教授,博士生导师,主要从事城市景观生态学与人居环境健康,环境遥感与GIS空间分析,城市绿色基础设施功能与生态系统服务,城市气候区划与热环境健康评价等方面的研究。教育经历:2003/10 - 2006/09,日本广岛大学,景观生态学,博士研究生招生信息植物生态学城市生态学城市生态遥感地理信息系统出版书:尹海伟孔繁花编著《城市与区域规划——空间分析教程》南京, 东南大学出版社, 2014.2主持或参加科研项目:国家自然科学基金(批准号:32171571),基于3D景观构建与量化的城市绿色基础设施噪声调控服务研究,2022/01-2025/12,主持。科技部国家重点研发计划, 中以政府间国际科技创新合作重点专项(批准号:2017YFE0196000),绿色智慧城市:精准农业技术在城市立体绿化中的应用, 2019/08-2022/07,主持国家自然科学基金(批准号:51878328),屋顶绿化多尺度水热环境效应及其空间格局优化研究,2019/01-2022/12,参加。科技部国家重点研发计划(批准号2017YFC0505800),人类活动对海岸带生态影响机制及综合调控研究,2017/07-2020/12,参加,并主持课题2《海岸带生态功能恢复与定向提升技术》中的专题1《海岸带工业园区水污染生态防控与水鸟栖息地恢复技术》。国家自然科学基金(批准号:31670470),城市绿色基础设施多尺度雨洪调控效应及其空间配置优化研究,2017/01-2020/12,主持。国家自然科学基金(主任基金)(批准号:41440006),城市绿地景观及其空间配置对强降水地表径流的影响与雨洪调控效应,2015/01-2015/12,主持。国家自然科学基金面上基金项目,(批准号:31170444),基于多源数据与WRF模型的城市绿地降温效应研究,2012/01-2015/12,主持。国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(批准号:30700097),满足城市居民与城市生态需求的绿地景观网络构建研究,2008/01-2010/12,主持。留学归国启动基金项目,南京市绿地生态网络构建研究,2009/01-2012/12,主持。国家自然科学基金面上基金项目(批准号:51478217),绿色基础设施导向的城市生态弹性规划分析模型研究,2015/01-2018/12,主要参与人。国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(批准号:40701047),城市公共设施可达性与公平性动态变化分析,2008/01-2010/12,主要参与人。研究领域
1.Fanhua KONG*, Ding Wang, Haiwei YIN, Iryna Dronova, Fan FEI, Jiayu CHEN, Yingxia PU3, Manchun LI,(2021). Coupling urban 3‐D information and circuit theory to advance the development of urban ecological networks. Conservation Biology.2.Liu, H., Kong, F*., Yin, H., Middel, A., Zheng, X., Huang, J., ... & Wen, Z. (2021). Impacts of green roofs on water, temperature, and air quality: A bibliometric review. Building and Environment, 107794.3.Zheng, X., Kong, F*., Yin, H., Middel, A., Liu, H., Wang, D., ... & Lensky, I. (2021). Outdoor thermal performance of green roofs across multiple time scales: A case study in subtropical China. Sustainable Cities and Society, 102909.4.Liu, H., Yin H., Kong, F*., Middel, A., Zheng, X., Huang, J., Sun, T., Wang, D., Lensky, I. (2021). Change of nutrients, microorganisms, and physical properties of exposed extensive green roof substrate. Science of the total environment, 150344.5.Sun, Y., Zhang, N., Miao, S., Kong, F., Zhang, Y., & Li, N. (2021). Urban morphological parameters of the main cities in China and their application in the WRF model. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, e2020MS002382.6.Su, J., Yin, H., & Kong, F. (2020). Ecological networks in response to climate change and the human footprint in the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration, China. Landscape Ecology, 1-18.7.Deng, J., Yin, H., Kong, F*., Chen, J., Dronova, I., & Pu, Y. (2020). Determination of runoff response to variation in overland flow area by flow routes using UAV imagery. Journal of Environmental Management, 109868.8.Yin, H., Kong, F., Dronova, I., Middel, A., & James, P. (2019). Investigation of extensive green roof outdoor spatio-temporal thermal performance during summer in a subtropical monsoon climate. Science of The Total Environment, 133976.9.Yin, H., Kong, F., & Dronova, I. (2019). Hydrological performance of extensive green roofs in response to different rain events in a subtropical monsoon climate. Landscape and Ecological Engineering, 15(3), 297-313.10.Pu, Y., Han, X., Chi, G., Wang, Y., Ge, Y., & Kong, F. (2019). The impact of spatial spillovers on interprovincial migration in China, 2005–10. Regional Studies, 1-12.11.Dronova, I., Friedman, M., McRae, I., Kong, F., & Yin, H. (2018). Spatio-temporal non-uniformity of urban park greenness and thermal characteristics in a semi-arid region. