2023-05-05 16:29
  • 汪芳
  • 汪芳 - 教授-北京大学-海洋研究院-个人资料




2018.5-现在 中方组长NSFC-DFG城镇化与地方性合作小组
2016.8-现在 北京大学建筑与景观设计学院教授
2016.1-现在 北京大学建筑与景观设计学院主任中德城镇化与地方性研究实验室
2013.5-2016.7 北京大学建筑与景观设计学院副教授
2011.8-2012.7 哈佛大学设计研究生院访问学者国家留学基金委项目
2005.8-2013.4 北京大学城市与环境学院副教授城市与区域规划系
2003.6-2005.7 北京大学城市与环境学院讲师城市与区域规划系
2001.6-2003.6 北京大学城市与环境系博士后地理学 (城市与区域规划方向)
1998.9-2001.6 博士 清华大学建筑学院建筑设计及理论研究专业,导师为李道增院士
1995.9-1998.7 硕士 湖南大学建筑系建筑设计及理论研究专业,导师为王小凡教授
1990.9-1995.7 学士 湖南大学建筑系建筑设计专业
科研获奖 (部分)
主持基金项目 (部分)
1)中方主持人汪芳,德方主持人Martin Prominski。中德双边研讨会项目。中德科学中心 (中国国家自然科学基金委员会NSFC、德国研究联合会DFG共同设立) (编号GZ1489)。Water-related Urbanization and Locality: Protection and utilization of water environment as well as planning and design of water spaceina sustainable perspective (城镇化和地方性中的水资源:可持续视角中的水环境保护利用与水空间规划设计研讨会)。起止时间2018年9月25日-29日。
2)中方主持人汪芳,德方主持人Martin Prominski。中德合作研究小组项目。中德科学中心 (中国国家自然科学基金委员会NSFC、德国研究联合会DFG共同设立) (编号GZ1457)。Urbanization and Locality: Developing a locality pattern system with cities along the Yellow River and the Rhine Riverascases (城镇化和地方性:黄河和莱茵河沿线城镇的地方性模式系统研究)。起止时间2018-2021。
3)主持人汪芳。国家自然科学基金面上项目 (编号51778005)。流动性视角下旧城城市记忆的空间逻辑和地方实践。起止时间2018-2021。
4)中方主持人汪芳,德方主持人Martin Prominski。中德双边合作研究项目。中德科学中心(中国国家自然科学基金委员会NSFC、德国研究联合会DFG共同设立)(编号GZ1201)。Urbanization and Locality: Preserving and developing identity in large-scale urbanization processes with urban landscapes along canals as case studies (大规模城镇化进程中地方性的保存和发展研究——以中德运河沿岸城镇景观为例)。起止时间2016-2019。
6)中方主持人汪芳,德方主持人Martin Prominski。中德联合出版物项目。中德科学中心 (中国国家自然科学基金委员会NSFC、德国研究联合会DFG共同设立) (编号GZ1156)。Urbanization and Locality: Strengthening identity and sustainability by site-specific planning and design (in English, Springer出版),起止时间2015年。
7)中方主持人汪芳,德方主持人Martin Prominski。中德双边研讨会项目。中德科学中心 (中国国家自然科学基金委员会NSFC、德国研究联合会DFG共同设立) (编号GZ1086)。Urbanizationand Locality: Strengthening Identity and Sustainability by Site-specific Planning and Design (城镇化和地方性:凸显场地特质的可持续规划设计策略)。起止时间2014年10月5日-10日。
8)国家自然科学基金面上项目 (编号51078003)。城市记忆研究及其在城市历史地段保护更新中的应用。起止时间2011-2013。
9)国家留学基金委青年骨干教师出国研修项目。录取学号2011601501。访学美国哈佛大学设计研究生院 (Graduate School of Design,Harvard University),研究方向为“城镇化与
10)教育部人文社会科学研究项目 (项目批准号09YJAZH004,项目分类为“规划基金项目”,学科分类为“交叉学科/综合研究”)。地方感研究及其在城市历史地段保护更新中的
11)住房和城乡建设部科学技术项目计划 (编号2009-R4-12)。合作单位无锡市园林管理局。城市历史地段的非登录老、旧建筑保护和更新研究。起止时间2009-2010。
12)北京市自然科学基金 (编号8092016)。北京城市记忆规划的理论模型和空间建构。北京市自然科学基金委员会。起止时间2009-2011。
13)住房和城乡建设部科学技术项目计划 (编号2009-R4-12)。合作单位无锡市园林管理局。城市历史地段的非登录老、旧建筑保护和更新研究。起止时间2009-2010。
14)江苏省住房和城乡建设厅科技计划项目 (编号JS2008JH06)。合作单位无锡市园林管理局。城市老、旧建筑(文物建筑、历史建筑除外)改造利用研究。起止时间2008-2009。
英文出版 (部分)
2016 Wang, F.. Beijing Urban Memory: Historic building sand historic areas, central axe sand city walls. Singapore: Springer Nature.
