2023-05-11 13:34
  • 杜嘉木
  • 杜嘉木 - 教授-南方科技大学-生物系-个人资料









Zhang C#, Du X#, Tang K#, Yang Z, Pan L, Zhu P, Luo J, Jiang Y, Zhang H, Wan H, Wang X, Wu F, Tao WA, He XJ, Zhang H, Bressan RA, Du J*, Zhu JK*. Arabidopsis AGDP1 links H3K9me2 to DNA methylation in heterochromatin. Nat Commun. 2018b; 9: 4547. (* co-corresponding authors)
Li X#, Harris CJ#, Zhong Z, Chen W, Liu R, Jia B, Wang Z, Li S, Jacobsen SE*, Du J*. Mechanistic insights into plant SUVH family H3K9 methyltransferases and their binding to context biased non-CG DNA methylation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2018; 115: E8793-E8802. (* co-corresponding authors)
Yang Z#, Qian S#, Scheid RN, Lu L, Chen X, Liu R, Du X, Lv X, Boersma MD, Scalf M, Smith LM, Denu JM, Du J*, Zhong X*. EBS is a bivalent histone reader that regulates floral phase transition in Arabidopsis. Nat Genet. 2018; 50: 1247-1253. (* co-corresponding authors)
Qian S#, Lv X#, Scheid RN#, Lu L, Yang Z, Chen W, Liu R, Boersma MD, Denu JM, Zhong X*, Du J*. Dual recognition of H3K4me3 and H3K27me3 by a plant histone reader SHL. Nat Commun. 2018; 9: 2425. (* co-corresponding authors)
Yang Z, Qiu Q, Chen W, Jia B, Chen X, Hu H, He K, Deng X, Li S, Tao WA, Cao X*, Du J*. Structure of the Arabidopsis JMJ14-H3K4me3 Complex Provides Insight into the Substrate Specificity of KDM5 Subfamily Histone Demethylases. Plant Cell. 2018; 30: 167-177. (* co-corresponding authors)
ighted by Plant Cell. 2018; 30: 5–6
Liu R#, Li X#, Chen W, Du J*. Structure and mechanism of plant histone mark readers. Sci China Life Sci. 2018; 61: 170-177. Review Article.
Du J*. Structure and Mechanism of Plant DNA Methyltransferases. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2016; 945: 173-92. Book Chapter.
Li S, Yang Z, Du X, Liu R, Wilkinson AW, Gozani O, Jacobsen SE, Patel DJ, Du J*. Structural Basis for the Unique Multivalent Readout of Unmodified H3 Tail by Arabidopsis ORC1b BAH-PHD Cassette. Structure. 2016; 24: 486-94
Du J#, Johnson LM#, Jacobsen SE, Patel DJ. DNA methylation pathways and their crosstalk with histone methylation. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol. 2015; 1839: 519-32. (# co-first authors) Review Article
Du J*, Patel DJ*. Structural biology-based insights into combinatorial readout and crosstalk among epigenetic marks. Biochim Biophys Acta (Gene Regulatory Mechanisms). 2014; 1839:719-27. (* co-corresponding authors) Review Article
Du J#, Johnson LM#, Groth M, Feng S, Hale CJ, Li S, Vashisht AA, Gallego-Bartolome J, Wohlschlegel JA, Patel DJ, Jacobsen SE. Mechanism of DNA Methylation-Directed Histone Methylation by KRYPTONITE. Mol Cell. 2014; 55, 495–504. (# co-first authors)
Zhong X#, Du J#, Hale CJ, Gallego-Bartolome J, Feng S, Vashisht AA, Chory J, Wohlschlegel JA, Patel DJ, Jacobsen SE. Molecular Mechanism of Action of Plant DRM De Novo DNA Methyltransferases. Cell. 2014; 157: 1050-60. (# co-first authors)
Johnson LM#, Du J#, Hale CJ, Bischof S, Feng S, Chodavarapu RK, Zhong X, Marson G, Pellegrini M, Segal DJ, Patel DJ, Jacobsen SE. SRA- and SET-domain-containing proteins link RNA polymerase V occupancy to DNA methylation. Nature. 2014; 507: 124-8. (# co-first authors)
Law JA#, Du J#, Hale CJ#, Feng S, Krajewski K, Palanca AM, Strahl BD, Patel DJ, Jacobsen SE. Polymerase-IV occupancy at RNA-directed DNA methylation sites requires SHH1. Nature. 2013; 498: 385-89. (# co-first authors)
Du J#, Zhong X#, Bernatavichute YV, Stroud H, Feng S, Caro E, Vashisht AA, Terragni J, Chin HG, Tu A, Hetzel J, Wohlschlegel JA, Pradhan S, Patel DJ, Jacobsen SE. Dual binding of chromomethylase domains to H3K9me2-containing nucleosomes directs DNA methylation in plants. Cell. 2012; 151:167-80. (# co-first authors)
Du J, Kelly AE, Funabiki H, Patel DJ. Structural basis for recognition of H3T3ph and Smac/DIABLO N-terminal peptides by human Survivin. Structure. 2012 ;20:185-95.
Du J, Yang H, Zhang D, Wang J, Guo H, Peng B, Guo Y, Ding J. Structural basis for the blockage of IL-2 signaling by therapeutic antibody basiliximab. J Immunol. 2010; 184:1361-8.
Du J#, Yang H#, Peng B, Ding J. Structural modeling and biochemical studies reveal insights into the molecular basis of the recognition of beta-2-microglobulin by antibody BBM.1. J Mol Recognit. 2009; 22:465-73. (# co-first authors)
Du J, Yang H, Guo Y, Ding J. Structure of the Fab fragment of therapeutic antibody Ofatumumab provides insights into the recognition mechanism with CD20. Mol Immunol. 2009; 46:2419-23.
Du J#, Hou S#, Zhong C#, Lai Z, Yang H, Dai J, Zhang D, Wang H, Guo Y, Ding J. Molecular basis of recognition of human osteopontin by 23C3, a potential therapeutic antibody for treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. J Mol Biol. 2008; 382:835-842. (# co-first authors)