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening.12.Yin, H., Kong, F*., Yang, X., James, P., & Dronova, I. (2018). Exploring zoning scenario impacts upon urban growth simulations using a dynamic spatial model. Cities.13.Fanhua Kong*, Yulong Ban, Haiwei Yin, Philip James, & Iryna Dronova, 2017. Modeling stormwater management at the city district level in response to changes in land use and low impact development. Environmental Modelling & Software, 95, 132-142.14.Haiwei Yin; Fanhua Kong, Ariane Middel, Iryna Dronova, Hailong Xu, & Philip James, 2017. Cooling effect of direct green façades during hot summer days: An observational study in Nanjing, China using TIR and 3DPC data. Building and Environment, 116, 195-206.15.Fanhua Kong*; Changfeng Sun; Fengfeng Liu; Haiwei Yin; Fei Jiang, Yingxia Pu; Gina Cavan; Cynthia Skelhorn; Ariane Middel, Iryna Dronova, 2016. Energy saving potential of fragmented green spaces due to their temperature regulating ecosystem services in the summer. Applied Energy, 183, 1428-1440.16.Fanhua Kong*; Weijiao Yan; Guang Zheng; Haiwei Yin; Gina Cavan; Wenfeng Zhan; Ning Zhang; Liang Cheng, 2016. Retrieval of three-dimensional tree canopy and shade using terrestriallaser scanning (TLS) data to analyze the cooling effect of vegetation, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 217(22–34).17.Zhifeng Wu; Fanhua Kong; Yening Wang; Ranhao Sun; & Liding Chen, 2016. The Impact of Greenspace on Thermal Comfort in a Residential Quarter of Beijing, China, 2016. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 13(12), 1217.18.Fanhua Kong*; Haiwei Yin; Nobukazu Nakagoshi; 2007. Using GIS and Landscape Metrics in the Hedonic Price Modeling of the Amenity Value of Urban Green Space: a Case Study in Jinan City, China, Landscape and Urban Planning, (79): 240-252.19.Fanhua Kong*; Haiwei Yin; Nobukazu Nakagoshi; Yueguang Zong, 2010.Urban green space network development for biodiversity conservation: Identification based on graph theory and gravity modeling. Landscape and Urban Planning, 95(16-27):1-2.20.Fanhua Kong*; Nobukazu Nakagoshi, 2006.Spatial-temporal gradient analysis of urban green spaces in Jinan, China, Landscape and Urban Planning, (78): 147-164.21.Fanhua Kong*; Haiwei Yin; Philip James; Lucy R. Hutyra; Hong S. He; 2014. Effects of spatial pattern of greenspace on urban cooling in a large metropolitan area of eastern China, Landscape and Urban Planning, 128:35–47.22.Fanhua Kong*; Haiwei Yin; Nobukazu Nakagoshi; Philip James, 2012. Simulating urban growth processes incorporating a potential model with spatial metrics, Ecological Indicators, 20:82-91.23.Fanhua Kong*; Haiwei Yin; Cuizhen Wang; Gina Cavan; Philip James; 2014. A Satellite Image-based Analysis of Factors Contributing to the