1.Impact of different convective parameterizations on mesoscale precipitation associated with the Baiu front.J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 1997,vol.75, 1141-1154,SCI,第一作者2.Implementation of the CIP as the advection solver in the MM5, Monthly Weather Review,Mon. Wea. Rev., 131,1256-1271, 2003,[SCI],第一作者3.Conservative CIP transport in meteorological models, JSME International Journal (series B), 47(4),725-734, 2004,[SCI],第一作者4.Conservative semi-Lagrangian transport on a sphere and the impact on vapor advection in an atmospheric general circulation model,Mon. Wea. Rev., (2005) 133,504-520,[SCI],第一作者5.Conservative constraint for a quasi-uniform overset grid on the sphere. Q. J. R. Meterol. Soc. (2006) 132, No.616, 979-996.[SCI],第一作者6. Application of the Characteristic CIP Method to Shallow Water Model on Sphere, Adv. Atmos. Sci. (2010),doi:10.1007/s00376-009-9148-6.[SCI],第一作者7. Conservative and oscillation-less atmospheric transport schemes based on rational functions,J. Geophys. Res,107(D22),4609,[SCI],第三作者8. A convexity preserving scheme for conservative advection transport,J. Comput. Phys. (2004),198,389-402,[SCI],第二作者9. A finite volume grid using multi-moments for geostrophic adjustment,Mon. Wea. Rev.(2006),134,No.9, 2515-2526,[SCI],第二作者10.Improvement of the Mellor-Yamada-Nakanishi-Niino planetary boundary layer scheme based on the observational data in China,Boundary-Layer Meteorology,162, 171–188.[SCI],第二(通讯)作者 相关热点