生于1980年2月,祖籍河北青龙,理学博士,副教授,硕士研究生导师。教育/工作简历2013.9~现今,湖北民族大学林学园艺学院,讲师、副教授;2011.8~2013.8,广西壮族自治区药用植物园,助理研究员;2004.9~2011.1,中国科学院研究生院(现中国科学院大学),中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园,中国 科学院植物研究所,攻读植物学专业博士学位;2000.9~2004.7,云南大学生命科学学院,攻读生态专业学士学位。承担的教学课程1. 本科课程:植物生理学、保护生物学、土壤肥料学2. 研究生课程:进化生物学、种子生物学、实用生物统计与软件使用研究领域
种子生物学,涉及种子休眠与萌发、种子活力与劣变、种子脱水耐性与顽拗性、土壤种子库与植冠种子库等。"专利[1] 潘春柳,邓志军,黄燕芬,韦坤华. 一种促进草果种子萌发的方法. 201510261360.1[2] 宋松泉近期论文
[1] Liu, H., Zhu Y.F., Liu, X., Jiang, Y., Deng, S.M., Ai, X.R., Deng, Z.J.* 2018. Effect of artificially accelerat-ed aging on the vigor of Metasequoia glyptostroboides seeds. Journal of Forestry Research, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11676-018-0840-1 (online)[2] Deng, Z.J.*, Hu, X.F., Ai, X.R., Yao, L., Deng S.M., P, X. and Song S.Q. 2016. Dormancy Release of Cotinuscoggygria seeds under a pre-cold moist strantification: an endogenous abscisic acid/gibberellic acid and com-parative proteomic analysis. New Forests, 47(1): 105–118.[3] Wang, W.Q., Song, B.Y., Deng, Z.J., Wang, Y., Liu, S.J., Møller, I.M. and Song, S.Q.* 2015. Proteomic Ana-lysis of Lettuce Seed Germination and Thermoinhibition by Sampling of Individual Seeds at Germination and Removal of Storage Proteins by Polyethylene Glycol Fractionation. Plant Physiology, 167: 1332–1350.[4] Pu, X., Huang, Y.F., Pan, C.L., Yao, L., Ai, X.R. and Deng, Z.J.* 2015. Effects of temperature, light, desicca-tion and cold storage on germination of Sophora tonkinensis (Leguminosae) seeds. African Journal of Biotech-nology, 14(12): 1015–1019.[5] Deng, Z.J. and Song, S.Q.* 2012. Sodium nitroprusside, ferricyanide, nitrite and nitrate decrease the thermo-dormancy of lettuce seed germination in a nitric oxide-dependent manner in light. South African Journal of Botany, 78: 139–146.[6] Deng, Z.J., Cheng, H.Y. and Song, S.Q.* 2010. Effects of temperature, scarification, dry storage, stratification,phytohormone and light on dormancy-breaking and germination of Cotinus coggygria var. cinerea (Anacardi-aceae) seeds. Seed Science and Technology, 38: 572–584.[7] Liu, X.Y., Deng, Z.J., Cheng, H.Y. and Song, S.Q.* 2010. Nitrite, sodium nitroprusside, potassium ferricyanideand hydrogen peroxide release dormancy of Amaranthus retroflexus seeds in a nitric oxide-dependent manner. Plant Growth Regulation, 64 (2): 155–161.著作[1] 邓志军, 宋松泉, 艾训儒, 姚兰编著. 2019. 植物种子保存和检测的原理与技术. 北京: 科学出版社[2] 邓志军 (编委). 2014. 缪剑华, 彭勇, 肖培根主编. 南药与大南药. 北京: 中国医药科技出版社[3] 程红焱, 邓志军. 2008. 种子的形态结构和组成. 宋松泉, 程红焱, 姜孝成等编著. 种子生物学. 北京:科学出版社, pp 1–40. 相关热点