  • Cox,Jonathan
  • Cox,Jonathan - 博士-阿斯顿大学-个人资料




B.Sc. (Hons) Medical Biochemistry
Ph.D. Molecular Microbiology and Drug Discovery
Lecturer in Microbiology, School of Life and Health Sciences, Aston University
Tres Cantos Open Lab Foundation (TCOLF) Research Fellow, GSK, Madrid
Post-doctoral Research Associate, University of Birmingham


Abrahams KA*, Cox JAG*, Spivey VL, Loman NJ, Pallen MJ, et al. (2012) Identification of Novel Imidazo[1,2-a]pyridine Inhibitors Targeting M. tuberculosis QcrB. PLoS ONE 7(12): e52951. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0052951 *These authors contributed equally to this work
Gurcha S, Veeraraghavan U, Cox JAG, Futterer K, Abrahams K, Bhatt A, Alderwick L, Reynolds R, Loman N, Alemparte C, Barros D, Lloyd A, Ballell L and Besra G (2014). Biochemical and structural characterization of mycobacterial aspartyl-tRNA synthetase AspS. PLoS ONE 9(11): e113568. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0113568
Mugumbate G, Abrahams KA, Cox JAG, Papadatos G, van Westen G, et al. (2015) Mycobacterial Dihydrofolate Reductase Inhibitors Identified Using Chemogenomic Methods and In Vitro Validation. PLoS ONE 10(3): e0121492. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0121492
Jankute M, Cox JAG, Harrison J and Besra G (2015). Assembly of the mycobacterial wall. Annual Review of Microbiology 69:405-423
Cox JAG*, Abrahams K*, Alemparte C, Ghidelli-Disse S, Rullas J, Singh A, Gurcha S, Nataraj V, Remui?an M, Encinas L, Jervis P, Bhatt A, Kruse U, Bantscheff M, Fütterer K, Barros D, Ballell L, Drewes G and Besra G (2016). Target assignment of THPP inhibitors reveals EchA6 as an essential fatty acid shuttle in mycobacteria. Nature Microbiology 1(15006): doi:10.1038/nmicrobiol.2015.6
Abrahams KA, Chung C, Ghidelli-Disse S, Rullas J, Rebollo-Lopez M, Gurcha SS, Cox JAG et al. (2016). A new anti-tubercular scaffold targets KasA with a novel mode of action. Nature Communications 7(12581):doi:10.1038/ncomms12581

标签: 阿斯顿大学

