2023-05-11 14:53
  • 杜前舟
  • 杜前舟 - -南京大学-商学院-个人资料




助理教授,南京大学商学院市场营销与电子商务系任助理教授,弗吉尼亚理工大学潘普林商学院商业信息技术系博士。主要研究方向包括:文本挖掘,社交媒体分析,金融科技,群体智慧,以及开放创新。相关研究成果发表于Journal of Management Information Systems, Journal of the Association for Information Scienceand Technology, Information Systems Journal, Tourism Management, International Journal of Hospitality Management,以及Information Technology & Tourism等期刊上。
1. 商业文本挖掘(Business Text Mining)
2. 商业数据科学导论(Introduction to Data Science)
3. 网页制作(Web Development)
1. 南京大学商学院“谢谢你”奖教金(2021)
杜前舟,主持,2022-2024,基于智能购物车的线下智慧零售研究,国家自然科学基金 青年科学基金项目,编号:72102106
杜前舟,参与,2022-2025,恐怖主义数字货币融资交易实体角色识别与知识图谱分析方法研究,国家自然科学基金 面上项目,编号:72171115
杜前舟,参与,2022-2025,从网络众包创意到企业产品创新的转化机制研究,国家自然科学基金 面上项目,编号:7217020823
杜前舟,参与,2018-2020,网络众包的开放式创新模式下用户创意质量研究,国家自然科学基金 青年科学基金项目,编号:71702206


1. 社交媒体分析(Social Media Analysis)
2. 文本挖掘(Text Mining)
3. 金融科技(Fintech)
4. 群体智慧(Crowd Wisdom)
5. 开放创新(Open Innovation)""


