教育经历1993-1997年吉林大学数学系 理学学士 理论与应用力学1993-2000年吉林大学数学所 理学硕士 计算力学2000-2004年中国科学院力学研究所 理学博士 流体力学工作经历2004年进入北京应用物理与计算数学研究所工作,2011年评为研究员,先后任第六研究室副主任和主任,现任所副总工程师个人荣誉、所获奖项科技部中青年科技创新领军人才 2018第十二届于敏数理科学奖 2018国家科技进步二等奖 2016军队科技进步一等奖 2015研究领域
1. Baoqing Meng, Junsheng Zeng, Baolin Tian*, Li Li, Zhiwei He, Xiaohu Guo, Modeling and verification of the Richtmyer-Meshkov instability linear growth rate of the dense gas-particle flow, Physics of Fluids, 31(7), 2019.2. Qian Chen, Li Li, Yousheng Zhang*, Baolin Tian*, Effect of Atwood number on the Richtmyer-Meshkov Instability in elastic-plastic media, Physical Review E, 99(5),2019. 3. Haifeng Li, Zhiwei He, Yousheng Zhang*, Baolin Tian*, On the Role of Rarefaction/Compression Waves in Richtmyer-Meshkov Instability with Re-shock, Physics of Fluids, 31(5), 2019.4. Zhiwei He, Baolin Tian*, Yousheng Zhang, Fujie Gao, Characteristic-based and interface-sharpening algorithm for high-order simulations of immiscible compressible multi-material flows, Journal of Computational Physics,333: 247~268, 20175. Yaqun Yu,Baolin Tian*,Zeyao Mo,Hybrid monotonicity-preserving piecewise parabolic method for compressible Euler equations, Computers and FLuids, 159: 1~8, 20176. FujieGao, Zhiwei He, Yousheng Zhang, Baolin Tian*, Formula for growth rate of mixing width applied to Richtmyer-Meshkov instability, Physics of Fluids, 28, 114101, 20167. Yousheng Zhang, Fujie Gao, Zhiwei He, Baolin Tian*, Evolution of mixing width induced by general Rayleigh-Taylor instability, Physics Review E, 93, 063102, 20168. Zhiwei He; Yousheng Zhang; Xinliang Li; Li Li; Baolin Tian* ,Preventing numerical oscillations in the flux-split based finite difference method for compressible flows with discontinuities , Journal of Computational Physics, 300: 269~287, 20159. Baolin Tian, Weidong Shen, Song Jiang, Shuanghu Wang, Yan Liu, A global arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian method for stratified Richtmyer-Meshkov instability,Computers & Fluids, 46 ,113-121, 201110. Baolin Tian, E.F. Toro, C.E. Castro, A path-conservative method for a five-equation model of two-phase flow with an HLLC-type Riemann solver, Computers & Fluids, 46, 122-132,2011中国力学学会流体力学专业委员会CFD专业组成员、中国计算数学学会理事、中国空气动力学学会物理气体动力学专委会委员和北京计算数学学会理事等标签: