  • Burgess,David
  • Burgess,David - 教授-波士顿学院-个人资料




Andrew G. Campbell, Michael J. Leibowitz, Sandra A. Murray, David Burgess, Wilfred F. Denetclaw, Franklin A. Carrero-Martinez, and David J. Asai. 2013. Partnered Research Experiences for Junior Faculty at Minority-Serving Institutions Enhance Professional Success. CBE Life Sci Educ 2013;12 394-402.
Minc, N.D., Burgess, D and Chang, F. 2011. Influence of cell geometry on division plane positioning. Cell 144: 414-426.
Gudekjo, H., Alford L., and Burgess, D.R. 2012. Polar expansion during cytokinesis. Cytoskeleton 69:1000-1009.
Atilgan, E., Burgess, D.R., and Chang, F. 2012. Localization of cytokinesis factors to the future cell division site by microtubule-dependent transport. Cytoskeleton 69: 973-982.
Pollard, T.D., Burgess, D.R., and Mabuchi, I. 2012. Remembrance of Ray Rappaport, pioneer in the study of cytokinesis. Cytoskeleton 69:659-679.
Alford, L. M., Ng, M. M., and Burgess, D. R. 2009. Cell polarity emerges at first cleavage in sea urchin embryos. Developmental Biology 330(1): 12–20.
Alford, L. M., and Burgess, D. R. 2008. Cytokinesis: a new lipid aboard the raft. Current Biology 18(19): R921–3.
Burgess, D. R. 2008. Cytokinesis and the establishment of early embryonic cell polarity. Biochemical Society Transactions 36: 384–386.
Burgess, D. R. 2007. Taking on that first faculty job. Nature 447: 1142.
Burgess, D. R. 2005. Cytokinesis: new roles for myosin. Current Biology 15: R310–311.
Burgess, D. R., and Chang, F. 2005. Site selection for the cleavage furrow at cytokinesis. Trends in Cell Biology 15: 156–162.
Strickland, L. I., Donnelly, E. J., and Burgess, D. R. 2005. Induction of cytokinesis is independent of precisely regulated microtubule dynamics. Molecular Biology of the Cell 16: 4485–4494.
Ng, M., Chang, F., and Burgess, D.R. 2005. Movement of membrane domains and requirement of membrane signaling molecules for cytokinesis. Developmental Cell. 9: 781–90.
Strickland, L.I., Yen, Y., Gundersen, G.G., and Burgess, D. R. 2005. Interaction between EB1 and p150glued is required for anaphase astral microtubule elongation and stimulation of cytokinesis. Current Biology 15: 2249–2255.
Strickland, L. I., and Burgess, D. R. 2004. Pathways for membrane trafficking during cytokinesis. Trends in Cell Biology 14: 115–118.
Strickland, L., Von Dassow, G., Ellenberg, J., Foe, V., Lenart, P., and Burgess, D. R. 2004. Light Microscopy of Echinoderm Embryos. In: The Development of Invertebrate Deuterostomes: Experimental Approaches. A Volume in Methods in Cell Biology. Edited by: Ettensohn, C.A., Wray, G., and Wessel, G. M.
Chang, F., and Burgess, D. 2003. The contractile ring. Current Biology 13: R692–R693.
Shuster, C. B., and Burgess, D. R. 2002. Targeted new membrane addition in the cleavage furrow is a late, separate event in cytokinesis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 99: 3633–3638.
Shuster, C. B., and Burgess, D. R. 2002. Transitions regulating the timing of cytokinesis in embryonic cells. Current Biology 12 (10): 854–858.
Shuster, C. B., and Burgess, D. R. 1999. Parameters that specify the timing of cytokinesis. Journal of Cell Biology 146: 981–992.
Stow, J. L., Fath, K. R., and Burgess, D. R. 1998. Budding roles for myosin II on the Golgi complex. Trends in Cell Biology 8: 138–141.
Fath, K., Trimbur, G., and Burgess, D. R. 1997. Molecular motors and a spectrin matrix associate with Golgi membranes in vitro. Journal of Cell Biology 139: 1169–1181.
Ikonen, E., deAlmeid, J.B., Fath, K. R., Burgess, D., Ashman, K., Simons, K., and Stow, J. L. 1997. Myosin II is associated with Golgi membranes: identification of p200 as nonmuscle myosin II on Golgi-derived vesicles. Journal of Cell Science 110: 2155–2164.
Walker, G., Shuster, C. B., and Burgess, D. 1997. Microtubule-entrained kinase activities associated with the cortical cytoskeleton during cytokinesis. Journal of Cell Science 110: 1373–1386.
Mamajiwalla, S. N., and Burgess, D. R. 1995. Differential regulation of the activity of 42kD mitogen activated protein kinase (p42 mapk) during enterocyte differentiation in vivo. Oncogene 11: 377–386.

标签: 波士顿学院

