2023-05-05 16:19
  • 吕万良
  • 吕万良 - 教授 博导-北京大学-药学院-个人资料




1994.9-1997.6,中国药科大学博士毕业,获博士学位,1997.7-1999.7北京医科大学博士后。历任职务:北京大学药学院副教授(1999.8-2006.7),其间:日本富山医科药科大学访问学者(2004.12-2005.3);新加坡国立大学/国大医院、兼任约翰-霍普金斯大学国际医学中心研究员(Research Scientist)(2001.9-2003.10);中国药科大学药学院教师(1992.7-1994.8)\r




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Liu L, Mu LM, Yan Y. Wu JS, Hu YJ, Bu YZ, Zhang JY, Liu R, Li XQ, Lu WL*. The use of functional epirubicin liposomes to induce programmed death in refractory breast cancer.Int J Nanomed. 2017 Jun 1;12:4163-4176.\r
Mu LM, Bu YZ, Liu L, Xie HJ, Ju RJ, Wu JS, Zeng F, Zhao Y, Zhang JY, Lu WL*. Lipid vesicles containing transferrin receptor binding peptide TfR-T12 and octa-arginine conjugate stearyl-R8 efficiently treat brain glioma along with glioma stem cells. Sci Rep. 2017 Jun 14;7(1):3487\r
Zhao WY, Zhang CX, Liu L, Mu LM, Zeng F, Ju RJ, Xie HJ, Yan Y, Zhao Y. Lu WL*. Construction of functional targeting daunorubicin liposomes used for eliminating brain glioma and glioma stem cells. J Biomed Nanotech. 2016; 12(1):1-16.\r
Ju RJ, Li XT, Shi JF, Li XY, Sun MG, Zeng F, Zhou J, Liu L, Zhang CX, Zhao WY, Lu WL*. Liposomes, modified with PTDHIV-1 peptide, containing epirubicin and celecoxib, to target vasculogenic mimicry channels in invasive breast cancer. Biomaterials. 2014;35(26):7610-21.\r
Ma X, Zhou J, Zhang CX, Li XY, Li N, Ju RJ, Shi JF, Sun MG, Zhao WY, Mu LM, Yan Y, Lu WL*. Modulation of drug-resistant membrane and apoptosis proteins of breast cancer stem cells by targeting berberine liposomes. Biomaterials.2013; 34(18):4452-65.\r
Li N, Zhang CX, Wang XX, Zhang L, Ma X, Zhou J, Ju RJ, Li XY, Zhao WY, Lu WL*. Development of targeting lonidamine liposomes that circumvent drug-resistant cancer by acting on mitochondrial signaling pathways. Biomaterials. 2013;34(13):3366-80\r
Zhang L, Yao HJ, Yu Y, Zhang Y, Li RJ, Ju RJ, Wang XX, Sun MG, Shi JF, Lu WL*. Mitochondrial targeting liposomes incorporating daunorubicin and quinacrine for treatment of relapsed breast cancer arising from cancer stem cells. Biomaterials. 2012 Jan;33(2):565-82.\r
Li RJ, Ying X, Zhang Y, Ju RJ, Wang XX, Yao HJ, Men Y, Tian W, Yu Y, Zhang L, Huang RJ, Lu WL*. All-trans retinoic acid stealth liposomes prevent the relapse of breast cancer arising from the cancer stem cells. J Control Release. 2011; 149:281-291\r
Ying X, Wen H, Lu WL*, Du J, Guo J, Tian W, Men Y, Zhang Y, Li RJ, Yang TY, Shang DW, Lou JN, Zhang LR, Zhang Q. Dual-targeting daunorubicin liposomes improve the therapeutic efficacy of brain glioma in animals. J Control Release. 2010; 141(2): 183-192

