2023-05-06 09:55
  • 蔡月日
  • 蔡月日 - 助理教授-北京航空航天大学-机械工程及自动化学院-个人资料




2014.7-至今 北京航空航天大学机器人研究所 讲师/助理教授\r
2018.1-2018.12 挪威科技大学 访问学者\r
2012.1 -2014.6 北京航空航天大学机械工程及自动化学院 博士后\r
2013.1-2013.8 新加坡南洋理工大学 访问学者\r
2007.9-2012.1 北京航空航天大学机器人所·机械设计及理论 工学博士\r
2005.9-2007.7 北京航空航天大学机械学院·机械电子工程 工学硕士




Cai Yueri,et al. Robotic Fish-Bio-Inspired Fishlike Underwater Robot, ISBN 978-3-662-46869-2, Springer Press. (one chapter)\r
Cai Yueri, et al. Realization of Bionic Fish Inspired by the Cownose Ray. IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine.\r
Cai Yueri, et al. Design and experiments of a robotic fish imitating cow-nosed ray. Journal of Bionic Engineering.\r
Cai Yueri, et al. Design and optimization of a bionic fish with multi-joint fin rays. Advanced Robotics.\r
Bi Shusheng, CaiYueri. Effect of spanwise flexibility on propulsion performance of a flapping hydro-foil at low Reynolds number. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering. (Corresponding author)\r
Ma Hongwei, Cai Yueri, et al. A biomimetic cownose ray robot fish with oscillating and chordwise twisting flexible pectoral fins, Industrial robot: An International Journal.\r
Bi Shusheng, Niu Chuanmeng, Cai Yueri, et al. A Waypoint-tracking Controller for a Bionic Autonomous Underwater Vehicle with two pectoral fins. Advanced Robotics.\r
Cai Yueri, et al. Research advances of bionic fish propelled by oscillating paired pectoral foils. Chinese Journal of mechanical Engineering.\r
Ma Hongwei, Bi Shusheng, Cai Yueri, et al. Depth control of robotic fish propelled by oscillating paired pectoral fins. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics.\r
Cai Yueri, et al. Design of a robotic fish propelled by oscillating flexible pectoral foils. The 2009 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems.\r
Cai Yueri, et al. Design and implication of a bionic pectoral fin imitating cow-nosed ray. The 2010 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems.\r
Cai Yueri, et al. Posture analysis and application of a bionic pectoral foil. Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics.\r
Zhang Lige, Bi Shusheng, Cai Yueri, et al. Effect analysis of chordwise flexibility on propulsion performance of oscillating pectoral foils. IEEE ROBIO Conference. (Corresponding author)\r
Cai Yueri, et al. Pitching stability simulation of a bionic cownose ray. The 27th European Conference on Modelling and Simulation.\r
Cai Yueri, et al. Experimental investigation on maneuverability of a bionic fish propelled by oscillating paired pectoral fins. The 3rd IFToMM International Symposium on Robotics and Mechatronics.

