^ 此曲有改编的香港中文版《留住夏季的风,由潘伟源填词,孙耀威演唱,但由于香港版本的电视播映权由电视广播有限公司拥有,因此没有成为本剧的香港版本主题曲。台湾中文版《变了模样,由何厚华作词,翁虹演唱。^ 此曲有改编的台湾中文版《微笑,由何厚华作词,翁虹演唱。也有网络改编的香港中文粤语版《星之金币 NewPP limit reportParsed by mw2393Cached time: 20230416152409Cache expiry: 1814400Reduced expiry: falseComplications: [show‐toc]CPU time usage: 0.186 secondsReal time usage: 0.225 secondsPreprocessor visited node count: 357/1000000Post‐expand include size: 3009/2097152 bytesTemplate argument size: 296/2097152 bytesHighest expansion depth: 12/100Expensive parser function count: 2/500Unstrip recursion depth: 0/20Unstrip post‐expand size: 1253/5000000 bytesLua time usage: 0.122/10.000 secondsLua memory usage: 16513091/52428800 bytesNumber of Wikibase entities loaded: 0/400-->Transclusion expansion time report (%,ms,calls,template)100.00% 178.580 1 -total 69.12% 123.431 3 Template:Lang-ja 22.43% 40.053 1 Template:NoteTA 6.84% 12.224 3 Template:Main_other 5.57% 9.946 3 Template:IfPNS 4.68% 8.357 2 Template:Anchor 0.55% 0.991 1 Template:Wayback--> Saved in parser cache with key zhwiki:pcache:idhash:1093947-0!canonical!zh-cn and timestamp 20230416152409 and revision id 76009332. Rendering was triggered because: page-view -->esi 最新收录
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