  • Senocak,Inanc
  • Senocak,Inanc - 教授-博伊西州立大学-个人资料




B.S., Mechanical Engineering, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, 1998
Ph.D., Aerospace Engineering, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, 2002


I. Senocak, M. Sandusky, R. DeLeon, D. Wade, K. Felzien, and M. Budnikova, “An immersed boundary geometric preprocessor for arbitrarily complex terrain and geometry,” J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol. 32(11), 2075-2087, (2015)
J. D. Eldredge, I. Senocak, P. Dawson, J. Canino, W. W. Liou, R. LeBeau, D. L. Hitt, M. P. Rumpfkeil, R. M. Cummings, “A best practices guide to CFD education in the undergraduate curriculum,” International Journal of Aerodynamics, 4 (3-4), 200-236 (2014)
D. Wade and I. Senocak, “Stochastic reconstruction of atmospheric contaminant dispersion from multiple sources,” Atmospheric Environment , 74:45–51 (2013)
F.P. Santos , I. Senocak, J.L. Favero, and P.L.C. Lage “Solution of the population balance equation using parallel adaptive cubature on GPUs,” Computers and Chemical Engineering, 55:61-70 (2013)
D. A. Jacobsen and I. Senocak, “Multi-level parallelism for incompressible flow computations on GPU clusters,” Parallel Computing, 39: 1–20 (2013)
R. Deleon, D. A. Jacobsen and I. Senocak, “Large-eddy simulations of turbulent incompressible flows on GPU clusters,” Computing in Science and Engineering, 15 (1): 26–33 (2013)
J. Thibault, I. Senocak, Accelerating incompressible flow computations with a Pthreads-CUDA implementation on small-footprint multi-GPU platforms, The Journal of Supercomputing, 59: 693-719 (2012)
A. Gowardhan, E. R. Pardyjak, I. Senocak, M.J. Brown, A CFD-based wind solver for an urban fast response transport and dispersion model, Environmental Fluid Mechanics, 11:439-464, (2011)
I. Senocak, N. W. Hengartner, M. Short, B. Daniel, Stochastic event reconstruction of atmospheric contaminant dispersion using Bayesian inference, Atmospheric Environment , 42:7718-------–--7727 (2008)
I. Senocak, A. S. Ackerman, M. P. Kirkpatrick, D. E. Stevens, N. N. Mansour, Study of near-surface models in large-eddy simulations of neutrally stratified atmospheric boundary layer, Boundary Layer Meteorology, 124:405–424 (2007)
I. Senocak, W. Shyy, S. T. Johansen, “Statistical characteristics of unsteady Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes computations,” Numerical Heat Transfer Part B-Fundamentals, 47:1–18 (2005)
I. Senocak, W. Shyy, Interfacial dynamics-based modeling of turbulent cavitating flows, Part-1: Model development and steady-state computations, International Journal of Numerical Methods in Fluids, 44:975–995, (2004)
I. Senocak, W. Shyy, Interfacial dynamics-based modeling of turbulent cavitating flows, Part-2: Time-dependent computations, International Journal of Numerical Methods in Fluids, 44:997–1016 (2004)
R. Vaidyanathan, I. Senocak, J. Wu, W. Shyy, Sensitivity evaluation of a transport-based turbulent cavitation model, Journal of Fluids Engineering, 125:447–458 (2003)
J. Wu, I. Senocak, G. Wang, Y. Wu, and W. Shyy, Three-dimensional simulation of turbulent cavitating flows in a hollow-jet valve, Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences, 4:679–689 (2003)
I. Senocak, W. Shyy, A pressure-based method for turbulent cavitating flow computations, Journal of Computational Physics, 176:363–383 (2002)
G. Wang, I. Senocak, W. Shyy, T. Ikohagi. S. Cao, Dynamics of attached turbulent cavitating flows, Progress in Aerospace Sciences, 37:551–581 (2001)
X. He, I. Senocak, W. Shyy, S. N. Gangadharan, S. Thakur, Evaluation of laminar-turbulent transition and equilibrium near wall turbulence models, Numerical Heat Transfer Part A:Applications, 37:101–112 (2000)

