2023-05-08 11:38
  • 王永前
  • 王永前 - 教授-成都信息工程大学-资源环境学院-个人资料








1. Wang Yongqian, Shi Jiancheng et al., The development of an algorithm to enhance and match the resolution of satellite measurements from AMSR-E, Science China Earth Sciences, 2011, 54: 410-419, SCI检索
2. Wang Yongqian, Shi Jiancheng et al., Retrieval algorithm microwave surface emissivities based on multi-source, remote sensing data: an assessment on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, Science China Earth Sciences, 2013, 56: 93-101, SCI检索
3. Wang Yongqian, Feng Wenlan et al., Atmospheric Influences Analysis and Atmospheric Correction Research in Passive Microwave Remote Sensing, Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, 2014(2): 192-199, SCI检索
4. Wang Yongqian, Liu Zhihong et al., Application of Microwave Vegetation Index to Monitoring Drought, Science China Earth Sciences, 遥感学报英文版,2014(4),837-848
5. 王永前,施建成. 基于微波辐射计AMSR-E的京津冀地区大气水汽反演研究,武汉大学学报-信息科学版,2015,40(4): 17-24, EI检索
6. A physically based parameterized method to estimate cloud liquid water over land using AMSR-E, 2011 Cross Strait Quad-Regional Radio Science and wireless technology conference,2011,EI检索
7. Retrieval of cloud liquid water from satellite Passive microwave sensor AMSR-E, Journal of Harbin Institue of Technology, 2011.10,EI检索
8. Wang Y Q, Shi J C, Liu Z H, et al. Estimating of atmospheric parameters on land using AMSR-E, part I: Inferring precipitable water vapor. 2012 Second International Workshop on Earth Observation and Remote Sensing Applications (EORSA), 2012, 125-129,EI检索
9. Wang Y Q, Shi J C, Liu Z H, et al. Estimating of atmospheric parameters on land using AMSR-E, part II: Inferring cloud liquid water . 2012 Second International Workshop on Earth Observation and Remote Sensing Applications (EORSA), 2012, 130-134,EI检索
10. Wang Y Q, Shi J C, Liu Z H, et al. Application of Microwave Vegetation Index (MVI) to monitoring drought in Sichuan province of China. 2012 First International Conference on Agro-Geoinformatics (Agro-Geoinformatics), 2012, 1-6,EI检索
11. Wang Y Q, Shi J C et al. Study of atmospheric effects on soil moisture retrieved by AMSR-E,2008 IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium,2008,EI检索
12. 王永前,施建成. 利用遥感数据分析青藏高原水热条件对叶面积指数的影响,国土资源遥感,2008.5
13. 王永前,施建成. 关于利用重力卫星对青藏高原水储量年际变化和季节性变化进行监测并用微波数据产品进行验证的研究,地球物理学进展,2009.4

