2023-05-10 19:03
  • 陈中原
  • 陈中原 - 教授-华东师范大学-河口海岸科学研究院-个人资料




美国Smithsonian研究所博士后和Research Associate;墨尔本大学荣誉教授;国际Geomorphology学报主编, Earth Surface Process and Landforms学报编委;任国际LOICZ-海陆相互作用科学决策委员会委员等职,长期来开展长江、尼罗河等河流—三角洲进行了地质地貌环境与灾害、环境考古、沉积物搬运、沉积与沉降、气候与海平面以及人类活动等的研究。揭示并阐明了一系列重要学术观点:1)长江流域建坝对中游-河口源、汇的转换原理;2)我国东部距今7700年前的河口海岸湿地演化与稻米起源关系;2)尼罗河三角洲中西部晚第四纪地层体系与环境演化特征;3)长江三角洲晚第四纪沉积环境的变迁;4)长江与尼罗河三角洲全新世海平面波动及其对环境变迁的影响;5)长江入海时间与我国东部地貌格局的演化。在国内外核心刊物上发表论文200多篇,其中包括:Nature和Geology等。成果被广泛引用(>1200次被SCI它引);是亚太大河三角洲战略计划国际合作项目首席科学家,是欧盟第七框架合作项目中方负责,主持长江和尼罗河三角洲国际合作项目,是中澳合作项目中方负责人,主持多项国家自然科学基金项目;主持系列国际(AOGS,IGCP, IAG,APN等)学术大会和学术研讨会(泰国2004;2007;越南2005;西班牙2005;上海1999,2004,2006); 1999和2004年与国际地貌学会(IAG)大河流域工作组合作,组织并主持召开了长江河流国际学术研讨会,在国际核心刊物Geomorphology,The Holocene, ESPL和Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science等学报作为Guest Editor主编9本河流三角洲专辑(Special Issue);成果获上海市自然科学一等奖(2011)。
Professor Zhongyuan Chen
State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research
Zhongyuan Chen is a Professor in the State Kay Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research in East China Normal University, and Honorary fellow in the University of Melbourne. Professor Chen is a river-coast geomorphologist whose research and teaching spans across geology, geomorphology, hydrology, and environmental change. He is a member of the Scientific Steering Committee of the IGBP’s LOICZ project (2009-2015), and serves an Editor-in-Chief on the international Journal of Geomorphology.

Special Issue - Guest editor: EMECS9 Special Issue: Science-Based for Managing for Results. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 2013, 116, 1-98p
Special Issue - Guest editor: Geomorphology of Large Rivers – cases from the 7th IAG Conference, Melbourne. Geomorphology, 2012, 147-148, 1-114p.
Special Issue - Guest editor: Multidisciplinary studies in environmental archaeology with particular reference to China: An introduction to the Special Issue. The Holocene. 2012, 22, 6: 609-611.
Special Issue - Guest editor: The Megadeltas of Asia: Interlinkage of Land and Sea and Human Development - Virtual Special Issue. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. Online ISSN: 2011, 1096-9837.
Special issue - Guest editor: EMECS8 - Harmonizing catchment and estuary, Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 2010, 86 (3) 1-534.
Special issue - Guest editor:landforms and responses in large rivers, Geomorphology, (2009), 113 (3-4), 127-252.
Special issue - Guest editor: Large monsoon rivers of Asia, Geomorphology, 2007, 85 (3-4), 1-316.
Special issue - Guest editor: Sedimentological and biological processes of catchment to estuary: example from the Yangtze and Mekong River, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 72007, 1 (1-2), 1-358.
Special issue - Guest editor: Yangtze River of China: introduction, Geomorphology, 2001 41 (2-3), 1-248.