10. The More, the Better? The Effect of Feedback and User’s Past Successes on Idea Implementation in Open Innovation Communities. Qian Liu, Zhengfa Yang, Xiaofang Cai, Qianzhou Du*, Weiguo Fan. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology. Vol.73(3), pp. 376-392, 2022. (南大商学院2区, SSCI, JCR:Q2, Impact Factor:2.738)
9. Predicting Crowdfunding Project Success based on Backers' Language Preferences. Qianzhou Du, Jing Li, Yanqing Du, G. Alan Wang, Weiguo Fan. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology. Vol.72(12), pp. 1558-1574, 2021. (南大商学院2区, SSCI, JCR:Q2, Impact Factor:2.738)
8. Role of User-Generated Photos in Online Hotel Reviews: An Analytical Approach. Qingxiang An, Yufeng Ma, Qianzhou Du, Zheng Xiang, and Weiguo Fan. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management. Vol. 45, pp. 633-640, 2020. (SSCI, JCR:Q2, Impact Factor: 3.415)
7. Moderating Effects of Rating on Text and Helpfulness in Online Hotel Reviews: an analytical approach. Seunghun Shin, Qianzhou Du*, Yufeng Ma, Weiguo Fan, and Zheng Xiang. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, Vol. 30(2), pp. 159-177, 2021. (SSCI, JCR:Q1, Impact Factor: 3.011)
6. User Idea Implementation in Open Innovation Communities: Evidence from a New Product Development Crowdsourcing Community. Qian Liu, Qianzhou Du*, Yili (Kevin) Hong, Weiguo Fan, and Shuang Wu. Information Systems Journal. Vol.30(5), pp. 899-927, 2020. (南大商学院3区, SSCI, JCR:Q1, Impact Factor: 3.286)
5. Crowd Characteristics and Crowd Wisdom of Online Investor Opinions: Evidence from An Online Investment Community. Hong Hong, Qiang Ye, Qianzhou Du*, G. Alan Wang, and Weiguo Fan. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology. Vol.71(4), pp. 423-435, 2020. (南大商学院2区, SSCI, JCR:Q2, Impact Factor:2.738)
4. Measuring Customer Agility from Online Reviews Using Big Data Text Analytics.Shihao Zhou, Zhilei Qiao, Qianzhou Du, G. Alan Wang, Weiguo Fan, and Xiangbin Yan. Journal of Management Information Systems, Vol.35(2), pp. 510-539, 2018. (南大商学院1区, SSCI, JCR:Q1, Impact Factor:3.013)
3. Effectsof User-Provided Photos on Hotel Review Helpfulness: An Analytical Approach with Deep Learning. Yufeng Ma, Zheng Xiang, Qianzhou Du, and Weiguo Fan. International Journal of Hospitality Management, Vol.71, pp. 120-131, 2018. (SSCI, JCR:Q1, Impact Factor:4.465)
2. Assessing Reliability of Online Hotel Review Data: Implications for Social Media Analytics Research in Hospitality and Tourism, Zheng Xiang, Qianzhou Du, Yufeng Ma, and Weiguo Fan, Information Technology & Tourism, Vol.18.1-4, pp. 43-59, 2018.
1. A Comparative Analysis of Major Online Review Platforms: Implications for Social Media Analytics in Hospitality and Tourism. Zheng Xiang, Qianzhou Du, Yufeng Ma, and Weiguo Fan. Tourism Management, Vol.58, pp. 51-65, 2017. (南大商学院3区, SSCI, JCR:Q1, Impact Factor:6.012, 高被引)
12. An explainable machine learning framework for fake financial news detection. Xiaohui Zhang, Qianzhou Du, Zhongju Zhang, in the Proceedings of the 41th International Conference on Information Systems, Online, India, 2020.
11. What Kind of user-generated ideas are more likely to be implemented? Evidence from an open innovation community. Qian Liu, Qianzhou Du, Yili Hong, and Weiguo Fan, in the Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Information Systems, San Francisco, US, 2018.
10. Predicting crowdfunding projectSuccess from the backer’ perspective, Ziqian Song, Qianzhou Du, Wenqi Shen, G. Alan Wang, Weiguo Fan, in the Proceedings of the 12th China Summer Workshop on Information Management, Qingdao, China, 2018.
9. Assessing reliability of social media data: Lessons from mining TripAdvisor hotel reviews, Zheng Xiang, Qianzhou Du,Yufeng Ma, Weiguo Fan, in the Proceedings of the ENTER 2017 Conference, Italy, 2017. (Best conference paper award)
8. CrowdIQ: A new opinion aggregation model, Qianzhou Du,Hong Hong, G. Alan Wang, Weiguo Fan, in the Proceedings of the 50th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences(HICSS), Big Island, HI, 2017. (Best conference paper nominee)
7. Aggregating crowd opinions using statistical learning, Qianzhou Du, Zhilei Qiao, G. Alan Wang, Weiguo Fan, in the Proceedings of the 11th China Summer Workshop on Information Management, Nanjing, China, 2017.
6. Understanding the factors that influence the implemented ideas in collaborative crowdsourcing platform, Qian Liu, Baowen Sun, Qianzhou Du, Weiguo Fan, in the Proceedings of the 11th China Summer Workshop on Information Management, Nanjing, China, 2017.
5. A cross-platform comparison of crowdfunding: an exploratory study, Qianzhou Du, Mi Zhou, Zhilei Qiao, Xuan Zhang, G. Alan Wang, and Weiguo Fan, in the Proceedings of the 10th China Summer Workshop on Information Management, Dalian, China, 2016.
4. How do firms develop customer agility and when does customer agility matter: Evidences from game APP development, Shihao Zhou, Zhilei Qiao, Qianzhou Du, G. Alan Wang, and Weiguo Fan, in the Proceedings of the 10th China Summer Workshop on Information Management,Dalian, China, 2016.
3. Crowd wisdom: The impact of opinion diversity and participant independence on crowd performance, HongHong, Qianzhou Du, G. Alan Wang, Weiguo Fan, and Di Xu, in the Proceedings of 2016 Americas Conference on Information Systems, San Diego, CA, 2016.
2. Money talks: A predictive modelon crowdfunding success using project description, Mi Zhou, Qianzhou Du, Zhilei Qiao, Xuan Zhang, G. Alan Wang, and Weiguo Fan, in the Proceedings of 2015 Americas Conference on Information Systems, Puerto Rico, 2015.
1. Do Facebook activities increase sales? , Mi Zhou, Zhilei Qiao, Qianzhou Du, Xuan Zhang, G. Alan Wang, and Weiguo Fan, in the Proceedings of 2015 Americas Conference on Information Systems, Puerto Rico, 2015.
担任过Journal of Management Information Systems, Tourism Management, Information & Management, Decision Support Systems, Decision Science, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, Internet Research, Information Technology and Management, 以及Information Systems Journal等期刊的审稿人。此外,还担任过ICIS、PACIS 等国际会议的Track AE

