个人简介:林幼菁 You-Jing Lin北京大学中国语言文学系副教授Associate Professor, Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Peking University 学历:2009 美国加州大学圣塔芭芭拉分校) 语言学博士PhD in Linguistics, University of California, Santa Barbara博士论文: Units in Zhuokeji rGyalrong Discourse: Prosody and Grammar 2000-2002 中央研究院硕士后人才培育计划 (语音学及汉藏语语言学)Post-Master Traineeship (with a special focus on Phonetics and Sino-Tibetan languages and linguistics), Linguistic Institute, Academia Sinica, Taiwan. 2000 台湾清华大学语言学硕士MA in Linguistics, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan硕士论文:Tense, Aspect, and Modality Inflection in the Zhuokeji rGyalrong Verb 1997 台湾清华大学外语系学士BA in Foreign Languages, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan 工作经历:2015.08- 北京大学中国语言文学系副教授Associate Professor, Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Peking University 2011.10-2015.07 北京大学中国语言文学系讲师Lecturer, Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Peking University 2009.05-2011.09 中央研究院语言学研究所博士后研究人员Post-doctoral research fellow, Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica 2006.01-03 加州大学圣塔芭芭拉分校语言学系兼任教师(教授本科生通选“语言学概论”)Teaching Associate, Department of Linguistics, University of California, Santa Barbara 2004-2005 加州大学圣塔芭芭拉分校语言学系讲师Section Lecturer, Department of Linguistics, University of California, Santa Barbara 专著 Monograph1.《嘉戎语卓克基话语法标注文本》(林幼菁)中国民族语言语法标注文本丛书,2016。(Cogtse Rgyalrong Texts: Fully Analyzed Spontaeous Narratives with an Updated Sketch Grammar of the Language)(in Chinese)论文集编辑1.汪锋、林幼菁(主编).《语言与人类复杂系统》高等教育出版社。2017会议论文 Conference Articles1.“Phonology and Lexicon of the Datshang Dialect of Japhug, with an attempt to identify loanwords from Situ”《中国西南汉藏语国际研讨会The Workshop on Sino-Tibetan Languages in South-western 》主题发言(Keynote)。主办单位:华盛顿大学。会议地点:西雅图。2016年。2.“How Grammar Encodes Space in Cogtse Rgyalrong”. 发表于第48届国际汉藏会议。主办单位:加州大学圣塔芭芭拉分校。会议地点:圣塔芭芭拉。2015年。3.“Tense-aspect morphology in Mianning Lizu: A first look”. 发表于《四川境内汉藏语国际研讨会The Workshop on Sino-Tibetan Languages of Sichuan》。主办单位:法国社会科学院。会议地点:巴黎。2013年。4.“Converb construction in Zhuokeji rGyalrong: A first look”, Pre-conference Proceedings of 2010 Workshop on Tibeto-Burman Languages of Sichuan, Peking University, Beijing, October 29-November 1. 2010.5.“Word Prosody in Zhuokeji rGyalrong”, Pre-conference proceedings of the Workshop on Tibeto-Burman Languages in Sichuan, Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica, Taipei, June 27-29. 2008.6.“Constructional variation in rGyalrong relativization: How to make a choice” with Jackson T.:S Sun, Pre-conference Proceedings of the International Workshop on Relative Clause, Academia Sinica. 2007.7.“The Transformation of the vertical axis to horizontal: A case study from Sinhala”, Santa Barbara Papers in Linguistics 17: Proceedings from the Workshop on Sinhala Lingusitics: 85-94. 2005.教材 Textbook1.林幼菁,第二章“语音和音系”、第四章“词法”,《语言学导论》(董秀芳、张和友主编),2017年译著 Translation1.《语言的取样》,Jan Rijkhoff and Dik Bakker著;林幼菁译。发表于《语言类型学的基本方法与理论框架》(戴庆廈、汪锋主编)。第55-96页。北京:商务印书馆,2014年。2.《主动/施动者格标记及其动机》,Marianne Mithun著;林幼菁译。