2023-05-05 16:29
  • 汪锋
  • 汪锋 - 教授-北京大学-中国语言文学系-个人资料




personal Particulars
NAME: Wang Feng 汪锋
BIRTHDAY: Sep. 1976.


Sept.2001-Sept.2004 Dept.of Chinese Translation and Linguistics, City University of HongKong, Ph. D, majoring in Linguistics
Sept.1998-Jun.2001 Dept. of Chinese Language and Literature, Peking University,M. A.,majoring in Linguistics
Sept.1994-Jun.1998 Dept. of Chinese Language and Literature, Peking University,B. A.,majoring in Chinese


Aug.2017- Professor, Dept. of Chinese Language and Literature, Peking University
Aug.2008-Jul.2017 Associate Professor, Dept. of Chinese Language and Literature, Peking University.
Sep.2006-Jul.2008 Lecturer, Dept. of Chinese Language and Literature, Peking University.
Jan.2009-Jul.2009 Assistant Professor, Division of Chinese, Nanyang Technological University
Sep.2004-Sep.2006 Postdoctoral Fellow, Dept. of Chinese Language and Literature, Peking University

Research Grants
2016国家社会科学基金后期资助项目《基于严格语音对应的苗瑶语历史比较研究》【汪锋 主持; 项目号16FYY016】
2014 国家社科基金重大项目 The Major Project of National Social Science Fund【首席专家-陈保亚;《基于中国语言及方言的语言接触类型和演化建模研究》, 批准号:14ZBD102】课题:同源语言接 触研究[10&ZD125]
2012-2013学年北京大学桐山教育基金研究资助:语言和文化的共变——词聚法与白语比较. 经费1万人民币
2012 霍英东教育基金会第十三届高等院校青年教师基金基础性课题资助项目the Fok Ying Tung Education Foundation [#131102]:勒墨白族的语言及口传文化的数字化保护及基础理论研究. 经费1.8万美元.
2010 国家社科基金重大项目The Major Project of National Social Science Fund【首席专家-孔江平;《中国有声语言及口传文化保护与传承的数字化方法研究和基础理论研究》, 批准号:10&ZD125】课题:纳西语语音及口传文化的数字化基础理论研究 [10&ZD125]?
2007 Grants from National Social Science Foundation of China 国家社科基金[#07CYY025]:白彝关系语素研究[A study of Bai-Yi related morphemes]; 经费8万人民币。
2007 Grants from China Postdoctoral Scientific Foundation [#20070420555]:白语、彝语中的特殊发声类型研究[A study of non-modal phonation types in the Bai language and the Yi language].?
2005 Grants from China Postdoctoral Scientific Foundation [#2005037268]:汉白对应语素研究[An investigation on Sino-Bai corresponding morphemes]

863项目: 大规模汉语语义基础资源库和知识库构建及工具平台资助(项目号No. 2012AA011101) [National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (863 Program) (No. 2012AA011101)]

2015第7届高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(人文社会科学)二等奖(The 7th National Award to Excellent Scientific Output (Humanities and Social Science) of Universities and Colleges, Second-class.)
2013 第十五届北京大学王力语言学奖二等奖(Second-class of the 15th Wang-Li Award in Linguistics)
2012 霍英东教育基金会第十三届高等院校青年教师基金基础性课题资助项目the Fok Ying Tung Education Foundation [#131102]
2010国家社科基金结项优秀Excellent Output of NSSFC [#07CYY025]
2009 第5届高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(人文社会科学)二等奖(The 5th National Award to Excellent Scientific Output (Humanities and Social Science) of Universities and Colleges)
2008北京市第十届哲学社会科学优秀成果奖二等奖(Second-class of the 10th Award to Excellent Scientific Output (Philosophy and Social Science) of Beijing)
2007李方桂语言学论著奖特优奖(First-class of Li Fang-Kuei Award of Linguistic Monograph)

2010 National Excellent Course, PRC. (Theoretical Linguistics) 《理论语言学》系列课程,获2009年度国家精品课程奖(陈保亚、王洪君、李娟、汪锋)
2009 Second-class of Excellent Teaching Award of Beijing (Historical Linguistics) 《历史语言学》系列课程,获2008年度北京市教学成果(高等教育)二等奖(王洪君、陈保亚、董秀芳、王超贤、汪锋)
2008 First-class of Excellent Teaching Award of Peking University (Historical Linguistics]
2007 Excellent Course Award of Beijing (Theoretical Linguistics)

Publication List
Book 专著
《汉藏语言比较的方法与实践》(Methodologies and implementations of Sino-Tibetan comparisons). 北京: 北京大学出版社.
《语言接触与语言比较》(Language contact and language comparison). 北京: 商务印书馆
Comparison of languages in contact: the distillation method and the case of Bai. Taipei: Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica.

