2023-05-06 09:55
  • 陈勇
  • 陈勇 - 教授-北京航空航天大学-物理学院-个人资料




1997.9 -- 2000.6 兰州大学 理论物理 博士研究生毕业 博士学位\r
1994.9 -- 1997.6 中科院寒旱所 硕士研究生毕业 硕士学位\r
1990.9 -- 1994.6 兰州大学 理论物理 大学本科毕业 学士学位\r
2013.3 -- 至今 北京航空航天大学 物理系 教授\r
2011.12 -- 2012.12 英国 King's College London 数学系 访问学者\r
2001.11 -- 2003.1 德国 Konstanz 大学 物理系 访问学者\r
1997.7 -- 2013.3 兰州大学 理论物理研究所 助教、讲师、副教授、教授




Miaomiao Xing, Zhuoqin Yang, and Yong Chen. Bursting types and bifurcation analysis of the temperature-sensitive Purkinje neuron, Nonlinear Dynamics 111, 1819 (2023).\r
Guoqing Xu, Tao Huang, Yilong Han, and Yong Chen. Morphologies and dynamics of free surfaces of crystals composed of active particles, Soft Matter 18, 8830 (2022).\r
Tao Huang, Chunhua Zeng, and Yong Chen. Collective diffusion in a two-dimensional liquid composed of Janus particles, Communications in Theoretical Physics 74, 105602 (2022).\r
Tao Huang, Chunhua Zeng, Hua Wang, Yong Chen, and Yilong Han. Internal stress induced solid-solid transition involving orientational domains of anisotropic particles, Physical Review E 106, 014612 (2022).\r
Jian Zhang, Tao Huang, Guoqing Xu, and Yong Chen. Density fluctuations of two-dimensional active-passive mixtures, Communications in Theoretical Physics 74, 075601 (2022).\r
Miaomiao Xing, Xinlin Song, Hengtong Wang, Zhuoqin Yang, and Yong Chen. Frequency synchronization and excitabilities of two coupled heterogeneous Morris-Lecar neurons, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 157, 111959 (2022).\r
Guoqing Xu, Tao Huang, Yilong Han, and Yong Chen. Morphologies and dynamics of the interfaces between the active and passive phases, Soft Matter 17, 9607 (2021).\r
Miaomiao Xing, Xinlin Song, Zhuoqin Yang, and Yong Chen. Bifurcations and excitibility transition in the temperature-sensitive Morris-Lecar neuron, Nonlinear Dynamics 100, 2687 (2020).\r
Tao Huang, Yilong Han*, and Yong Chen*. Melting and solid-solid transitions of two-dimensional crystals composed of Janus spheres, Soft Matter 16, 3015 (2020).\r
Xinlin Song, Hengtong Wang, Yong Chen, and Ying-cheng Lai. Emergence of an optimal temperature in action potential propagation through myelinated axons, Physical Review E 100, 032416 (2019). (Editor's Suggestion)\r
Xinlin Song, Hengtong Wang, and Yong Chen. Autapse-induced firing pattern transitions in the Morris-Lecar neuron model, Nonlinear Dynamics 96, 2341 (2019).\r
Xinlin Song, Hengtong Wang, and Yong Chen. Coherence resonance in an autaptic Hodgkin-Huxley neuron with time delay, Nonlinear Dynamics 94, 141 (2018).\r
Zhaoxia Niu, Tao Huang, and Yong Chen. Molecular dynamics study of nanodroplet diffusion on smooth solid surfaces, Frontiers of Physics 13, 137804 (2018).\r
Yong Chen. Influence of Cell-Cell Interactions on the Population Growth Rate in a Tumor, Communications in Theoretical Physics 68, 798 (2017).\r
Yuan Yue, Liwei Liu, Yujiang Liu, Yong Chen, Yueling Chen, and Lianchun Yu. Dynamical response, information transition and energy dependence in a neuron model driven by autapse, Nonlinear Dynamics 90, 2893 (2017).\r