发表于《语言类型学的基本方法与理论框架》(戴庆廈、汪锋主编)。第229-271页。北京:商务印书馆,2014年。3.《语言涌现:发展与演化》,王士元编;林幼菁译。《语言暨语言学》专刊D-1,310页。2008年。 教学Teaching:(北京大学校内 at PKU)(留学生本科)阅读与写作中级阅读与写作高级(学术论文写作) (研究生:硕、博)田野调查的形态句法民族语言调查语篇:韵律与语法中国境内藏缅语族语言当代音系学教学Teaching:(校外讲学 out of PKU)2018 第三届汉藏语言研究方法暑期工作坊(承担课程:田野调查的形态句法)上海师范大学Instructor of Field Method (with a special focus on Morphosyntax), Third Sino-Tibetan Research Methodology Workshop at Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai.2018 厦门大学暑期小学期(承担课程:形态句法基础)Instructor of the Basics of Morphosyntax, Summer School at Xiamen University.2016 第一届汉藏语言研究方法暑期工作坊(承担课程:田野调查方法)南开大学Instructor of Field Method, First Sino-Tibetan Research Methodology Workshop at Nankai University, Tianjin.科研项目(主要负责人):2012 呈现语言真实面貌:嘉戎语参考语法,国家社科基金项目,青年项目,批准号:12CYY064。(已结项)获得奖项 Honors:2017 北京大学杰出青年学者奖2016 北京大学教学优秀奖2014 北京大学优秀班主任2003-2009 加州大学圣塔芭芭拉分校人文学科特优生全额奖学金2006-2008 中央研究院人文社会科学博士候选人奖学金2006 加州大学圣塔芭芭拉分校人文社会科学研究奖助2003-2005 美国国会富布赖特攻读博士奖学金2001 美国语言学暑期研习营台湾地区学生奖助2000 中央研究院李方桂与徐樱奖学金近期论文
期刊论文 Journal Articles1.Liu, Wen; Lin, You-Jing; Yang, Zhenghui; Kong, Jiangping. “Hmu” (IPA Illustration). Journal of the International Phonetic Association, 2018.2.林幼菁.《茶堡嘉戎语大藏方言的音系分析——兼论方言特殊元音比较(The Phonology of Datshang Dialect of Japhug Rgyalrong)》,《民族语文第6期》,2018年。3.Lin, You-Jing. “How grammar encodes space in Cogtse Rgyalrong”. Himalayan Linguistics 16.1. 2017.4.林幼菁.《卓克基嘉戎语的非实然结构(The Irrealis Construction in Cogtse Rgyalrong)》,《语言学论丛55期》,2017年。5.林幼菁、胡琛莹.《小金嘉戎语的缺性声调系统(The privative word-tone system of Btsanlha Rgyalrong)》,《语言学论丛 54期》,2016年。6.林幼菁、尹蔚彬、王志.《吕苏语的助动词 (Auxiliaries in Lizu)》,《民族语文》,2014年。7.Lin, You-Jing. “Thebo”. In Sun, Jackson T. -S. (ed.) Phonological Profiles of Little Studied Tibetic Varieties. [Language and Linguistics Monograph Series 55]. 2014.8.Lin, You-Jing.“By no means marginal: Privative tone in Zhuokeji Rgyalrong”. Language and Linguistics语言暨语言学 (SSCI) 13.4: 665-662. 2012.9.林幼菁、孙天心、陈正贤.《浦西霍尔语软腭化的语音对立 (Non-consonantal velarization in Puxi Horpa)》,语言学论丛,2011年。10.Lin, You-Jing.“Perfective and Imperfective from the same source: Directional ‘down’ in rGyalrong”. Diachronica (SSCI) 28.1: 54-81. 2011.11.Genetti, Carol; Coupe Alec R; Bartee, Ellen; Hildebrandt, Kristine; Lin, You-Jing. “Syntactic aspects of nominalization in five Tibeto-Burman languages of the Himalayan Area”. Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area 31.2: 97-143. 2008.12.林幼菁、罗尔武.《茶堡嘉戎语的趋向前缀与动词词干变化(Orientation prefixes and stem alternation in Chabao rGyalrong)》,《民族语文》4: 19-29. 2003年。13.Lin, You-Jing.“Tense and aspect morphology in the Zhuokeji rGyalrong verb”. Cahiers de Linguistique-Asie Orientale 32.2: 245-286. 2003.14.Lin, You-Jing.“A dimension missed: East and west in Situ rGyalrong orientation-marking”. Language and Linguistics 3.1: 27-42. 2002.学术相关活动:2013- 《中国西南汉藏语系语言研讨会》学术委员2015- 《语言学论丛》编辑部成员2008- Himalayan Linguistics 编辑部成员曾担任以下学术期刊文稿审查人(Reviewer):LinguaLanguage and LinguisticsLanguages of the Tibeto-Burman AreaHimalayan LinguisticsAnthropological LinguisticsJournal of IPA《语言学论丛》Cahiers de Linguistique-Asie Orientale 相关热点