Book Compilation 编著
《黉门对话》汪锋 2017 (主编).昆明:云南大学出版社
《语言与人类复杂系统》汪锋、林幼菁 2017(主编).昆明:云南大学出版社
《王士元先生口述史》孔江平、汪锋 2017(采访整理).昆明:云南大学出版社
New Horizons in Evolutionary Linguistics, Journal of Chinese Linguistics. Peng, Gang and Wang, Feng. 2017 (Eds.)Monograph Series No. 27.
《语言的接触》(汪锋、陈保亚编著),载《<语言学纲要(修订版)>学习指导书》,第八章. 北京:北京大学出版社,2011年,第109-120页,第八章。
《到田野去——语言学田野调查的方法与实践》(Go to the field- Methods and Implements of linguistic fieldwork)(戴庆厦、罗仁地、汪锋主编),民族出版社,2008年。

Non-referred paper
Introduction. In Peng, Gang and Wang, Feng (Eds). New Horizons in Evolutionary Linguistics, Peng Gang and Wang Feng, Journal of Chinese Linguistics. Monograph Series 2017 No. 27.
《 <蛮书>中所见白蛮语的源流》(汪锋、杨海潮),《中国西南文化研究》云南省社会科学院历史研究所编,云南民族出版社,2004年,第1-16页。

Invited Talk
Rethink the –s hypothesis for Chinese qusheng tone. Dec. 17. Waseda University. Sponsored by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. 2011
Methodologies and implementations of Comparisons of Sino-Tibetan languages. in the regional regular meetings of the Chinese Linguistic Society of Japan. Dec. 11, Osaka. 2011
Two models to loosen the requirement of sound correspondence and their consequences. In the meeting of Tibeto-Burman language studies. Dec. 3. Kobe City University of Foreign Studies. 2011
Phonation types in the Jianchuan Bai. Chinese University of Hong Kong. Jan 12. 2011.
《特殊发声类型在历史语言学中的地位》,深圳大学“人文论坛”. Jan 10.2011.
《略论语言与人群的历史研究》(红塔讲坛). 玉溪师范学院. Aug. 28. 2009
Vertical transmission vs. horizontal transmission and the distillation method. Xiamen University: The 8th annual Chinese-American frontiers of science. Nov.2-4. 2005.

The explicability Principle and Recognition of Genetic Relationship _ To solve the controversy of Sino-Tai ‘five’ and ‘six’. Conference in Evolutionary Linguistics, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Aug. 17-19, 2013
Sound Correspondence and the Comparative Study of Miao-Yao languages _ From the Perspective of Pervasiveness of Sound Correspondence. LFK Society Young Scholars Symposium, University of Washington in Seattle, August 11-13, 2013.
Language documentation and conservation in Peking University. Models for Capacity Development in Language Documentation and Conservation. 2010.10.12-16. Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies.
《彝语方言谱系初探》,四川西昌:古彝文化探源国际学术研讨会(International conference on the origin of ancient Yi culture),2010年8月2-5日。
When linguistic typology meets historical linguistics-the case of degree adverbs in Chinese(当语言类型学遇到历史语言学——以汉语程度副词发展为例). International Symposium for Comparative and Typological Research on Languages of China. May 08-09, 2010. HKUST.
《从原始彝语重构看三星堆文化》,福建厦门:首届三星堆玉石文化学术研讨会, 2009年5月14日-18日。
A Preliminary Study of the Qianxi Guiqiong Tonal System and Its Origin. Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica, Taipei: Workshop of ‘Tibeto-Burman Languages in Sichuan’. Nov. 21-24. 2008.
《青藏高原东缘各族群(藏缅)语言关系之历史拟测》, 四川成都:“神山与胜山”研讨会,2008年8月3-5日。
《试论特殊发声类型在历史语言学中地位》,云南澄江: 首届历史语言学国际研讨会,2008年7月12-14日。
《松紧音的第三种来源:元音变化》,上海师范大学:“语言研究视野的拓展” 国际研讨会,2008年1月12-13日。
Vertical Transmission vs. Horizontal Transmission and the Distillation Method. Xiamen University: The 8th annual Chinese-American frontiers of science. Nov.2-4. 2005.
Negation in Modern Bai Dialects. Xiamen University: The 38th International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Language and Linguistics. Oct. 28-31. 2005.
Reconstructing the History of Chinese through Lexicon, Cladistics, Distances and Trees(Ben Hamed, Mahé & Feng Wang). Communication au XXIIIrd Meeting of the Willi Hennig Society, \