Yuan Yue, Yujiang Liu, Yalei Song, Yong Chen, and Lianchun Yu. Information Capacity and Transmission in a Courbage–Nekorkin–Vdovin Map-Based Neuron Model, Chinese Physics Letters 34, 048701 (2017).\r
Yongjuan Sun, Tao Huang, Junfeng Zhao, and Yong Chen. Evaporation of a nanodroplet on rough substrate, Frontiers of Physics 12, 126401 (2017).\r
Longfei Wang, Hengtong Wang, Lianchun Yu, and Yong Chen. Spike-Threshold Variability Originated from Separatrix-Crossing in Neuronal Dynamics, Scientific Reports 6, 31719 (2016).\r
Hengtong Wang and Yong Chen. Response of stochastic Hodgkin-Huxley neuron with an autapse to subthreshold sinusoidal signals, Physica A 462, 321 (2016).\r
Hengtong Wang and Yong Chen. Spatiotemporal activities of neural network exposed to external electric fields, Nonlinear Dynamics 85, 881 (2016).\r
Yueling Chen, Lianchun Yu, and Yong Chen. Reliability of weak signals detection in neurons with noise, Science China: Technological Sciences 59, 411 (2016). (invited review)\r
Yong Chen, Hengtong Wang, Jiangang Zhang, Ke Chen, and Yumin Li, Simulation of avascular tumor growth by agent-based game model involving phenotype-phenotype interactions, Scientific Reports 5, 17992 (2015).\r
Hengtong Wang and Yong Chen. Firing dynamics of an autaptic neuron, Chinese Physics B 24, 128709 (2015). (invited review)\r
Hengtong Wang, Longfei Wang, Yueling Chen, and Yong Chen. Effect of autaptic activity on the response of a Hodgkin-Huxley neuron, Chaos 24, 033122 (2014).\r
Hengtong Wang, Yongjuan Sun, Yichen Li, and Yong Chen. Influence of autaptic self-feedback on mode-locking structure of a Hodgkin-Huxley neuron under sinusoidal stimulus, Journal of Theoretical Biology 358, 25 (2014).\r
Hengtong Wang, Jun Ma, Yueling Chen, and Yong Chen. E?ect of an Autapse on the Firing Pattern Transition in a Bursting Neuron, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 19, 3242 (2014).\r
Yan Chen, Ke-Zhi Zhang, Xiao-Liang Wang, and Yong Chen. Ground-state properties of super?uid Fermi gas in Fourier-Synthesized optical lattices, Chinese Physics Letters 31, 030301 (2014).\r
Weikai Qi and Yong Chen. Evolution of Topological Defects in Two-dimensional Quenched Colloidal Systems, The European Physical Journal E 36, 126 (2013).\r
Jing Tian, Haibo Qiu, Guanfang Wang, Yong Chen, and Li-bin Fu. Measure synchronization in a two-species bosonic Josephson junction, Phys. Rev. E 88, 032906 (2013).\r
Hengtong Wang, Yueling Chen, and Yong Chen. First-spike latency in Hodgkin’s three classes of neurons, J. Theor. Biol. 328, 19 (2013).\r
Baoji He and Yong Chen. Interaction energy and point-defect configurations in two-dimensional colloidal crystals, Soild State Commun. 159, 60 (2013).\r
Jing Tian, Haibo Qiu, Zichen Chen, and Yong Chen. Poincare Section Analysis to Measure Synchronization in Coupled Hamiltionian Systems, Mod. Phys. Lett. B 27, 1350036 (2013).\r
Yueling Chen, Hui Zhang, Hengtong Wang, Lianchun Yu, and Yong Chen. The Role of Coincidence-Detector Neuron in Reliability and Precision of Subthreshold Signal Detection in Noise, PLoS ONE 8, e56822 (2013).

