen, Wu Wei. Determination of the minimum sampling size for performance verification of security gate, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol 40-41:913-91 6, Clausthal-Zellerfeld,2011(EI)\r
Fu Yongling*, Pang Yao, Liu Hesong, Chen Juan. Switching transient simulation of redundant actuation system with mechanical backup, Proceedings of 2011 International Conference on Electronic and Mechanical Engineering and Information Technology, Vol 7:3529-3532, Ha Erbin, China,2011.08.12-14 (EI)\r
Chen Juan*, Wu Wei, Song Chunwen. Performance verification and reliability research of aviation security equipment, 2010 International Conference on Future Industrial Engineering and Application, Vol3:1-4, Shenzhen, China, 2010.12.17-18\r
Chen Juan*, Qi Xiaoye, et al. Accelerated testing for the analysis of aluminum alloy tube surface abrasion and its influence on the lifetime of pneumatic cylinders,Proceeding of The 12th Materials Colloquium, 235-243, Chemnitz, Germany,2009.10.01-02\r
Chen Juan*, Wang Deyi, et al. Multiple stress effect analysis on pneumatic cylinders accelerated life testing, 4th International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control, 1418-1421, Kaohsiung, Taiwan,2009.12.07-09 (EI)\r
Chen juan*, Xiaoye Qi.et al. Aircraft multiplex mechatronic system control strategy based on task management, Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Electronic Measurement and Instruments, 3996-4000, Beijing, China, 2009.08.16-19(EI)\r
Chen Juan*, Wu Qiang, et al. Accelerated life testing design based on wear failure mechanism for pneumatic cylinders, Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Reliability, Maintainability and Safety, 1280-1285, Chengdu China, 2009.07.20-24(EI)

