2023-05-06 09:50
  • 王诗卉
  • 王诗卉 - 副教授-北京化工大学-生命科学与技术学院-个人资料




教育背景: 2003.09-2007.07:天津大学 化工学院 生物工程系 工学学士 2007.09-2009.07:天津大学 化工学院 生物化工系 工学硕士 2009.07-2012.06:天津大学 化工学院 生物化工系 工学博士 工作经历: 2012.07-2015.02:北京化工大学 生命科学与技术学院 讲师 2015.02-2016.02:加拿大湖首大学,访问学者 2016.02-2017.12:北京化工大学 生命科学与技术学院 讲师 2017.12至今:北京化工大学 生命科学与技术学院 副教授


1. 神经退行性疾病、癌症等重大疾病的防治 2. 天然产物的开发及其减毒增效作用 3. 土壤污染的生物修复 4. 纳米材料的生物安全性能


1. Wang S., Sun Z., Dong S., Liu Y., and Liu Y., Molecular interactions between (-)-epigallocatechin gallate analogs and pancreatic lipase. PloS one, 2014, doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0111143.
2. Wang S., Dong S., Zhang R., Shao H., and Liu Y., Effects of proanthocyanidins on porcine pancreatic lipase: conformation, activity, kinetics and thermodynamics. Process Biochem., 2014, 49(2): 237-243.
3. Wang S., Dong X.-Y., and Sun Y., Thermodynamic analysis of the molecular interactions between amyloid β-protein fragments and (-)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate. J. Phys. Chem. B, 2012, 116(20): 5803-5809.
4. Wang S., Liu F.-F., Dong X.-Y., and Sun Y., Calorimetric and spectroscopic studies of the interactions between insulin and (-)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate. Biochem. Eng. J., 2012, 62(0): 70-78.
5. Wang S., Dong X.-Y., and Sun Y., Effect of (-)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate on human insulin fibrillation/aggregation kinetics. Biochem. Eng. J., 2012, 63(0): 38-49.
6. Wang S., Dong X.-Y., and Sun Y., Investigation into the mechanism of (-)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate-induced precipitation of insulin. Int. J. Biol. Macromol., 2012, 50(5): 1229-1237.
7. Wang S., Liu F.-F., Dong X.-Y., and Sun Y., Thermodynamic analysis of the molecular interactions between amyloid beta-peptide 42 and (-)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate. J. Phys. Chem. B, 2010, 114(35): 11576-11583.
8. 王诗卉 and 刘云, 茶叶儿茶素抑制剂对胰脂肪酶构效关系的影响. 食品科学, 2013, 34(9): 104-107.
9. Liu Y., Li C., Wang S., and Chen W., Solid-supported microorganism of Burkholderia cenocepacia cultured via solid state fermentation for biodiesel production: Optimization and kinetics. Appl. Energ., 2014, 113: 713-721.
10. Liu Y., Zhang R., Lian Z., Wang S., and Wright A. T., Yeast cell surface display for lipase whole cell catalyst and its applications. J. Mol. Catal. B: Enzym., 2014, 106(0): 17-25.
11. Dong S., Huang Y., Zhang R., Lian Z., Wang S., and Liu Y., Inclusion complexes of astaxanthin with hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin: Parameters optimization, spectroscopic profiles, and properties. Eur. J. Lipid. Sci. Technol., 2014, 116(8): 978-986.
12. Dong S., Huang Y., Zhang R., Wang S., and Liu Y., Four different methods comparison for extraction of astaxanthin from green alga Haematococcus pluvialis. The Scientific World Journal, 2014, 2014: 1-7.
13. Liu Y., Chen D., and Wang S., Effect of sub‐and super‐critical CO2 pretreated on conformation and catalytic properties evaluation for two commercial enzymes of CALB and Lipase PS. J. Chem. Technol. Biotechnol., 2013, 88(9): 1750-1756.
14. Liu Y., Zhou H., Wang S., Wang K., and Su X., Comparison of γ-irradiation with other pretreatments followed with simultaneous saccharification and fermentation on bioconversion of microcrystalline cellulose for bioethanol production. Bioresource Technol., 2015, 182: 289-295.
15. 刘杨, 王诗卉, and 刘云, 3种方法提取的雨声红球藻多糖的理化性质及抗氧化活性比较. 食品科学, 2015, 36(6): 161-168.
16. Wang, S., et al., Enzyme stability and activity in non-aqueous reaction systems: a mini review. Catalysts, 2016. 6(32): p. 1-16.
17. Wang, S., et al., Characterization and Optimization of Amylase Production in WangLB, a High Amylase-Producing Strain of Bacillus. Applied Biochemistry & Biotechnology, 2016. 180(1): p. 1-16.
18. Wang, S., et al., Preliminary investigations on a polygalacturonase from Aspergillus fumigatus in Chinese Pu’er tea fermentation. Bioresources and Bioprocessing, 2015. 2(1): p. 1-13.
19. Shi, B., et al., Borneol-grafted cellulose for antifungal adhesion and fungal growth inhibition. RSC Advances, 2015. 5(64): p. 51947-51952.
20. Liu, Y., et al., Comparison of γ-irradiation with other pretreatments followed with simultaneous saccharification and fermentation on bioconversion of microcrystalline cellulose for bioethanol production. Bioresource Technology, 2015. 182: p. 289-295.

