2023-05-11 08:25
  • 孙玲
  • 孙玲 - 讲师 博士-江苏大学-食品与生物工程学院-个人资料








1.Ling Sun, Xinyi Li, Haile Ma, Ronghai He, Prince Ofori Donkor. Global gene expression changes reflecting pleiotropic effects of Irpex lacteus induced by low-\u001Fintensity electromagnetic field. Bioelectromagnetics, 2019, 40(2):104-117.(SCI IF:2.0)\r
2.Yao-Yao Wang, Wen-Yi Qiu, Ling Sun, Zhi-Chao Ding, Jingkun Yan. Preparation, characterization, and antioxidant capacities of selenium nanoparticles stabilized by polysaccharide-protein complexes from Corbicula fluminea. Food bioscience. 2018,26:177-184 (SCI IF:2.4)\r
3.Jia-Jia Han, Ze-Ting Song, Jing-Liang Sun, Zheng-Ting Yang, Meng-Jun Xian, Shuo Wang, Ling Sun and Jian-Xiang Liu. Chromatin remodeling factor CHR18 interacts with replication protein RPA1A to regulate the DNA replication stress response in Arabidopsis. New Phytologist, 2018, 220:476-487 (SCI IF: 7.4)\r
4.Huang G, Tang Y, Sun L, Xing H, Ma H, He R*. Ultrasonic irradiation of low intensity with a mode of sweeping frequency enhances the membrane permeability and cell growth rate of Candida tropicalis. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 16 February 2017. http://dx.doi.org/ 10.1016/ j.ultsonch. 2017.02.010 (SCI, IF=4.231, 1区)\r
5.Guoping Huang; Suwan Chen; Chunhua Dai; Ling Sun;Wenli Sun; Yingxiu Tang; Feng Xiong; Ronghai He*; Haile Ma. Effects of ultrasound on microbial growth and enzyme activity [J]. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 2017:191–197. (SCI, IF=4.231, 1区)\r
6.Yong Wang, Xia-fang tao, Zhi-Xi su, a-Ke liu, tian-lei liu, Ling Sun, Qin yao, Ke-Ping chen and Xun Gu; current Bacterial Gene Encoding capsule Biosynthesis Protein capi contains nucleotides Derived from Exonization. Evolutionary Bioinformatics 2016:12 303–312 . (SCI, IF=1.500, 4区)\r
7.Sun L, Yang ZT, Song ZT, Wang MJ, Sun L, Lu SJ, Liu JX. The plant-specific transcription factor NAC103 is induced by bZIP60 through a new cis-regulatory element to modulate the unfolded protein response in Arabidopsis. Plant J 2013.Oct;76(2):274-86 (SCI, IF=5.468, 1区)\r
8.Gao J*, Sun L*, Yang X, Liu JX. Transcriptomic Analysis of Cadmium Stress Response in the Heavy Metal Hyperaccumulator Sedum alfredii Hance.PLoS One. 2013 Jun 3;8(6):e64643. (*并列第一)(SCI, IF=3.057, 3区)\r
9.Zhuang LF*, Sun L*, Li AX, Chen TT, Qi ZJ. Identification and development of diagnostic markers for a powdery mildew resistance gene on chromosome 2R of Chinese rye cultivar Jingzhouheimai, Molecular Breeding, 2011, 27:455–465(*并列第一)(SCI, IF=2.212, 2区)\r
10.Sun L, Lu SJ, Zhang SS, Zhou SF, Sun L, Liu JX. The Lumen-facing Domain Is Important for the Biological Function and Organelle-to-organelle Movement of bZIP28 during ER Stress in Arabidopsis. Mol Plant. 2013 Apr 4. (SCI, IF=6.695, 1区)\r
11.Lu SJ, Yang ZT, Sun L, Sun L, Song ZT, Liu JX. Conservation of IRE1-regulated bZIP74 mRNA unconventional splicing in rice (Oryza sativa L.) involved in ER stress responses. Mol Plant. 2012 Mar;5(2):504-14. (SCI, IF=6.695, 1区)\r
12.Wang D, Zhuang LF, Sun L, Feng YG, Pei ZY, Qi ZJ. Allocation of a powdery mildew resistance locus to the chromosome arm 6RL of Secale cereale L. cv. ‘Jingzhouheimai’, Euphytica, 2010, 176:157-166 (SCI, IF=1.565, 2区)

