  • Suero,MarcosG.
  • Suero,MarcosG. - researcher-巴塞罗那科学与技术研究所-个人资料




Marcos García Suero was born in Noreña (Asturias) in 1981. He was graduated in Chemistry from the Universidad de Oviedo in 2003 and introduced to organometallic chemistry in the laboratory of Prof. José Gimeno and Prof. Pilar Gamasa. In February 2009 he obtained his PhD degree at the Institute of Organometallic Chemistry Enrique Moles (Universidad de Oviedo), where he worked under the direction of Prof. José Barluenga and Prof. Josefa Flórez on Fischer carbene chemistry. During the summer of 2005 he joined the laboratory of Prof. Andrew Myers at Harvard University working on the synthesis of novel tetracycline antibiotics as a PhD visiting student. In May 2010 he moved to the University of Cambridge to work with Professor Matthew Gaunt on copper(III) catalysis and methionine bioconjugation as a Postdoctoral Marie Curie Fellow and in October 2014 he started his independent research career at the Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia (ICIQ) within the CELLEX-ICIQ starting career programme.r
During his time at ICIQ, he has received the JSP Travel Award 2018 from the Swiss Chemical Society to attend the 54 Bürgenstock Conference, the Merck Sigma-Aldrich Young Researcher Award 2018 from the Royal Spanish Chemical Society (RSQE), the 2019 Thieme Chemistry Journal Award and the Young Investigator Award 2019 by the EuCheMS Division of Organic Chemistry. His group has been recognized by the Generalitat de Catalunya (AGAUR) as Emerging Group SGR 2017-2019 and pioneered the generation of radical carbenoids and carbyne equivalents.


"""Our group will explore new reactivity concepts using catalysis and its applications in solving important synthesis problems. Particularly, we aim to develop new carbon–hydrogen bond functionalization strategies using innovative reactivity platforms that are based on the catalytic generation of novel species. The group will explore new functionalization methods of simple building blocks that could be used for the preparation of complex molecules and biologically privileged structural motifs. Part of this research will be carried out in the CELLEX-ICIQ HTE Laboratory using High Throughput Experimentation, which will enable the rapid discovery and development of new chemical reactions."""


Catalytic cleavage of C(sp2)-C(sp2) bonds with Rh-carbynoids Z. Wang, L. Jiang, P. Sarró, M. G. Suero GO TO OPEN ACCESS J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2019, DOI: 10.1021/jacs.9b08632.Highlighted in Chemistry Views & Chemistry World Among the most read articles in September 2019 r
A transition-metal-free & diazo-free styrene cyclopropanation A. G. Herraiz, M. G. Suero GO TO OPEN ACCESS Chem. Sci. 2019, 10, 9374-9379, DOI: 10.1039/C9SC02749A.r
New Alkene Cyclopropanation Reactions Enabled by Photoredox Catalysis via Radical Carbenoids A. G. Herraiz, M. G. Suero Synthesis 2019, DOI: 10.1055/s-0037-1611872.*Among the most read Synthesis articles in June 2019r
Generating carbyne equivalents with photoredox catalysis Z. Wang, A.G. Herraiz, A.M. del Hoyo, M.G. Suero Nature 2018, 554, 86-91, DOI: 10.1038/nature25185.* Highlighted in C&EN, Chemistry World, Nature News & Views, and La Vanguardia.r
Photoredox-catalyzed Cyclopropanation of Michael Acceptors A.M. del Hoyo, M.G. Suero Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2017, DOI: 10.1002/ejoc.201601604.* Selected as Very Important Paper** Highlighted in Chemistry Views*** Among Eur. J. Org. Chem. most accessed papers in February 2017r
A Stereoconvergent Cyclopropanation Reaction of Styrenes A.M. del Hoyo, A.G. Herraiz and M.G. Suero COVER Angew. Chem., Intl. Ed. 2017, 56 (6), 1610-1613, DOI: 10.1002/anie.201610924.*Among the most accessed articles in December 2016