2016 Wang, F..Geo-Architecture and Landscape in China's Geographic and Historic Context Series. Singapore: Springer Nature.
V1. Geo-Architecture Wandering in the Landscape
V2. Geo-Architecture Inhabiting the Universe
V3. Geo-Architecture Blending into Nature
V4. Symbolism and the Language of Geo-Architecture
2016 Wang, F.. Symbolism and the Language of Geo-Architecture (Geo-Architecture and Landscape in China's Geographic and Historic Context Series volume 4). Singapore: Springer Nature, 2016.
2015 Wang, F., Prominski, M.. Urbanization and Locality: Strengthening Identity and Sustainability by Site-specific Planning and Design. Heidelberg:Springer-Verlag GmbH.




2019 Wang, F.*, Liu, Z., Shang, S.S.,Qin,Y.L.Vitality continuation or over-commercialization? Spatial Structure Features of Commercial Services and Population Agglomeration in Historic and Cultural areas.Tourism Economics, 2019, accepted. [SSCI]IF=0.942 (2017)
2018 Wang, F.*, Peng, X., Wei, R.,Qin,Y.L., Zhu, X.H.. Environmental behavior research in resources conservation and management: A case study of Resources, Conservation and Recycling. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 2019,141:431-440, https://doi.org/10.1016/j. resconrec.2018.10.024. [SCI] IF=5.12 (2017)
2018 Wang,F.*, Xu, Y.Y., Zhao, Y., Zhu,X.H.*. Belt o rnet work? Thespatial structure and shaping mechanism of the Great Wall cultural belt in Beijing. Journal of Mountain Science, 2018,15(9): 2027-2042, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11629-017-4767-3. [SCI] IF=1.135 (2017)
2018 Wang, F.*, Jiang, C.Y., Li, W., Li, J. N., Zhu, X. H.. What Changes? What Remains? The Evolution of the Street Networks in Old Beijing City over One Century. Journal of Spatial Science, 2018, 63 (2): 203-223, https://doi.org/10.1080/14498596.2018.1479985. [SSCI]IF=1.078 (2017)
2018 Xu, F. F., Zhen, F.*, Qin, X., Wang,X., Wang,F. From central place to central flow theory: an exploration of urban catering. Tourism Geographies, 2018, https://doi.org/10.1080/14616688.2018.1457076. [SSCI] IF=2.068 (2017)
2018 Wang, F.*, He, J., Jiang, C.Y., Li, Y. X. Evolution of the commercial blocks in ancient Beijing city from the street network perspective. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2018, 28 (6): 845-868, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11442-018-1509-6. [SCI] IF=1.623 (2017)
2018 Wang, F.*,Li, Y. X., Dong, Y., Zhu, X.H.. Regional difference and dynamic mechanism of locality ofthe Chinese farming-pastoral ecotone based on geo tagged photos from Panoramio. Journal of Arid Land, 2018, 10 (2): 316-333, DOI:10.1007/s40333-018-0003-4. [SCI] IF=1.444 (2017)
2018 Wang, F.*, Li, J. N., Yu, F. Y., He, H., Zhen, F.. Space, function, and vitality in historic areas: The tourismification processands patial order of Shichahai in Beijing. International Journal of Tourism Research, 2018, 20:335-344, https://doi.org/10.1002/jtr.2185. [SSCI] IF=2.449 (2017)
2018 Li, J. N., Ren, L. Y., Hu, T. H., Wang, F.*. Acity's“urbancrack”at 4 a.m.: A case study of morning market vendors in Beijing's Longfu Temple Area. Habitat International, 2018,71: 14-21, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.habitatint.2017.10.006. [SSCI] IF=3.000 (2017)
2018 Wang, F.*, He, H., Dong, Y., Xiong, W., Zhu, X. H.*, He,J.. Shaping or being shaped? Analysis of the locality of landscapes inChina's farming-pastoral ecotone, consider ing the effects of land use, Land Use Policy, 2018, 74: 41-52, https://doi.org/10.1016/j. landusepol. 2017.07.042. [SSCI] IF=3.194 (2017)
2018 Wang, F., Mao, W., Dong, Y., Zhu, X. H.*. Implications for Cultural Landscapeina Chinese Context: Geo-analysis of Spatial Distribution of Historic Sites. Chinese Geographical Science, 2018, 28(1): 167-182, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11769-017-0915-5. [SCI] IF=1.114(2017)
2017 Wang, F.*, Ruan, H. T., Wang, H.C., Zong, Y. Q., Zhen, F.. Create, Control and Have Territories or Secret Places: A Comparative Studyof Children's Play Territoriality in Their Daily Outdoor Environments between Beijing's Urban Villages and Modern Residential Areas. Habitat International, 2017, 66: 125-134, https://doi.org/10.1016/j. habitatint.2017.05.012. [SSCI] IF=3.000 (2017)
