2023-05-06 12:32
  • 王华维
  • 王华维 - 副研究员 硕导--王华维-个人资料




1998/09 – 2004/07,清华大学,计算机科学与技术系,工学硕士、博士
1993/09 – 1998/07,清华大学,应用数学系/计算机科学与技术系,理学学士、工学学士
2009/06 – 至今,北京应用物理与计算数学研究所,助理研究员、副研究员
2007/01 – 2009/06,香港城市大学,制造工程与工程管理学系,研究助理
2006/05 – 2007/01,香港科技大学,机械工程学系,研究助理
2004/07 – 2006/04,清华大学,精密仪器与机械学系,博士后




(1) Huawei Wang, Li Xiao, Zhiwei Ai, Yi Cao. A Visualization Pipeline for Computable Geometric Model Data. Proceedings of International Conference on CGVCVIP 2017, pp. 147-154, IADIS Press, Lisbon Portugal, July 2017.
(2) Huawei Wang, Li Xiao, Yi Cao, Zhiwei Ai, Pingjun Xu. Visibility-Culling-Based Geometric Rendering of Large-Scale Particle Data. Proceedings of 2016 International Conference on Virtual Reality and Visualization, pp. 197-203, IEEE CPS, Hangzhou China, Sept. 2016.
(3) Huawei Wang, Zhiwei Ai, Yi Cao, Li Xiao. A Parallel Preintegration Volume Rendering Algorithm Based on Adaptive Sampling. Journal of Visualization, 19(3): 437-446, Springer, Aug. 2016.
(4) Huawei Wang, Zhiwei Ai, Yi Cao. Information-entropy based load balancing in parallel adaptive volume rendering. Proceedings of International Conference on CGVCVIP 2015, pp. 163-169, IADIS Press, 2015.
(5) Huawei Wang, Yi Cao, Li Xiao, Guoqing Wu. A Parallel Adaptive Volume Rendering Algorithm Based on Information Entropy. Proc. of ICVRV ’2013, pp. 127-131, IEEE Computer Society, Xi’an China, 2013.
(6) Huawei Wang, Li Xiao, Yi Cao. A Parallel Adaptive Volume Rendering Algorithm with Static Load Balancing, IADIS CGVCVIP Conference ’2012, pp. 137-141, Lisbon, Portugal, July 2012.
(7) Weiyin Ma, Huawei Wang. Interpolating an Arbitrary Number of Joint B-Spline Curves by Loop Surfaces, Computers and Graphics, 36(5): 321-328, 2012.
(8) Huawei Wang, Li Xiao, Yi Cao. An Adaptive Sampling Based Parallel Volume Rendering Algorithm. Proc. of ICVRV ’2011, pp. 158-163, IEEE Computer Society, Beijing China, 2011.
(9) Huawei Wang and W. Ma. Biorthogonal wavelets based on interpolatory root 2 subdivision, Computer Graphics Forum, DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-8659.2009.01349.x, 2009.
(10) W. Ma, Huawei Wang. Loop subdivision surfaces interpolating B-spline curves, Computer-Aided Design, DOI:10.1016/j.cad.2009.03.011, 2009.
(11) Huawei Wang and K. Tang. Biorthogonal wavelet construction for hybrid quad/triangle meshes, Visual Computer, 25 (4): 349-366, April 2009.
(12) Huawei Wang, K. Tang, K. Qin. Biorthogonal wavelets based on gradual subdivision of quadrilateral meshes, Computer Aided Geometric Design, 25 (9): 816-836, 2008.
(13) Huawei Wang, K. Qin, H. Sun. Root 3-Subdivision-based Biorthogonal Wavelets, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Vol. 13, No. 5, pp. 914-925, Sept./Oct. 2007.
(14) Huawei Wang, K. Qin, K. Tang. Efficient wavelet construction with Catmull-Clark subdivision, Visual Computer, 22 (9-11): 874-884, Sep. 2006.
(15) Huawei Wang, K. Qin, H. Sun. Evaluation of Non-Uniform Doo-Sabin Surfaces, International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications, Vol. 15, No. 3, 299-324, Jun. 2005.
(16) Huawei Wang, K. Qin. Surface Modeling with Ternary Interpolating Subdivision, Visual Computer, 21(1-2): 59-70, Feb., 2005.


