2023-05-05 16:16
  • 李源
  • 李源 - 副教授-北京大学-物理学院-个人资料




Education Degree Year Major Institution Ph.D. 2004-2010 Physics Stanford University B.S. 2000-2004 Physics and Mathematics (dual degree) Peking University Professional Appointments 2018-present Associate Professor (with tenure) ICQM, Peking University 2012-2018 Associate Professor (tenure track) ICQM, Peking University 2010-2012 Postdoctoral Fellow MPI-FkF, Stuttgart, Germany


My group’s research involves the use of state-of-the-art scattering methods, in particular neutron and photon (Raman, X-ray) scattering, to study the structure and dynamics of materials with electron correlations and novel quasiparticle excitations. Topics of current interest include mechanism of high-temperature superconductivity in copper- and iron-based materials, phenomenology and mechanism of charge order in metals and insulators, spin-orbital physics in transition-metal compounds, frustrated quantum magnets, and band topology of bosonic excitations in crystalline materials.


Jianqing Guo, Li Yue, Kazuki Iida, Kazuya Kamazawa, Lei Chen, Tingting Han, Yan Zhang, and Yuan Li, “Preferred magnetic excitations in the iron-based Sr1-xNaxFe2As2 superconductor.” Physical Review Letters 122, 017001 (2019). Lichen Wang, Xiangpeng Luo, Jiarui Li, Junbang Zeng, Minghao Cheng, Yang Tang, Jacob Freyermuth, Martin Greven, and Yuan Li, “Growth and characterization of HgBa2CaCu2O6+x and HgBa2Ca2Cu3O8+x crystals.” Physical Review Materials 2, 123401 (2018). Weiliang Yao, Chenyuan Li, Lichen Wang, Shangjie Xue, Yang Dan, Kazuki Iida, Kazuya Kamazawa, Kangkang Li, Chen Fang, and Yuan Li, “Topological spin excitations in a three-dimensional antiferromagnet.” Nature Physics 14, 1011 (2018). See here for a related scientific news article. Kangkang Li, Chenyuan Li, Jiangping Hu, Yuan Li, and Chen Fang, “Dirac and nodal line magnons in three-dimensional antiferromagnets.” Physical Review Letters 119, 247202 (2017). Li Yue, Xiao Ren, Tingting Han, Jianqing Guo, Zhicheng Wu, Yan Zhang, and Yuan Li, “Raman scattering study of the tetragonal magnetic phase in Sr1-xNaxFe2As2: Structural symmetry and electronic gap.” Physical Review B 96, 180505(R) (2017). Chong Wang, Daiwei Yu, Xiaoqiang Liu, Rongyan Chen, Xinyu Du, Biaoyan Hu, Lichen Wang, Kazuki Iida, Kazuya Kamazawa, Shuichi Wakimoto, Ji Feng*, Nanlin Wang, and Yuan Li, “Observation of magnetoelastic effects in a quasi-one-dimensional spiral magnet.” Physical Review B 96, 085111 (2017). Mingwei Ma, Philippe Bourges, Yvan Sidis, Yang Xu, Shiyan Li, Biaoyan Hu, Jiarui Li, Fa Wang, and Yuan Li, “Prominent role of spin-orbit coupling in FeSe revealed by inelastic neutron scattering.” Phys. Rev. X 7, 021025 (2017). Mingwei Ma, Lichen Wang, Philippe Bourges, Yvan Sidis, Sergey Danilkin, and Yuan Li, “Low-energy spin excitations in (Li0.8Fe0.2)ODFeSe superconductor studied with inelastic neutron scattering.” Phys. Rev. B 95, 100504(R) (2017). Chong Wang, Daiwei Yu, Rongyan Chen, Xiaoqiang Liu, Xinyu Du, Lichen Wang, Kazuki Iida, Kazuya Kamazawa, Shuichi Wakimoto, Ji Feng, Nanlin Wang, and Yuan Li, “Direct observation of magnetoelastic excitations in a quasi-1D spiral magnet.” arXiv:1512.07120. Yuwen Hu, Xiao Ren, Rui Zhang, Huiqian Luo, Shigeru Kasahara, Tatsuya Watashige, Takasada Shibauchi, Pengcheng Dai, Yan Zhang, Yuji Matsuda, and Yuan Li, “Nematic magnetoelastic effect contrasted between Ba(Fe1-xCox)2As2 and FeSe.” Phys. Rev. B 93, 060504(R) (2016). Xiao Ren, Lian Duan, Yuwen Hu, Jiarui Li, Rui Zhang, Huiqian Luo, Pengcheng Dai, and Yuan Li, “Nematic crossover in BaFe2As2 under uniaxial stress.” Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 197002 (2015). Yuwen Hu, Feipeng Zheng, Xiao Ren, Ji Feng, and Yuan Li, “Charge density waves and phonon-electron coupling in ZrTe3.” Phys. Rev. B 91, 144502 (2015). Renliang Yuan, Lian Duan, Xinyu Du, and Yuan Li, “'Identification and mechanical control of ferroelastic domain structure in rhombohedral CaMn7O12.” Phys. Rev. B 91, 054102 (2015). Xinyu Du, Renliang Yuan, Lian Duan, Chong Wang, Yuwen Hu, and Yuan Li, “Soft vibrational mode associated with incommensurate orbital order in multiferroic CaMn7O12.” Phys. Rev. B 90, 104414 (2014). W. Tabis, Y. Li, M. Le Tacon, L. Braicovich, A. Kreyssig, M. Minola, G. Dellea, E. Weschke, M.J. Veit, M. Ramazanoglu, A.I. Goldman, T. Schmitt, G. Ghiringhelli, N. Barisic, M.K. Chan, C.J. Dorow, G. Yu, X. Zhao, B. Keimer, and M. Greven, “Charge order and its connection with Fermi-liquid charge transport in a pristine high-Tc cuprate.” Nature Communications 5, 5875 (2014). Chong Wang, Rui Zhang, Fa Wang, Huiqian Luo, L.P. Regnault, Pengcheng Dai, and Yuan Li, “Longitudinal spin excitations and magnetic anisotropy in antiferromagnetically ordered BaFe2As2.” Phys. Rev. X 3, 041036 (2013). Yuan Li, M. Le Tacon, Y. Matiks, A.V. Boris, T. Loew, C.T. Lin, Lu Chen, M.K. Chan, C. Dorow, L. Ji, N. Barisic, X. Zhao, M. Greven, and B. Keimer, “Doping-dependent photon scattering resonance in the model high-temperature superconductor HgBa2CuO4+d revealed by Raman scattering and optical ellipsometry.” Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 187001 (2013). Neven Barisic, Mun K. Chan, Yuan Li, Guichuan Yu, Xudong Zhao, Martin Dressel, Ana Smontara, Martin Greven. “Universal sheet resistance and revised phase diagram of the cuprate high-temperature superconductors.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110, 12235 (2013). Yuan Li, M. Le Tacon, M. Bakr, D. Terrade, D. Manske, R. Hackl, L. Ji, M. K. Chan, N. Barisic, X. Zhao, M. Greven, and B. Keimer, “Feedback effect on high-energy magnetic fluctuations in the model high-temperature superconductor HgBa2CuO4+d observed by electronic Raman scattering.” Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 227003 (2012).