2017 Wang, F.*. Born of Geographical Environment, Coloring for Regional Context: Concept and Progress of Geo-architecture. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2017, 27 (5): 631-640, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11442-017-1397-1. [SCI] IF=1.623 (2017)
2017 Wang, F.*, Peng,Y.Y, Jiang, C.Y.. Influence of Road Patterns on PM2.5 Concentrations and the Available Solutions: The Case of Beijing City, China. Sustainability, 2017, 9,217: 1-17, https://doi.org/10.3390/su9020217. [SCI/SSCI] IF=2.075 (2017)
2016 Wang, F.*, Xu, L., Wang, C.X.. Modern Residential Outdoor Spaces for Children with their Inter-generational Parents: A Case Study in Beijing. International Journal of Tourism Cities, 2016, 2 (3): 206-220, https://doi.org/10.1108/IJTC-03-2016-0004. [SSCI] IF=2.449 (2017)
2016 Wang, F., Yu, F. Y., Zhu, X. H.*, Pan, X. L., Sun, R. M.. Disappearing Gradually and Unconsciously in Rural China: Research on the Sunken Courtyard and the Reasons for Change in Shanxian County, Henan Province. Journal of Rural Studies, 2016,47:630-649, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jrurstud.2016.05.011. [SSCI] IF=2.658 (2017)
2016 Li, J., Wang, F.*, Wuzhati, S., Wen, B. F.Urbanor village residents? A case study of the spontaneous space transformation of the forced upstairs farmers' community in Beijing. Habitat International, 2016, 56: 136-146, https://doi.org/10.1016/j. habitatint. 2016. 04. 009. [SSCI] IF=3.000 (2017)
2016 Wang, F.*, Liu, X. Y., Zhang, Y. Y.. Spatial Landscape Transformation of Beijing Compounds underResidents' Willingness. Habitat International, 2016, 55: 167-179, https://doi.org/10.1016/j. habitatint. 2016. 03. 009. [SSCI] IF=3.000 (2017)
2016 Wang, F.*, Peng, Y. Y., Wang, H. C., Yin, F.Old Walls, Modern City: Research on urban memory of disappearing ancient Beijing city walls. International Journal of Tourism Cities, 2016, 2 (1): 1-16, https://doi.org/10.1108/IJTC-11-2015-0029.
2016 Hao, X. F., Wu, B. H., Morrison, A.M.*, Wang, F. Worth thousands of words? Visual content analysis and photo interpretation of an outdoor tourism spectacular performancein Yang shuo-Gui lin, China. Anatolia: An International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research, 2016, 27 (2): 201-213, https://doi.org/10.1080/13032917.2015.1082921.
2015 Wang, F.*, Xue, X. N., Wang, Y. Y. The Neglected Partin Historic Districts: CaseS tudies on the Non-heritage Buildings inTwo Historic Blocks in Wuxi City, China. International Journal of Tourism Cities, 2015, 1(3): 200-215, https://doi.org/10.1108/IJTC-01-2015-0001.
2012 Wang, F.*, Liu, J., Pan, B., Zhao, L. Y., Zhang, M. Stuck between the Historic and Modern China: A Case Study of Children's Space in a Hutong Community. Journal of
Environmental Psychology, 2012, 32: 59-68, https://doi.org/10.1016/j. jenvp.2011.10.001.5
2012 Leung, X. Y., Wang, F.*, Wu, B.H., Bai, B., Stahura1, K.A. and Xie, Z.H. A Social Network Analysis of Overseas Tourist Movement Patterns in Beijing: the Impact of the Olympic Games. International Journal of Tourism Research, 2012, 14(5): 469-484, https://doi.org/10.1002/jtr.876. [SSCI] IF=2.449 (2017)
2011 Leung, X.Y., Wang, F., Wu, B. H. and Busser, J. A. Park users' quality evaluation: applying an analytical hierarchy process for managers. Managing Leisure, 2011, 16: 142-160, https://doi.org/10.1080/13606719.2011.559092.
International Journal of Tourism Cities: 编辑顾问委员会成员
Frontiers in Built Environment–Urban Science: 编委会副主编
Landscape Architecture Frontiers: 编委会成员
Springer Nature
Landscape and Urban Planning (SCI/SSCI), Journal of Cleaner Production (SCI), Habitat International (SSCI), Tourism Geographies (SSCI), Housing Studies (SSCI), Current IssuesinTourism (SSCI), Sustainability (SCI/SSCI), Computers, Environment and Urban Systems (SSCI), Science China: Technological Sciences (SCI), Cities (SSCI), Quaternary International (SCI), International Journal of Tourism Cities, Journal of China Tourism Research, Journal of Resources and Ecology

