2023-05-11 16:04
  • 杜朝玲
  • 杜朝玲 - 副研究员-南京航空航天大学-理学院-个人资料




1994.9 -- 1997.7 河南南阳市二中 > 普通高中毕业
2001.9 -- 2004.7 河南师范大学 > 原子与分子物理 > 理学硕士学位 > 硕士研究生毕业
2001.9 -- 2004.7 河南师范大学 > 原子与分子物理 > 理学硕士学位 > 硕士研究生毕业
1997.9 -- 2001.7 河南师范大学 > 物理学教育 > 理学学士学位 > 大学本科毕业
2007.5 -- 2009.8 南洋理工大学应用物理系
2009.8 -- 至今 南京航空航天大学理学院




1.C. L. Du, Y. M. You, Z. H. Ni, J. Kasim, and Z. X. Shen, Confocal white light reflection imaging for characterization of nanostructures, Invited book chapter, Photonics, ISBN 978-953-307-927-1, Intech.
2. Yang WC, Chen YX, Fu TY, Peng S, Du CL (通讯作者), Lu YG, and Shi DN, The cross-section shape-dependent responses of S and FOM of individual Au nanorod sensors, Appl. Phys. A-Mate Sci & Proc , 2019, 125(5):345.
3. Du CL, Yang WC,Peng S, and Shi DN, Optimal geometry parameter for plasmonic sensitivities of individual Au nanopoarticle sensors, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 21 (14): 7654-7660.
4.ChaoLing Du, Sheng Peng , WanChun Yang, and DaNing Shi, Plasmonic Coupling Effects on the Refractive Index Sensitivities of Plane Au-Nanosphere-Cluster Sensors, Plasmonics 2018, 13(5): 1729-1734.
5.ChaoLing Du, WanChun Yang, Sheng Peng, and DaNing Shi, Nano-thick-dielectric encapsulation effects on the refractive-index sensitivities of Ag plane-nanosphere-cluster sensors, Modern Physics Letters B, 2018, 32 (8): 1850080.
6.Peng, Sheng; Du, ChaoLing(通讯作者); Shi, DaNing. Geometry and near-field coupling effects on the refractive-index sensitivities of individual Ag nanoparticle sensors Appl. Phys. A-Mate Sci & Proc 2017, 123 (11): 672.
7.Huang, Mingli; Zhang, Yufeng; Du, Chaoling(通讯作者);. Plasmon Peak Sensitivity Investigation of Individual Cu and Cu@Cu2O Core-Shell Nanoparticle Sensors, Plasmonics 2016, 11 (5): 1197-1200
8.C. L. Du, B. Wang, F. Sun, M. L. Huang, C. J. He, and D. N. Shi. Refractive index sensitivities of plane Ag nanosphere cluster sensors [J]. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2015, 215: 142-145.
9.C. L. Du, M. L. Huang, T. Chen, and D. N. Shi. Linear or quadratic plasmon peak sensitivities for individual Au/Ag nanosphere sensors [J], Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2014, 203: 812-816.
10.C. L. Du, J. P. Dong, T. Chen, C. J. He, D. N. Shi, Dielectric Nanocup Coating Effect on the Resonant Optical Properties of Individual Au Nanosphere, Plasmonics, 8 (2013) 1523-1527.
11.C. L. Du, C. J. Du, Y. M. You, C. J. He, J. Luo, D. N. Shi, Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering from Individual Au Nanoparticles on Au Films, Plasmonics, 7 (2012) 475-478.
12.C. L. Du, J. Kasim, Y. M. You, D. N. Shi, Z. X. Shen, Enhancement of Raman scattering by individual dielectric microspheres, Journal of Raman Spectrascopy. 45 (2011) 145-148.
13.C. L. Du, C. J. Du, Y. M. You, Y. Zhu, S. L. Jin, C. J. He, S. N. Shi, Numerically investigating the enhanced Raman scattering performance of individual Ag nanowire tips, APPLIED OPTICS, 50 (2011) 4922-4926.
14.C. L. Du, Y. M. You, and Z. X. Shen, Polarized SERS study of an individual Ag nanowire with bulb humps, Optics Communics. 284 (2011) 5844-5846.
15.C. L. Du, T. Chen, Y. Zhu, H. L. Hu, D. N. Shi, H. Y. Chen, Z. X. Shen, Individual Ag Nanowire Dimer for Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering, Plasmonics, 6 (2011) 761-766.
16.C. L. Du, Y. M. You, J. Kasim, X. J. Zhang, Z. X. Shen, Near-field coupling effect between individual Au nanospheres and their supporting SiO2/Si substrate, Plasmonics 5 (2009) 105-109.
17.C. L. Du, Y. M. You, J. Kasim, T. Yu, Z. X. Shen, Polarization-dependent confocal photoluminescence imaging of Ag nanorods and nanoparticles, Plasmonics, 4 (2009) 217-222.
18.C. L. Du, M. X. Yang, Y. M. You, H. Y. Chen, Z. X. Shen, Individual polymer-encapsulated Ag nanoparticles for Surface enhanced Raman scattering, Chemical Physics Letters, 473 (2009) 317-320.
19.C. L. Du, Y. M. You, J. Kasim, Z. H. Ni, T. Yu, C. P. Wong, H. M. Fan, Z. X. Shen, Confocal white light reflection imaging for characterization of metal nanostructures, Optics Communications, 281 (2008) 5360-5363.
20.C. L. Du, Z. B. Gu, Y. M. You, J. Kasim, T. Yu, Z. X. Shen, Z. H. Ni, Y. Ma, G. X. Cheng, Y. F. Chen, Resonant Raman spectroscopy of (Mn,Co)-codoped ZnO films, Journal of Applied Physics, 103 (2008) 023501.

