2023-05-06 12:48
  • 李彦鹏
  • 李彦鹏 - 教授-长安大学-水利与环境学院-个人资料




教授,博士生导师,环工学院副院长。现为中国环境科学学会室内环境与健康分委会委员,陕西省环境科学学会理事,陕西省环境损害司法鉴定委员会副主任,陕西省大气污染防治专家委员会委员,中国博士后基金、自然科学基金特聘评议专家。曾任《环境科学与技术》编委,现为《Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics》、《Atmospheric Environment》、《ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering》、《Waste Management》与《西安交通大学学报》等20余种SCI/EI期刊的特约评审专家




Wen H., Li Y.P., Shen Z., Ren X., Zhang W., Liu J. Surface characteristics of microalgae and their effects on harvesting performance by air flotation. Int. J. Agric. & Biol. Eng., 2017, 10: 125-133. (SCI,中科院三区)
Yanpeng Li, Rui Lu, Wanxin Li, Zhengsheng Xie, Ying Song. Concentrations and size distributions of viable bioaerosols under various weather conditions in a typical semi-arid city of Northwest China. Journal of Aerosol Science , 2017, 106: 83–92. (中科院三区)
Zhengsheng Xie, Yanpeng Li*, Rui Lu, Wanxin Li, Chunlan Fan, Pengxia Liu, Jinlong Wang, Wenke Wang. Characteristics of total airborne microbes at various air quality levels. Journal of Aerosol Science, 2018, 116: 57-65. (SCI,中科院三区)
Zhou Shen, Yanpeng Li*, Hao Wen, et al. Investigation on the role of surfactants in bubble-algae interaction in flotation harvesting of Chlorella vulgaris. Scientific Reports, 2018, 8(1):247-256. (SCI,中科院二区)
Xiaotong Zou, Yanpeng Li*, Kaiwei Xu, et al. Microalgae Harvesting by Buoy-bead Flotation Process Using Bioflocculant as Alternative to Chemical Flocculant. Algal Research, 2018, 32:233-240. (SCI,中科院二区)
Rui Lu, Yanpeng Li*, , Wanxin Li, Zhengsheng Xie, Chunlan Fan, Pengxia Liu, Shunxi Deng. Bacterial community structure in atmospheric particulate matters of different sizes during the haze days in Xi'an, China. Science of The Total Environment, 2018, 637-638: 244-252. (SCI,中科院二区, TOP期刊)
Kaiwei Xu, Yanpeng Li*, Xiaotong Zou, Hao Wen, Zhou Shen, Xiangying Ren. Investigating microalgae cell-microsphere interactions during microalgae harvesting by ballasted dissolved air flotation through XDLVO theory. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 2018, 137(9): 294-304. (SCI,中科院二区)
Kaiwei Xu, Xiaotong Zou, Hao Wen, Yating Xue, Shuangfeng Zhao, Yanpeng Li*. Buoy-bead flotation harvesting of the microalgae Chlorella vulgaris using surface-layered polymeric microspheres: A novel approach. Bioresource Technology, 2018, Accepted. (SCI,中科院一区)
Yanpeng Li, Xiao Guo, Tinglu Wang, Yue Zhao, Haifeng Zhang, Wenke Wang. Characteristics of atmospheric small ions and their application to assessment of air quality in a typical semi-arid city of northwest China. Aerosol and Air Quality Research,2015, 15: 965-874. (SCI,中科院三区)
Yanpeng Li, Honglei Fu, Wei Wang, Jun Liu, Qinglong Meng, Wenke Wang. Characteristics of bacterial and fungal aerosols during the autumn haze days in Xian,China. Atmospheric Environment, 2015, 122: 439-447. (SCI,中科院二区)