Refereed paper (or Chapter)
Sound Correspondence and the Comparative Study of the Miao-Yao languages– From the perspective of complete sound correspondence. Bulletin of Chinese Linguistics 10.1. Wang, Feng and Liu,Wen. 2018.
The Inexplicability Principle and Recognition of Genetic Relationship: To Solve the Controversy of Sino-Tai ‘five’ and ‘six’. In New Horizons in Evolutionary Linguistics, Journal of Chinese Linguistics. Monograph Series 2017.No. 27:254-260.
Bai. In Encyclopedia of Chinese Linguistics, ed. by Rint Sybesma, Wolfgang Behr, Zev Handel, and C. T. James Huang. Leiden: Brill (forthcoming). 2016.
Evidence for Rank Theory in Vanishing Languages. 《中国少数民族语言研究暨庆祝戴庆厦先生八十华诞学术研讨会论文集》,北京:社会科学出版社, 2016年。
Sound Correspondence and the Comparative Study of Miao-Yao languages——From the Perspective of the Pervasiveness of Sound Correspondences,Bulletin of Chinese Linguistics8.1. 2015:157-176.
Multisyllabication and phonological simplification throughout Chinese history,Journal of Chinese Linguistics 43.2. 2015:714-719.
Variations of laryngeal features in Jianchuan Bai,Journal of Chinese Linguistics43.1B. 2015:434-452.
Chinese writing and Chinese literacy. Wang, Feng and Yaching Tsai . In Oxford Handbook of Chinese Linguistics, ed. by William S-Y. Wang, and Chaofen Sun. New York: Oxford University Press. 2015:554-564 .
Language contact between Tibeto-Burman languages and the Han- Chinese. In Oxford Handbook of Chinese Linguistics, ed. by William S-Y. Wang, and Chaofen Sun. New York: Oxford University Press. 2015:248-259.
Why do languages change?-A report of the international workshop on language and human complexity. Journal of Chinese Linguistics 43.1A. 2015:239-244.
Report of Conference in Evolutionary Linguistics (2012). Journal of Chinese Linguistics 40.1.2013:246-253.?
《2012年全国高考语文卷古诗文部分研究》,《基础教育课程》9: 30-32.
《试论重构原始语言的若干原则——以原始彝语的声调及前置声母*h- 和*/-为例》(陈保亚、汪锋),《语言学论丛》45辑,2012年,第128-156页。
《语音对应的两种放宽模式及其后果——以彝白比较为例》(Two models to loosen the requirement of sound correspondence and their consequences),《语言学论丛》44辑,2011年,第1-39页。
On Several Principles in Reconstructing a Proto-language. (Chen, Baoya and Feng Wang.)Journal of Chinese Linguistics. 39.2. 2011:370-402.
《略论语源研究的理论原则及操作程序》(Methodologies and framework of recognizing genetic relationship between languages),《茶马古道研究集刊》第1辑,云南大学出版社,2010年,第133-146页。
The Center for Chinese Linguistics at Peking University(Wang, Hongjun and Wang, Feng). Journal of Chinese Linguistics. 38.2. 2010: 404-411.
From literal/colloquial readings to historical strata_ A review of Chinese dialects and historical strata, edited by Ting (2008). Journal of Chinese Linguistics 37.1.2009:163-183.
More Evidence for the Genetic Relationship between Austronesian and Kam-Tai(Chen, Baoya and Feng Wang). Journal of Chinese Linguistics 37.1. 2009:28-76.
Chinese Literacy(Wang, Feng, Yaching Tsai and William S-Y. Wang). In Handbook of Literacy, ed. by D. Olson & N. Torrance, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2009:386-417.
On Initial Correspondences of Sino-Tibetan Related Words. Language and Linguistics 8.3. 2007: 821-834.
Guest editorial: Historical stratification in linguistics. Journal of Chinese Linguistics 34.2. 2006: 169-171.
Stratification: Challenges and Resolutions. Journal of Chinese Linguistics 34.2. 2006:220-236.
Rethinking the *-s hypothesis for Chinese qusheng tone. Journal of Chinese linguistics 34.1. 2006:1-24.
Stuck in the forest: Trees, networks and Chinese dialects(Ben Hamed, Mahé and Feng Wang). Diachronica 23.1. 2006:29-60.
《论确定核心语素表的基本原则—以上古汉语为例》 (陈保亚、汪锋),《语言学论丛》33辑,商务印书馆,2006年,第183-222页。
On the genetic position of the Bai language. Cahiers de Linguistique - Asie Orientale 34.1. 2005:101-127.
Review on Dialect variations in Chinese. Journal of Chinese Linguistics 33.1. 2005:164-176. (In English).
Review on Mulitilingualism in China. Journal of Chinese linguistics. 33. 2. 2005:366-8.
Basic words and language evolution(Wang, Feng. and William S.-Y. Wang). Language and linguistics 5.3. 2004: 643-662.
Public and Professional Service

Member of Editorial Board, Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area (Since 2014) 《藏缅区域语言学》编委
Associate editor of Journal of Chinese Linguistics (Since 2013) 《中国语言学报》副主编(AHCI索引刊物)
Member of editorial department of Journal of Sino-Tibetan Languages (Since 2007) 《汉藏语学报》编辑部成员
Associate director of editorial department of Yuyanxue Luncong [Essays on Linguistics] (Since 2012) 《语言学论丛》编辑部副主任
Associate director of the Center for Chinese Linguistics, Peking University (Since 2012) 北大中国语言学研究中心副主任
Member of steering committee of Consortium on Training in Language Documentation and Conservation (Since 2010)世界语言记录与保护协会执行委员会委员

