2023-05-06 12:08
  • 黄国和
  • 黄国和 - 教授 博导-北京师范大学-环境学院-个人资料




加拿大西蒙雷泽(Simon Fraser)大学:硕士,




J. Sun, Y. P. Li, C. Suo, and G. H. Huang, Identifying changes andcritical drivers of future temperature and precipitation with a hybridstepwise-cluster variance analysis method, Theoreticaland Applied Climatology (Springer), (2019). (SCI IF = 2.321) online inJanuary 2019: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00704-018-02758-9
C. Li, G. H. Huang, G. H. Cheng, M. S. Zheng and N. Zhou, Nanomaterialsin the environment: research hotspots and trends, International journal of environmental research and public health(MDPI), accepted in December 2019. (SCI IF = 2.468)
L. R. Liu, G. H. Huang, B. W. Baetz, Y. R. Guan and K. Q. Zhang,Multi-dimensional hypothetical fuzzy risk simulation model for greenhouse gasmitigation policy development (Ref. No.: APEN-D-19-08243R2), Applied Energy (Elsevier), accepted inDecember 2019. (SCI IF = 8.426)
J. Shen, G. H. Huang, C. J. An, Y. Yao, and X. Y. Xin, Immobilization ofTBBPA on pyrogenic carbon subjected to natural organic matters andfreeze-thawing conditions: Insight into surface functionalization, coverageprocess and binding affinity, Environmental Science: Nano (The Royal Societyof Chemistry), accepted in December 2019. (SCI IF = 7.704)
J. Huang, G. H. Huang, C. J. An, X. Y. Xin, X. J. Chen, Y. Y. Zhao, R. F.Feng, and W. H. Xiong, Exploring the use of ceramic disk filter coated withAg/Zno nanocomposites as an innovative approach for removing escherichia colifrom household drinking water (Manuscript ID: CHEM66523R1), Chemosphere(Elsevier), accepted in December 2019. (SCI IF = 5.108)
S. G. Zheng, G. H. Huang, X. Zhou, and X. H. Zhu, Climate-change impactson electricity demands at a metropolitan scale: a case study of Guangzhou,China (Ref. No.: APEN-D-19-07635R2), AppliedEnergy (Elsevier), accepted in November 2019. (SCI IF = 8.426)
M. Y. Zhai, G. H. Huang, H. Z. Liu, L. R. Liu, C. Y. He, and Z. P. Liu,Three-Perspective Energy-Carbon Nexus Analysis for Developing China's Policiesof CO2-Emission Mitigation (Ref. No.: STOTEN-D-19-10785R2), Science of the Total Environment (Elsevier),accepted in November 2019. (SCI IF = 5.589)
C. B. Wu, P. B. Guan, L. N. Zhong, J. Lv, X. F. Hu, G. H. Huang, and C.C. Li, An optimized low-carbon production planning model for power industry incoal-dependent regions - A case study of Shandong, China (Manuscript ID:EGY_116636), Energy (Elsevier), acceptedin November 2019. (SCI IF = 5.537)
L. R. Liu, G. H. Huang, B. W. Baetz, G. H. Cheng, S. Pittendrigh, and S.Y. Pan, Input-output modeling analysis with a detailed disaggregation of energysectors for climate change policy-making: A case study of Saskatchewan, Canada(Manuscript ID: RENE-D-19-02213R1), RenewableEnergy (Elsevier), accepted in November 2019. (SCI IF = 5.439)
Y. F. Zhang,Y.P. Li, J. Sun, and G.H. Huang, Optimizing water resources allocation and soilsalinity control for supporting agricultural and environmental sustainabledevelopment in Central Asia, Science ofThe Total Environment (Elsevier), accepted in November 2019. (SCI IF =5.589)
X. L. Xu, G. H.Huang, L. R. Liu, J. Z. Li, and M. Y. Zhai, A mitigation simulation method forurban NOx emissions based on input-output analysis (Manuscript ID:JCLEPRO-D-19-03484R1), Journal of CleanerProduction (Elsevier), accepted in November 2019. (SCI IF = 6.395)
Y. Q. Liu, G. H.Huang, C. J. An, X. J. Chen, P. Zhang, R. F. Feng, and W. H. Xiong, Use of nano-TiO2self-assembled flax fiber as a new initiative for immiscible oil/water separation(Manuscript ID: JCLEPRO-D-19-11303R1), Journalof Cleaner Production (Elsevier), accepted in November 2019. (SCI IF =6.395)
L. Ji, B. B.Zhang, G. H. Huang, and P. Wang, A novel multi-stage fuzzy stochasticprogramming for electricity system structure optimization and planning withenergy-water nexus - a case study of Tianjin, China (Ref. No.: EGY_116418), Energy(Elsevier), accepted in October 2019. (SCI IF = 5.537)
B. Y. Zheng, G.H. Huang, L. R. Liu, Y. R. Guan, and M. Y. Zhai, Dynamic wastewater-inducedresearch based on input-output analysis for Guangdong Province, China (Ref.No.: ENVPOL_2019_2300_R1), Environmental Pollution (Elsevier), acceptedin October 2019. (SCI IF = 5.714)
Y. Yao, G. H.Huang, C. J. An, X. J. Chen, P. Zhang, X. Y. Xin, J. Shen, and J. Agnew, Anaerobicdigestion of livestock manure in cold regions: Technological advancements andglobal impacts, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (Elsevier),accepted in October 2019. (SCI IF = 10.556)
P. B. Guan, G.H. Huang, C. B. Wu, L. R. Wang C. C. Li, and Y. Y. Wang, Analysis of emissiontaxes levying on regional electric power structure adjustment with an inexactoptimization model - A case study of Zibo, China, Energy Economics (Elsevier), accepted in August 2019. (SCI IF =4.151)
J. Liu, S. Nie,B. G. Shan, Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, and Z. P. Liu, Development of aninterval-credibility-chance constrained energy-water nexus system planningmodel—a case study of Xiamen, China, Energy(Elsevier), accepted in May 2019. (SCI IF = 5.537)
Z. F. Liu, Y.Zhou, and G. H. Huang, Risk Aversion based inexact stochastic dynamicprogramming approach for water resources management planning under uncertainty,Sustainability (MDPI), 11(24), article 6926 (2019). (SCI IF =2.592)
C. Lu, G. H.Huang, and X. Q. Wang, Projected changes in temperature, precipitation, andtheir extremes over China through the RegCM, Climate Dynamics (Springer), 53(9-10),5859-5880 (2019). (SCI IF = 4.048)
X. Y. Xin, G. H.Huang, C. J. An, and R. F. Feng, Interactive toxicity of triclosan and nano-TiO2to green alga eremosphaera viridis in Lake Erie: A new perspective based onFourier transform infrared spectromicroscopy and synchrotron-based X-Rayfluorescence imaging, EnvironmentalScience & Technology (American Chemical Society), 53(16),9884-9894 (2019). (SCI IF = 7.149)

