2023-05-06 09:23
  • 许博
  • 许博 - 讲师-北京工商大学-材料与机械工程学院-个人资料








1. Bo Xu, Jiping Liu, Xiaojun Wang.Preparation and Thermal Properties of Aluminum Hydride Polymorphs. Vaccum. Volume. 2014. 99:127–134. (SCI)
2. Bo Xu, Jiping Liu, Lili Zhao, Lili Yan. Theoretical study on the structure and stability of aluminum hydride (AlnH3n) clusters. Jounal of Materials Science. 2013. 48:2647–2658. (SCI).
3. Bo Xu, Jinfang Yuan, Tao Ding, etc. Amphiphilic biodegradable poly(ε-caprolactone)-poly(ethylene glycol)-poly(ε-caprolactone) triblock copolymers: synthesis, characterization and their use as drug carriers for folic acid. Polymer Bulletin. 2010. 64:537-551 (SCI).
4. Bo Xu, Jinfang Yuan, Zhengfang Wang, etc. Shell-cross-linked amino acid-modified APLA-b-PEG-Cys copolymer micelle as a drug delivery carrier. Journal of Microencapsulation. 2009. 26:659-666 (SCI).
5. Bo Xu, Jiping Liu. Aluminum Hydride Polymorphs: Preparation, Characterization and Thermal Properties. Advanced Materials Research. 2013. 712-715:333-336. (EI)
6. Bo Xu, Jiping Liu. Preparation and Thermal Properties of Two Aluminum Hydride Polymorphs. The 2nd Korean International Symposium on High Energy Materials, Inchon, Korean. September, 2012. (EI)
7. Bo Xu, Jiping Liu. Preparation and Thermal Properties of α-AlH3 and γ-AlH3 Polymorphs. 10th International Bhurban Conference on Applied Sciences and Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan. January, 2013. (EI)
8. Lili Yan, Wen Yue, Chengbiao Wang, Bo Xu. Comparing tribological behaviors of sulfur- and phosphorus-free organomolybdenum additive with ZDDP and MoDTC. Tribology International. 2012. 53:150-158. (SCI)
9. Liu Xuejun, Xu Bo, Zhang Cuiping, Yuan Jinfang, Gao Qingyu. Preparation of amphiphilic biodegradable block copolymer micelle and its controlled release on folic acid. Chinese Journal of Colloid & Polymer. 2010. 28:99-102.
10. Lili Yan, Chengbiao Wang, Wen Yue, Bo Xu. Tribological Properties and Worn Surface Analysis Generated by Sulfur- and Phosphorus-free Molybdenum-containing Water-based Lubricant. Advanced Materials Research. 2012. 591-593:1054-1057. (EI)

