2023-05-06 09:50
  • 汪中明
  • 汪中明 - 副教授 硕导-北京化工大学-化学学院-个人资料




1990.9-1994.7 四川师范学院 大学本科 获理学学士学位\r
1994.9-1997.7 南开大学 硕士研究生 获理学硕士学位\r
1997.9-2000.7 南开大学 博士研究生 获理学博士学位\r
2000.9-2002.9 中山大学 博士后\r
2002.10-2005.4 日本KONAN UNIVERSITY 博士后\r
2005.9-至今 北京化工大学 副教授 \r




Y. Wei, L. Shen, Z.M. Wang, W.-D. Yang, H. Zhu, H. Liu, A novel membrane for DMFC – Na2Ti3O7 nanotubes/Nafion composite membrane, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2011, 36, 5088-5095.\r
Y.S. Wei, L.B. Shen, F.H. Wang, W.D. Yang, H. Zhu, Z.M. Wang, K.F. Han, Synthesis and characterization of novel nanocomposite membrane of sodium titanate/Nafion, Materials Letters2011, 65, 1684-1687.\r
Yu SP, Xi MJ, Jin X, Han KF, Wang ZM, Zhu H. Preparation and photoelectrocatalytic properties of polyaniline-intercalated layered manganese oxide film. Catalysis Communications2010, 11(14), 1125-1128.\r
Li F; Gan Q; Xue L; Wang ZM; Jiang H. H-bonding directed one-step synthesis of novel macrocyclic peptides from e-aminoquinolinecarboxylic acid. Tetrahedron Lett.2009, 50, 2367-2369.\r
Yu SP, Xi MJ, Han KF, Wang ZM, Yang WS, Zhu H. Preparation and photoelectrocatalytic properties of polyaniline/layered manganese oxide self-assembled film. Thin Solid Films2010, 519(1), 357-361.\r
S. Yu, Q. Lou , K. Han, Z.M. Wang, M. Xi, H. Zhu, Synthesis of polyphenylene sulfide-intercalated layered manganese oxide nanocomposite as electrode material for electrochemical capacitor, Advanced Materials Research 2012, 347-353, 1374-1377.\r
Yu SP, Xi MJ, Han KF, Wang ZM, Zhu H, Preparation and Photoelectric Properties of Layered Manganese Oxide/2,2'-bipyridine Iron Self-assembled Film. Acta Chimica Sinica2010, 68(5), 374-378.\r
Miyoshi D; Karimata H; Wang ZM; Koumoto K; Sugimoto N. Artificial G-wire switch with 2,2’-bipyridine units responsive to divalent metal ions. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2007, 129, 5919-5925.