Liu, X., J. Chen, B. A. Maher, B. Zhao, W. Yue, Q. Sun, and Z. Chen,2018. Connection of the proto-Yangtze River to the East China Sea traced by sediment magnetic properties, Geomorphology, 303, 162-171;
Lai, X.H., Yin, D., Finlayson, B.L., Wei, T., Li, M.T., Yuan, W.H., Yang, S.L., Dai, Z.J., Gao, S., Chen, Z., 2017. Will river erosion below the Three Gorges Dam stop in the middle Yangtze? Journal of Hydrology 554, 24–31;
Zhao X.S., Yan Liu, Alaa Salem, Leszek Marks, Fabian Welc, Qianli Sun, Jun Jiang, Jing Chen, Chen, Z. 2017. Migration of the Intertropical Convergence Zone in North Africa during the Holocene: evidence from variations in quartz grain roundness in the lower Nile valley, Egypt. Quaternary International, 449, 22-28;
Yue, W., Liu, T.J., Zhang, D., Wang, Z.H., Zhao, B.C., Chen, Z., 2017. Magnetite with anomalously high Cr2O3 as a fingerprint to trace upper Yangtze sediments to the sea. Geomorphology, 268, 14–20;
Li, M.T., Finlayson, B., Webber, M., Barnett, J., Webber, S., Rogers, R., Chen, Z., Wei, T., Chen, J., Wu, X.D., Wang, M., 2017. Estimating urban water demand under conditions of rapid growth: the case of Shanghai. Reg Environ Change, 17:1153–1161, DOI 10.1007/s10113-016-1100-6;
LESZEK MARKS , ALAA SALEM, FABIAN WELC, JERZY NITYCHORUK , ZHONGYUAN CHEN, MAARTEN BLAAUW, ABDELFATTAH ZALAT, ALEKSANDRA MAJECKA, MARCIN SZYMANEK , MARTA CHODYKA, ANNA TOŁOCZKO-PASEK, QIANLI SUN, XIAOSHUANG ZHAO AND JUN JIANG, 2017. Holocene lake sediments from the Faiyum Oasis in Egypt: a record of environmental and climate change. BOREAS, © Collegium Boreas. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. 1-18. DOI 10.1111/bor.12251;
Li, M.T., Finlayson, F., Webber, M., Barnett, J., Webber, S., Rogers, S., Chen, Z., Wei, T.Y., Chen, J., Wu, X.D., Wang, M., 2017. Estimating urban water demand under conditions of rapid growth: the case of Shanghai. Regional Environmental Change, DOI 10.1007/s10113-016-1100-6;
Li, M.T., Wang, H., Li, Y.M., Ai, W., Hou, L.J., Chen, Z., 2016. Sedimentary BSi and TOC quantifies the degradation of the Changjiang Estuary, China, from river basin alteration and warming SST. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 183, 392-401;
Liu, T., Liu, Y., Sun, Q.L., Zong, Y.Q., Finlayson, B., Chen, Z., 2016. Early Holocene groundwater table fluctuations in relation to rice domestication in the middle Yangtze River basin, China. Quaternary Science Review, 155, 79-85;
Liu, Y., Sun, Q.L., Fan, D.D., Lai, X.H., Xu, L.C., Finlayson, B., Chen, Z., 2016. Pollen evidence to interpret the history of rice farming at the Hemudu site on the Ningshao coast, eastern China. Quaternary International. Quaternary International 426, 195-203;
Day, J,W., Agboola, J., Chen, Z., D’Elia, C., Forbes, D.L., Giosan, L., Kemp, P., Kuenzer, C., Lane, R.R., Ramachandran, F., Syvitski, J., and Ya~nez-Arancibia, A., 2016. Approaches to defining deltaic sustainability in the 21st century. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Research, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science xxx 1-17;
Chen, J., Finlayson, B., Wei, T.Y., Sun, Q.L., Webber, M., Li, M., Chen, Z., 2016. Changes in monthly flows in the Yangtze River, China – With special reference to the Three Gorges Dam. Journal of Hydrology 536, 293–301;
in, D.W., Peakall, J., Parsons, D., Chen, Z., Averill, H.M., Wignall, P., Best. J. 2016. Bedform genesis in bedrock substrates: Insights into formative processes from a new experimental approach and the importance of suspension-dominated abrasion. Geomorphology, 255, 26–38;
Liu, Y., Sun, Q.L., Wang, Z.H., Ma, C.Y., Zhang, L., Chen, J., Chen, Z., 2015. The Yangtze Delta of China: A mid-Holocene optimized coastal environment for the rise of the prehistoric Liangzhu City complex. Quaternary Research, 84 (2015) 326–334;
Webber, M., Li, M. T., Chen, J., Finlayson, B., Chen, D., Chen, Z., Wang, M. and Barnett, J., 2015. Impact of the Three Gorges Dam, the South–North Water Transfer Project and water abstractions on the duration and intensity of salt intrusions in the Yangtze River estuary. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 19, 4411–4425, doi:10.5194/hess-19-4411-2015;
MICHAEL, W., BARNET, J., CHEN, Z., FINLAYSON, B., WANG, M., CHEN, D., CHEN, J., LI, M.T., WEI, T.Y., WU, S. and XU, H., 2015, Constructing Water Shortages on a Huge River: The Case of Shanghai. Geographical Research, 53(4):406–418 doi: 10.1111/1745-5871.12132;
Xu H., Newton A., Wolanski, E. and Chen Z., 2015. The fate of phosphorus in the Yangtze (Changjiang) Estuary, China, under multi-stressors: Hindsight and forecast. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 163, 1-6;
墨尔本大学Honorary Fellow
Earth Surface Process and Landforms学报编委