Green-Space Cool Island Intensity on a City Scale, Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 13 (2014) 846–853.24.YIN Haiwei, Fanhua KONG *, HU Yuanman, Philip James, Feng Xu, Lanjun Yu; 2015. Assessing Growth Scenarios for their Landscape Ecological Security Impact, using the SLEUTH Urban Growth Model, Journal of Urban Planning and Development.1943-544425.Fanhua Kong*; Nobukazu Nakagoshi; Haiwei Yin; 2005.Spatial gradient analysis of urban green spaces combined with landscape metrics in Jinan City, Chinese Geographical Science, 15(3): 241-247.26.Haiwei Yin; Fanhua Kong; Xiang Zhang; 2011.Changes of Residential Land Density and Spatial Pattern from 1989 to 2004 in Jinan City, China, Chinese Geographical Science, 21(5) 619-628.27.李俊生,尹海伟*,孔繁花,陈佳宇,邓金玲. 2019. 绿色屋顶雨洪调控能力与效益评价,环境科学,(4):1-12.28.刘佳,尹海伟*,孔繁花,李沐寒. 2018. 基于电路理论的南京城市绿色基础设施格局优化,生态学报, 2018, 38(12): 4363-4372.29.史宝刚, 尹海伟, & 孔繁花. (2018). 南京市新街口地区垂直绿化发展潜力评价. 应用生态学报, 29(5), 1576-1584.30.刘欣嵘, 尹海伟, 徐建刚, 孔繁花, & 侯玉洁. (2018). 基于 LCP 的洛阳市多功能复合型绿道网络构建研究. 现代城市研究, (1), 126-131.31.刘凤凤, 闫伟姣, 孔繁花, 尹海伟, 班玉龙, & 徐文彬. (2017). 基于气温实地调查的城市绿地降温效应研究现状与未来展望. 应用生态学报, 28(4).32.徐文彬, 尹海伟, & 孔繁花. 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(2017). 基于潜力—约束和 SLEUTH 模型松散耦合的南京城市扩展模拟. 地理研究, 36(3), 529-540.34.班玉龙;孔繁花*;尹海伟;徐文彬;都金康;徐建刚;蒲英霞,2016. 土地利用格局对SWMM模型汇流模式选择及相应产流特征的影响,2016, 36(14):4317-4326。35.于亚平; 尹海伟; 孔繁花; 王晶晶; 徐文彬. 南京市绿色基础设施网络格局与连通性分析的尺度效应,应用生态学报,2016, 27.7: 2119-212736.于亚平,尹海伟*,孔繁花,王晶晶,徐文彬. 基于MSPA的南京市绿色基础设施网络格局时空变化分析.生态学杂志, 2016, 35(6)37.王晶晶, 尹海伟, 孔繁花. 2016.多元价值目标导向的区域绿色基础设施网络规划——以古黄河周边区域为例.山东师范大学学报: 自然科学版31(3), 77-83.38.吴志丰, 王业宁, 孔繁花, 孙然好, 陈利顶, & 占文凤. 基于热红外影像数据的典型居住区常见地表类型热特征分析.生态学报, 2016,36(17).39.蒲英霞;韩洪凌;葛莹;孔繁花. 中国省际人口迁移的多边效应机制分析. 地理学报, 2016 (2):205-216.40.陈剑阳;尹海伟;孔繁花等. 环太湖复合型生态网络构建. 生态学报, 2015 (9):3113-3123.41.卢飞红;尹海伟;孔繁花. 城市绿道的使用特征与满意度研究——以南京环紫金山绿道为例. 中国园林, 2015, 31(9):50-54.42.许峰;尹海伟;孔繁花等. 基于MSPA与最小路径方法的巴中西部新城生态网络构建. 生态学报, 2015, (19):6425-6434.43.刘欣嵘;尹海伟;徐建刚;孔繁花. 绿道研究与规划进展评述. 山东师范大学学报:自然科学版, 2015, (4):110-115.44.孙常峰;孔繁花*;尹海伟;闫伟姣;许峰;任怡静. 山区夏季地表温度的影响因素——以泰山为例. 生态学报, 2014, 34(12), 3396-3404.45.闫伟姣;孔繁花*;尹海伟;孙常峰;许峰; 李文超; 张啸天. 紫金山森林公园降温效应影响因素. 生态学报, 2014, 34(12), 3169-3178.46.庄艳美; 孔繁花;尹海伟;宋立新. 济南城市绿地空间格局对鸟类群落结构的影响研究. 山东师范大学学报: 自然科学版, 2014,29(1), 102-109.47.孔繁花*;尹海伟;刘金勇;闫伟姣;孙常峰. 城市绿地降温效应研究进展与展望, 自然资源学报, 2013, 28(1), 171-181.48.刘金勇;孔繁花; 尹海伟; 闫伟姣;孙常峰;许峰. 济南市土地利用变化及其对生态系统服务价值的影响, 应用生态学报,2013,24(5), 1231-1236.49.尹海伟;张琳琳;孔繁花;闫伟姣. 基于层次分析和移动窗口方法的济南市建设用地适宜性评价, 资源科学,2013.35(3),530-535.50.刘东;李艳;孔繁花. 中心城区地表温度空间分布及地物降温效应——以南京市为例, 国土资源遥感,2013, 25(1), 117-122.51.孙振如;尹海伟;孔繁花.不同计算方法下的公园可达性研究, 中国人口资源与环境, 2012 (S1), 162-165.52.尹海伟;孔繁花;祈毅;王红扬;周艳妮;秦正茂. 湖南省城市群生态网络构建与优化;生态学报,2011, (10),2863-2874.53.孔繁花*;尹海伟. 城市绿地功能的研究现状、问题及发展方向,南京林业大学学报(自然科学版), 2010, 34(2), 119-124.54.张琳琳;孔繁花*;尹海伟;孙振如;庄艳美;居为民. 基于景观空间指标与移动窗口的济南城市空间格局变化, 生态学杂志,2010, 29(8), 1591-1598.55.尹海伟;徐建刚;孔繁花. 上海城市绿地宜人性对房价的影响,生态学报, 2009, 29(8),4492-4500.56.尹海伟;孔繁花;宗跃光. 城市绿地可达性与公平性分析,生态学报, 2008, (7),3375-338357.尹海伟;徐建刚;陈昌勇;孔繁花. 基于 GIS 的吴江东部地区生态敏感性分析, 地理科学,2006, 26(1), 64-69.2017/10-,国际景观生态学会中国分会副理事长2017/08-,中国城市科学研究会景观设计学与美丽中国专业委员会委员2012/05-,中国城市规划学会城市生态规划委员会委员 相关热点
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