  • Annunziato,Anthony
  • Annunziato,Anthony - 教授-波士顿学院-个人资料




Annunziato, A.T. 2012. Assembling Chromatin: the Long and Winding Road. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1819:196-210.
Tong K., Keller, T. Hoffman, C.S., and Annunziato, A.T. 2012. Schizosaccharomyces pombe Hat1 (Kat1) is associated with Mis16, and is required for telomeric silencing. Eukaryotic Cell 11: 1095-1103.
Benson, L.J., Phillips, J.A., Gu, Y., Parthun, M.R., Hoffman, C.S., Annunziato, A.T. 2007. Properties of the type B histone acetyltransferase HAT1: H4 tail interaction, site preference, and involvement in DNA repair. Journal of Biological Chemistry 282(2): 836–42.
Benson, L.J., Gu, Y., Yakovleva, T., Tong, K., Barrows, C., Strack, C.L., Cook, R.G., Mizzen, C.A., and Annunziato, A.T. 2006. Modifications of H3 and H4 during chromatin replication, nucleosome assembly, and histone exchange. Journal of Biological Chemistry 281: 9287–9296.
Annunziato, A.T. 2005. Split decision: What happens to nucleosomes during DNA replication? Journal of Biological Chemistry 280: 12065–12068.
Benson, L.J., and Annunziato, A.T. 2004. In vitro analysis of histone acetyltransferase activity. Methods 33: 45–52.
Makowski, A.M., Dutnall, R.N., and Annunziato, A.T. 2001. Effects of acetylation of histone H4 at lysines 8 and 16 on activity of the Hat1 histone acetyltransferase. Journal of Biological Chemistry 276: 43499–502.
Annunziato, A.T., and Hansen, J.C. 2000. Role of histone acetylation in the assembly and modulation of chromatin structures. Gene Expression 9: 37–61.
Chang, L., Ryan, C.A., Schneider, C.A., and Annunziato, A.T. 1999. Preparation/analysis of nascent chromatin replicated in vivo and in isolated nuclei. In: Methods in Enzymology: Chromatin, Vol. 304 (P. Wassarman & A. Wolffe, Eds.) Academic Press, San Diego, pp. 76–99.
Ryan, C.A. and Annunziato, A.T. 1999. Separation of histones in a Triton-acid-urea gel system. In: Current Protocols in Molecular Biology (Chanda, V., Ed.) John Wiley and Sons. Inc., New York, Chapter 21; Unit 2.2, pp. 2.3–2.10.
Chang, L., Loranger, S.S., Mizzen, C., Ernst, S.G., Allis, C.D., and Annunziato, A.T. 1997. Histones in transit: cytosolic histone complexes and H4 diacetylation during nucleosome assembly in human cells. Biochemistry 36: 469–480.
Annunziato, A.T., Eason, M.B., and Perry, C.A. 1995. Interaction between methylation and acetylation of arginine-rich histones in cycling and arrested HeLa cells. Biochemistry 34: 2916–2924.
Sobel, R.E., Cook, R.G., Perry, C.A., Annunziato, A.T., and Allis, C.D. 1995. Conservation of deposition-related acetylation sites in newly synthesized H3 and H4. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 92: 1237–1241.

标签: 波士顿学院

