1. SUN Huajun,HOU Lisong,WU Yiqun,WEI Jingsong,Structural change of laser-irradiated Ge2Sb2Te5films studied by electrical property measurement,Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids,354, 2008:5563~5566. 2. SUN Huajun,HOU Lisong,WU Yiqun,A feasible approach to optical-electrical hybrid data storage using phase change material,Chinese Physics Letters,25(8),2008:2915~2917. 3. SUN Huajun,HOU Lisong,WU Yiqun,Reversible resistance switching effect in amorphous Ge1Sb4Te7thin films without phase change Chinese Physics Letters,26(2),2009, 024203-1~3. 4. SUN Huajun,HOU Lisong,WU Yiqun,Laser-induced structural, electrical and optical properties evolution of phase change Ge2Sb2Te5thin films,Proc. of SPIE,Vol.7125, 71251U-1~5. 5. SUN Hua-jun,HOU Li-song, MIAO Xiang-shui,WU Yi-qun,Influences of substrate temperature on the structure,electrical and optical properties of magnetron sputtering Ge2Sb2Te5films,Rare Metal Materials and Engineering,3,2010 (In press). 6. Jin Fang,Mo Wenqin, SUN Huajun,Cheng Weiming, Simulation of giant magnetoimpedance in single layer and sandwiched thin films,Proceedings of the SPIE,Vol 7517,2009:751716-1~5. 7. Wang qing,SUN Hua-junElectrode Materials for Memristor with Ge2Sb2Te5, Journal of Electronic Materials(in press, corrsepongding author) 相关热点
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